1/2 cup oats Pinch of salt 1-11/2 cup water Mix the above ingredients and heat it until oats are cooked. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Choice of fruit (I like bananas or dry cranberries) and a few nuts (I like almonds).
I have a simple curry recipe that I make once a week. 1 table spoon oil 1 cup uncooked lentils 1 tea spoon curry powder 1 tea spoon cummin seeds 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 1/2 cup chopped kale or your choice of leafy green vegetable Salt Ginger garlic paste (optional) Heat oil. Add cumin, curry powder, ginger garlic paste.…
- Eating well has recipes,menus, healthy cooking tips with scientific explanation and all kinda latest food news. It's amazing one of my fav.
Add some fat and protein rich foods like nuts,seeds,eggs, fish and meat. Try to go easy on fruit and add vegetable sauté or raw to meals.
I'm so glad they made it smaller! I received my new small pods last week. Yay
I didn't know about this. This sounds and looks amazing can't wait to talk about this in my next appointment with my doctor. Thanks for posting dear!
I've been T1 for about 17 years now. I use Omni pod pump for 7 now. Request sent :)
Breakfast, lunch dinner all three are important to me lol! Our blood glucose is low in mornings so i think that's why breakfast is important.
- I usually make my own shakes. Whey powder, fruit and almond milk.
don't take relationship advice from people here. you've posted at most 1 paragraph describing your relationship from your perspective only and you're already being told to break up with your husband. this should be a huge red flag alerting you to how silly and uninformed the various relationship advice responses will be on…
Hi there, First I agree with k_ winder that some of the weight you lost earlier was because your pancreas quit on you. I was diagnosed when I was 13 years old ( my first year of high school) I lost 16 lbs in 3 months. I lost 15 % of my body weight in a very short time. It was very sudden. When my bg was gradually coming to…
Impressive! You look great
I always log everything that I eat .add me
Go to food then recipe, then enter new recipe then name it and add ingredients. Hope this helps!
Awesome post! Well done everyone! I too have dropped my TDD from 35-40 to 25-30. Yay!
This will help to start eating flax seeds. I like all the ideas! Thank you I really appritate it!
Hello everyone! T1d for 17 years now I got diagnosed when i was 13, and omni pod pump user. I'm very happy to add you all:)
T1d omni pod user...would love to add you
T1D for 16 years. I use pump too. Request send :)