kel913 Member


  • Non of your first post was informative at all, just your opinion, which was very rudely put! A recent lawsuit against Fitbit and their hr monitors was thrown out as it was proven that fitbit are actually very accurate. Also read the above article posted by briansharpe, it puts a shadow of doubt into your very informative…
    in Heart Rate Comment by kel913 May 2016
  • First of all, I haven't just been relying on the Fitbit, I have also been taking my pulse manually and the Fitbit appears to be pretty accurate. It was the Fitbit that flagged up that I may potentially have a slower heart rate than what I was expecting. It may just be a Fitbit and not an Omron or such but surely I am best…
    in Heart Rate Comment by kel913 May 2016
  • Thanks all, yes I have also been checking my pulse manually and even a friend who is a nurse has checked it too and it is most of the time identical to the Fitbit, other times it is only one or two beats out. Anyhow I am going to go to the doctors as I also suffer from cluster headaches which I have since found out has a…
    in Heart Rate Comment by kel913 May 2016
  • Let's hope they get it sorted soon!
  • Thanks :) checked online and it's all correct on there so it's just the app! I think it's been happening to mine since last update too (although I have it set to update automatically but looking back at the date it was last updated it definitely coincides!) if you could keep us updated @april_slusher03 that would be fab…
  • I think I'm having a similar problem at the mo! For some reason over the last few days MFP has stopped showing the amounts of steps I have done, it used to show them underneath the 'exercise' section and under 'Fitbit calories adjustment' but now it is only saying Fitbit calorie adjustment along with the amount of calories…
  • Thanks guys. Have looked into your suggestions and ordered myself a couple of books :smile:
  • it is honestly as straight forward as logging calories and doing more exercise! I also bought a fitbit which counts steps and I use up the extra calories that I burn just walking around each day (which can be anything from 100 extra calories to 600 extra calories) and that helps in not feeling restricted! any other extra…
  • awe thank you, I treated myself to a new cut and colour a couple of week ago! :)
  • Thank you :) im really shocked because my mindset hasnt changed since day one, its as if someting clicked this time (have tried weight watchers ect before) and i havent looked back! One of the main things that has helped so much is the fact that I only weigh on the last friday of the month where as before I would weigh…
  • Thank you all :) im feeling really happy at the mo and its a nice feeling! :) dont know about being an inspiration to you all though, your my inspiration! :) wouldn't have got through the first few weeks without seeing other people progress to keep me going whilst the new habits were kicking in!
  • Have added you :) im just gone over 80 days of logging and definitely feel more motivated than I have ever done before! Have a lot more to lose than yourself too so will be sticking round a while! :)
  • I bought a fitbit about 2 months ago and love it! :) Im definitely on a mission to lose weight and get fit! Im Kelly 29 from England btw! X :)
  • I tried on one of my fave pair of jeans that I havent fit into in about 8 years and they fit!! Have a slight muffin top but a few more weeks and they will be a perfect fit.... few more weeks on top of that and they will be too big!! :D
    in Monday NSV! Comment by kel913 March 2014
  • Can definitely see a big difference already! Congratulations! You look a similar build to me and I have loose skin already too, I started at 18st 9lb (261lb) and im currently 17st (238lb) after two months and I think no matter what I do I will definitely have loose skin on my stomach! Keep up the fab work!
  • Thanks all :) Yes sorry it was a typo, im am most definitely not 138lb!! Im 238lb! :) The thought of loose skin will definitely not stop me from losing the weight I just worry that I still wont like the way I look, even though it will be a dramatic difference to what I look like now! My boobs have stated to work their way…
    in loose skin Comment by kel913 March 2014
  • Aw thank you all so much, its definitely encouraging that you can all see it too, sometime I just worry that its wishful thinking! Glad my story so far had been inspirational, I find this forum helps me stay motivated and in chuffed that im helping other people too! :)
  • Aw thank you all :) its not actually the thought of it being over my calories that is bothering me, I just feel the need to track it so I dont fall in to bad habits of thinking ooh i might have gone over my calories so I wont bother logging - if you know what I mean?
  • Thank you all :) that has definitely given me a boost, its one of the things im most fed up of is not being able to find shoes to fit so it is another motivator to add to my list! Well done to you all on your journeys!
  • Too right you should be proud, you have done fab! Well done and congrats, very inspiring! :)