

  • Hello, I find myself in your same almost position...well I might be a little shorter. Which may change things! or appearances!! haha. I'll be a support of your health and fitness adventure :]
    in Hello Comment by katesky364 June 2013
  • Yes it is very common that this happens!! we commonly think, 'well hey, If i don't eat, I can't gain anything' yet in fact. You're body will start using your muscle as energy and store it as. So while you're doing this your losing the muscle you had. Starving yourself is extremely bad and can come with many negative…
    in Hello! Comment by katesky364 June 2013
  • I'd love support! and of course i'd love to give you encouragement as well. We'd all like to be the best we can be in life. Only 13pds to go! that would be amazing, and I know you can do it.
    in Hello. Comment by katesky364 June 2013
  • Good to ya! I hope your journey ends well. In this difficult endeavor.