DonPidgeon Member


  • Everything in moderation. Don't worry about if you go over on the 'recommended' value for sugar when eating fruits. But don't binge-eat 5 satsumas in a session because you shouldn't worry. :wink:
  • Hey. Some of the women I dated appreciated me finishing last. Ooops? Thread locked in... 5... 4...
  • This. I stayed out of this thread because of it. I claim my entrance to a misclick.
  • I was partly joking, but you are of course correct. Being introvert is not a big helper when it comes to the dating game. We need girls like you who take initiative. :wink:
  • Of the later ones, I really enjoyed Better Off Ted. British 'The Office' still ranks among the best though. How I met your mother I'm mostly following because I liked Season 1. Considering they're on Season 9 or something now that's a bit of a stretch. :)
  • Does red beard count? At least it used to be red, before it went white. :grumble:
  • I've found it very hard to prove my intelligence and humor when I don't have the looks for them initiate a conversation with me. ;)
  • Crisphead Lettuce (iceberg lettuce, depending on where in the world you live). No nutrition, boring and spoils way too easily.
  • Where to start? Got diagnosed 20 years ago. Did not to a very good job keeping it under control until about 6 years ago when my daughter was born. Having a kid really helps getting your routine under control. My long term values has been steadily improved since then to both my doctor and my own happiness. Started to work…
  • Nah, there seems to be a general consensus that what he writes are hardly groundbreaking. But I like it non-the-less. How is 'You are your own gym'? If CC are '6 big exercises which anyone can start with' how would you categorize that book?
  • Well... I cheat when it comes to planning food. I subscribe to a weekly food plan; so once a week a guy shows up with a bag of groceries and a receipt for 5 days worth of cooking. Sometimes I cancel it the weeks I don't have my daughter and live of the left overs in the freezer from the previous weeks. This cheat has a…
  • Hi all, I'm turning 39 in a couple of days, so I guess I empathize 'somethings' in the 30s. ;) Feel free to add me, friends to follow is welcome.
  • Thanks, will try it out.
  • Stuck on step 2. Even built my own TRX system since I couldn't do it from under a table. Squats, Leg Raises and Push-ups I've progressed on, but pull-ups just won't happen.
  • Feel free to add me if you're not scared of the metric system. ;)
  • What web186 said. You should not experiment with the foods for a diabetic. If he runs into complications due to eating wrong it can go very bad, very fast.
  • Did you excercise before? Could be that you are replacing the fat with muscles. Weighs about the same, but is denser, thus your clothes fit you better but you are not losing any actual weight.
  • I pack the left-overs from the previous day. Since I've already calculated the calories from that meal I just put the same amount in the container and write the calories amount on the box. That way I never have to remember how much it had and just add it during microwaving it at work. Same thing with the food I freeze,…
  • 38 y/o starting with 30 pounds to lose to begin with. Started out a week ago or so. Aiming to get rid of that overweight BMI status. Let's see where it goes. I've decided to index everything; endomondo for running, fitbit one for daily activity and fitbit aria for weighting.