Welcome! Say hello....



  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Bebe!!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked and strength training challenges for the month.

    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • Eztli55
    Eztli55 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello :)
    I just turned 30 about two weeks ago. Starting a new chapter in my life. Setting goals and hoping to reach them and having a healthier lifestyle.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Eztli55!!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked and strength training challenges for the month.

    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member

    My name is Julie and I'm 33 years old. I just started logging back onto MFP about 3 weeks ago but I have been working on losing weight since the end of January. Now that I am feeling confident with my eating habits I am working on adding in exercise.
  • jesgaa
    jesgaa Posts: 17
    Hi! I'm Jestina and I'm about to turn 32. I'm looking for ways to eat healthier and stay in shape. I'm new to MFP and loving it so far! I've always yo-yo'd between 120 and 145 and I'd like to settle around 130-135.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Julie and Jestina!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • Hello! My name is Stacy and I just started MFP this week. I am motivated and ready to go! I have made alot of changes in the last year and sadly allowed the pounds to add up. I love this site and am very excited to get involved with conversations and challenges with this group.
  • leanlynn
    leanlynn Posts: 3
    Hi I'm trying to get back on track and focused on changing my lifestyle to be fit of life! Needing friends/accountability buddies to share with and help me with the transition to a better me. Looking forward to the interaction with like-minded people and the support from the group. Add me :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Stacy and leanlynn!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! drinker:

  • faytherubea
    faytherubea Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Jo -
    I just started this site earlier this week. I am working on bringing my weight down to a healthier weight. I hope focusing on creating balance and moderation in my life (work, play, and health) will reach that goal for me. I looked through some of your posts, and your group seems positive & motivated. Thank you!
  • jellyjojo
    jellyjojo Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Joni and I've decided to take action before its too late. I don't have a lot to lose (just the 10lbs I put on recently). I've never been a big girl but because I'm short- the extra pounds tend not to sit too well on me. In my younger days I used to be able to shift the extra weight relatively quickly and without much effort (a tale a lot of you are familiar with I'm sure) but these days its much harder. Also I recently had to change my method of contraception (I've gone from the pill to the depo provera injection) resulting in me finding it extremely hard to control how much I throw down my neck most of the time!! So I've decided that if I cant stop eating I should at least try to counter act this by starting up running again- plus the further away from the fridge I am- the better!

    Good luck to all my fellow thirty somethings - any advise would be much appreciated!:smile::happy:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Joni and faytherubea!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • chamily82
    chamily82 Posts: 1
    hey everyone
    my name is chantel, im 30 and my weight is out of control. Im an outgoing kinda girl with a big personality and my weight is starting to get to me. Nice to know there is a group fro us 30 somethings...
  • DonPidgeon
    DonPidgeon Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm turning 39 in a couple of days, so I guess I empathize 'somethings' in the 30s. ;)

    Feel free to add me, friends to follow is welcome.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group chantel and DonPidgeon!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month - May's is almost over but we will be starting another for June.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    hello, my name is Jen.. i'm 36..divorced..with 4 kids.. (girls at that!) i have always been overweight but it seems after every kid I lose some weight, but I always gain it back after i stop breast feeding. well the same happened with the last baby. I was up to 171 lbs which is the most i'd been in at least 5 years. I decieded I was tired of feeling tired and bad about myself. I went on to start eating clean, and counting my calories. Since March 1st, i've lost 20lbs! Yay! I've bene stuck at a plateau and it seems EVERYtime I lose weight I get stuck at 150.. I can't budge past it..and I don't budge over it. Its VERY frustrating!

    I eat the healthiest I think I have EVER eat, and I'm trying to beat this plateau. I work out about 3 days a week, mostly doing Jillian michaels videos.. either no more trouble zones, or the metabolism one. My job is a grocery job, and i'm on my feet 8+ hours a day, lifting, moving, walking, running, and skipping at times it seems! I dont even feel like I need a workout after that job! I'm attempting to up my protein and see if I can bust through the 150's. Can't wait to read everyones posts!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Jen!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month - May's is almost over but we will be starting another for June.

    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • Hi, I'm Ben! This is my first week on MFP and my first group. The Calorie Counter is making it really easy for me to make good decisions and avoid bad decisions. I'm eating a lot of chicken these days. Feel free to add me :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Ben!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of June.

    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hello, I'm Kasi. I joined this group a while back but never actually opened a thread until today. Recently I've just been using MFP for the challenges. The seem to keep me focused but two of them just ended leaving me with time to venture out for other support systems. I added my name for the MIles Walked challenge/goal thing. What is the 3 month self challenge? Is it too late to join? I'm glad I finally decided to look into this group... lots of good stuff going on here:bigsmile:
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