Welcome! Say hello....

GB333 Posts: 261 Member
Hello there 30 somethings! Welcome to "our" place! Tell us about yourself....


  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I am 32. I still consider myself a newlywed (we got married in October of 2010). No kids, but we do have two dogs and a cat who are our "kids." I'm a career gal, although I usually hate working.

    So far I've lost 21lbs with the help of MFP and have about 16 more to go!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Hello I just turned 30 this past February, I have 3 kids and I work full time and go to school, look forward to meet other people my age on here, feel free to add me as a friend, I am about halfway to my goal
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi there! And YAY for Ohio! ;) I'm from Dayton and went to Wright State, but I live in Tennessee now.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi! My name is Tanya and I am 34. I had my beautiful daughter on my 30th birthday. I am married, work full time, have a 4 year old girl and I live in New Jersey. I would like to loose about 10 more pounds and then see where I want to go from there. Looking foward to meeting everyone here my own age.
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    Hello!!! :) I'm 34. On 2nd marriage (1st marriage to high school sweetheart was NOT healthy; rollar coaster emotionally, then he died in work related accident 3 mos after we split in Jan 2006). God had a plan for me though and my life is SOOOO much better now.

    Have 17 yr old "bonus son" (from 1st marriage), 15 yr old daughter, 11 yr old bonus daughter (from this marriage), and 7 yr old son who is all boy and drives me crazy! :)

    My relationship with God, my family, and my friends are my main things in life. Oh..and that work thing..Boring desk job! ;) As we all do, need to spend a little more time on ME!

    Married 10/10/10 to a cousin of my best friend / neighbor growing up. So, he and I have been good friends since I was 10..NEVER knew he had a "thing" for me. BFF finally pushed us together 3 years ago..now I'm living my happily ever after. I've been on a weight yo-yo my whole life. I was always "thick" and muscular and just accepted that my body would be 150-160 always. With help of MFP, I've dropped down to 141 (at my lowest) from 170. I haven't weighed below 140 since 4th or 5th grade! :)

    Recently tried to quit smoking (not 100% successful, still sneak one when my son really stresses me out), and gained 10 lbs. Just started a 15 lb challenge with some family members..so I reset my weight on here to "0 lost" yesterday to track the 15 lbs. My main goal is to shed these last 15 lbs, kill my desire to smoke, and tone up.

    In 2006, I weighed 150-155 and had lower body fat % and looked better the mirror when I was circuit training daily. Would like to get back to that "I actually like myself naked" state of mind! :) Of course..that was 5 years ago..we all know our body is changing! ;)

    So..lose the last 15, muscle up, reduce body fat%, and WANT to not smoke! And continue on this healthy journey with as many friends and loved ones I can take with me! :)

    Have a healthy week!!!
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    Hello all... Well in this group I will admit to my actual age... I just turned 31 2 months ago but figured since I get carded for buying rated R movies I claim to be 18 and get away with it, even with 5 kids. :-), I live in Texas with my husband and our 5 children. I am a law student for a few more months, and home school my kids year around..

    Right now I weigh 133 but would like to get back to my weight when i was 20.. which is 115 but would be happy at 125
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    Hi I'm Lindsay, I turned 30 in january, so pretty close to 31, of course I say it seems as if nothing good will happen until I'm 35 so I'm 31 and 1/5. I have been with my fiancee for 7.5 years, engaged for almost 5 of those years. We have 3 cats, he has a 22 year old son from his previous marriage, his son has a GF, and they have a 2 and 4 year old daughters. they live with my fiancees ex-wife, but those kids are a whole nother jerry Springer story of stress. I work for my dad, and with my mom, in many ways i feel as if I am training them both, and I am also currently trying to quit smoking. My part time job closed at the end of september, and at the same time my fiancee and I bought some land up north, so money has been tight, and life has been stressful.

    I keep saying I am a survivor, and will make it thru whatever comes my way.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I'm Janet, I'm 32, with 1 son but my fiancee has two boys and a girls so we have a house full...I have always struggled with my weight but more than anything I want to feel confident and healthy...it's not all about being skinny anymore. Guys like curves:)
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Hello! I am 30-something.

    Ok, Ok... 37. Closer to that 40 than I care to admit - but feeling better than I ever have!

    Married for 15 years, to steal another poster's term... I have a *bonus* daughter from hubby's first marriage (I adopted her finally last year, a bio daughter, and a bio son.

    I am completely addicted to MFP and Zumba.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Hi, guys!!! Just joined! I'm Kandy (KJ as I'm called here) Married and mom of 2 kiddos...
    I'm 34 (35 tomorrow... wow)
    I lost 40 lbs last year and got injured and gained 30 back :angry: AND I realize in my 30's that weight doesn't come off as easily as it did when I was younger LOL Looking forward to getting to know you guys.
  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi 30 Somethings! My name is Tricia. I'm 32, a wife, daughter, sister and mother of 3 . I have been overweight my entire life and have tried pretty much every diet /program /fad there is. I joined MFP and really commited to losing weight in May of this year. So far, with help from all my MFP's, I have lost 30lbs. I still have about another 26lbs to go, but we'll see how I feel when I get there. I work full-time as a loan officer at a small Credit Union, so I sit all day long. I am currently working on moving more (15 minute breaks, 1/2 of my lunch hour and when I get home from work) whether it be walking, climbing stairs or something I am really working on... jogging (not so good at it yet). I have also cleaned up my eating habits. I use to never eat breakfast, hardly eat lunch, drink coffee all day long and then eat crap for dinner. I now eat breakfast, morning snack, lunch, sometimes afternoon snack and dinner everyday. I limit my coffee to 2 cups per day and try to get all 64oz of water down in a day. I have not joined a group before and am excited both for the experience and to meet some new 30 somethings with similar goals. :o)
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Hello, name is Olivia, i'm from Colorado, I'm 33 - no kids, just a hubby that acts like one! We enjoy being outside, looking forward to snowboarding season, hoping i can fit in my pants! Eek! Gained weight back that I had previously lost on MFP due to new job, stress, and lack of working out. So I'm back at it and loving it all over again. Learned my lesson! :drinker:
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    Hey Mjbrowne - I was married on 10-10-10 too!! :)
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Maura, 31 from Boston. Seems like a fun group!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    So far, aside from getting married in my 20s, my 30s have been WAY better!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Don't you know??? WE ARE THE DURTY30'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Far more fun than our the generation before us, and one hell of a lot more educated on life than the ones after us :)

    I'm Bryce, 39, Life has taught me some tough ****...good thing Im smart and learn quickly!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    36 here, but told I look 24. I plan to go out of my 30s feeling better than I did when I came into them!
  • Hi all. My name is Laura. I will be 35 next month. I consider myself an "oldie" when it comes to family life. I have been married for 16.5 years, have three kids (14, 8 and 6), three dogs, a cat, two betta fish and work full time. Needless to say we are busy all the time. This has made gaining weight really easy! The losing part is proving to be a lot more challenging! It has taken a while, but, I feel like I am finally getting comfortable in my own skin and who I am as I enjoy the mid-30's. So glad to find this group!
  • evansjune
    evansjune Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Heather and I'm 32. I have 3 amazing boys (12, 11 and 8) and have been married for 14 years. Can't ready to get back to my old self!
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    Gretchen..Hubby picked date b/c it's one he can't forget AND it's John Prine's bday (our fave artist)! :)

    Big Daddy-i LOVE that..DURTY THIRTIES!!! Still young enough to be hip (even if my daughter rarely admits it), but "mature" enough to make better choices!! AND STILL HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Weight loss has been easier for me in past few years through diet..but the getting in shape and toning up part is WAY harder than in my 20s. More aches and pops when I get out of bed in the morning! ha!

    Let's all go down this healthy journey together...and have some laughs while we're at it! (I am kinda goofy and poke fun at myself alot-and my loved ones-but all in good fun!!!)
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Hello 30-somethings! My name is Jose. Have been on MFP actively for since around April. Married 9years, no kids by choice.
    I used to weigh 255 back in 2007. Got to a low of 165 in 2009 before falling off the wagon in 2010 and gaining 30 lbs back.
    2011 is the year my wife and I decided to change things for good, and we are both currently below the weights we got to back in '09. NIce to have a group of folks around our age!
  • damecaite42
    damecaite42 Posts: 24 Member
    Greetings, all! I'm Kay and I'm 32. I've been married to Ben for a little more than four years. No kids yet (had a miscarriage a little more than a year ago, and no luck yet, but we're still trying!) but we do have three cats that are very special to us! I work as a speech-language pathologist in a private group practice, where I see a variety of ages, primarily preschoolers and elementary aged kids, but also the occasional high schooler and adult.

    As far as my weight loss journey is concerned, I was at my highest weight (around 200) several years ago (during college, I think, and then again a few years later.) This latest segment of my weight loss journey started in January, 2010, when I joined First Place 4 Health at my church (started around 175 lbs.) I lost about 20-25 pounds over the course of about 7 or 8 months, and then after my miscarriage, I got stuck in the same five pound range for about a year (150-155.) Part of the getting stuck was also that I had arthroscopic hip surgery in February (2011), so my exercise was significantly limited while I was recovering. I got back on track this last summer by going cold turkey on the sugary snacks at work (primarily cookies, of which I am unable to eat only one) and switching from dairy to unsweetened almond milk. I've been losing pretty steadily since then, particularly with my increase in physical activity, although I was recently told by my orthopedist that I should not try running again until the spring. (Running was the reason for my hip injury.) I had tried to add it back in this summer, but it made my hip start hurting again, so I stopped on my own. I'm actually feeling OK about laying off the running, as I've found some alternatives that I really enjoy. I had gone through the P90X lean program a couple of years ago, so I've been integrating some of those workouts into my exercise routine. And I got the P90X+ dvds, and the interval and kenpo cardio workouts give me a great burn! So I'm not really missing the running, which is good, because I was really bummed when I had to stop running the first time (when I injured my hip and got tendinitis in my ankle.)

    Anyway, I'm almost to my goal weight- in fact I think I may hit it at my official weigh in on Saturday. I did a closet purge (to get rid of all the clothes that are way too big) last weekend and did a little bit of shopping, too- I was so psyched when a size 8 from the clearance rack at Target actually fit! Since I was in the groove of changing things up, I chopped my hair (around 8 inches, I think) and am feeling great! I'm trying to decide what goals to focus on beyond maintaining my goal weight. I joined the 100 push-ups group, but that's only 6 weeks long. Still, little by little, I'm getting stronger and more fit. Yippee!

    Wow, I wrote a lot! But now you all know at least a little bit about me! :)

  • Hello I am Shirley and I just turned 33 last month. Have been married for 7 years and I have two kids 4 and 2. I have been here on MFP for a year and have really struggled with loosing weight fast like some people are able to. I have lost 20lbs and still have about 13lbs to go. That would put me at 130lbs, once I get there I will determine if I want to go down to 120 or just work on toning my muscles instead of loosing more weight.

    I have always been athletic or have done some type of exercise, I believe that after getting married, having kids and hitting the 30s this journey has become really hard.

    I used to run cross country and have trained for a marathon but due to a knee injury I was not able to run the marathon. When I met my husband I was in the best shape of my life I literally used to spend two hours at the gym everyday.

    But now I have to find the time to workout while juggling a full time job, full time mommy, full time wife etc etc etc LOL!!!!.
  • Hi everyone,

    I am new at trying to eat healthy along with losing weight. So far it is going okay. I think about food all the time so that is going to be the struggle for me. I would like to weigh 135. I have 16 more pounds to go. I know I can do this but in the past when ever I start anything new I end up quitting within a week or two. One day at a time is all I can do. I don't want to plan to far ahead.

    Oh and I am 35, single mom and never been married.:smile:

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  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Gina, I'm 34, will be 35 in January. I'm engaged and still planning my March 17, 2012 wedding...yes, it's on St. Patrick's Day! Neither my fiance or I have kids, but as soon as we say our "I DOs" we'll start trying. I have been overweight/obese my entire life and struggled with dieting for as long as I can remember. I've recently changed my attitude about weight loss and it's worked. I'm down a little over 80lbs so far and plan on be 100lbs down by wedding day!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I'm Kellie and I'm 38, so I only have 2 years left here before I have to move on to the 40 somethings, lol! I finally decided to follow this healthy lifestyle thing (lol) all the way through. I quit smoking and hopped on the healthy path in February of this year. Since then, I've lost over 50 lbs and haven't had a cigarette. Life is pretty damn good. Go Bucks!
  • HI All,

    I'm Shauna, turning 31 in a little over a week. :/ My twenties were super rough, my precious son was diagnosed with Autism and for a while my life was a mess. I have been with my fiance' for over 8 years and together we have been through it all. He was in denial at first about our son and I was so alone. Needless to say I let my weight go and ate more out of depression. Getting heavy and not getting excersize made it worse!!! Life has turned around for me this year. I can finally say I am happy and at peace. My boy has grown into a wonderful kid and is doing better then I ever thought. We still have to give up many things due to his anxiety but I woul do anything for him.. After seperating and realizing we could not live without eachother, my fiance and I became engaged about 2 months ago, and to top it off I left a super stressful job for something much better. Now I am ready to get healthier and live life! The saying "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" may sound cliche' but it is the truth!
    I really like reading all your stories and gl to all on your journey...
  • jsharpnack
    jsharpnack Posts: 37 Member
    Hello fellow 30 somethings!!! it's nice to have a group with many of the same concerns and goals. I am on my second marriage and have a 14 year old son, a 13 (going on 21) year-old step-daughter and 10 year old step son. I work as a district manager in Finance and I teach riding lessons in my spare time (lol). I have been an avid horse-person my entire life. I am a purple belt in taekwon do( along with my 14 year old) but have taken a break from that for a bit sice my father passed away suddenly. I find it hard to not hit drive-thrus in my busy travels. I am trying to lose a pound a week and am at 11 lbs so far. Looking forward to hearing from all of you and managing the holiday food cravings!
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    Hey, guys!! I'm Heather (of course :laugh: ). I'm 38 and married with 2 kids, 17 and 11. I work at home as a medical transcriptionist, which keeps me extraordinarily busy most days. The plan (god, I hope) is to reach my goal size of 6/8 before I turn 40. Can't ya just hear that clock ticking with Final Countdown playing in the background? :laugh:
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Hi! My name is Sheila and I'm 33 and a mother of three by three different men, none of which I am with now. They were all unhealthy/abusive relationships and I finally got my eyes opened and broke the cycle. I'm pretty sure that those relationships are a good part of the reason I ballooned up to 170 (I'm only 4'11") since none of them believed I could actually lose the baby fat/weight after pregnancy. Plus, they all ate horribly and I was always expected to cook them their favorite foods. Anyhow, that part of my life is all over now. I'm with a man who ACTUALLY loves me, who does just as much (if not more sometimes) of the cooking and cleaning as I do, and who supports me in everything I do. We're scheduled to be legally married this Feb and to have a big wedding in Sept.My kids are a (almost) 15 yr old girl who lives with her paternal grandparents and two boys aged 3 and 7 who live with me full time. They definitely keep me busy and moving most days! I'm currently working as an optician at a WalMart Vision center and I'm pretty happy with that. All in all, my life is so much better and healthier now in EVERY way and I am extremely grateful for it. I'm getting very close to my goal and hoping I can attain it before my 34th birthday at the end of Feb. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you!!! :)
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