sahiratorres Member


  • I loved it! I gained strength in my arms that I didn't have before. Able to do unmodified moves. It was great! I started the strength calendar this week. How about you? Doing the strength calendar?
  • Yep. Sometimes I switch it up from what's on the calendar depending on how much time I have free. I still want to get in a workout so I would do a shorter workout too. Yesterday I didn't because there were so many errands to run after work. So, my rest day was yesterday and I will work out Friday. On last week of month 2!…
  • Sumo squats while holding you lil guy? Wow! Dedication. :D Did Strength Intervals yesterday. I was running low on time so I switched it up a bit. I tried zumba once but my two left feet got in the way. Do you feel energized afterwards?
  • Sorry for the late reply. It's been crazy since last Wednesday over at this end. I hope all is well on your end. I would love to walk 2 miles without interruptions. I live in a big city so either people will get in your way, without the crosswalk signs stopping you, or without going around the block over and over again.…
  • Doesn't it feel great when you need to buy new smaller clothes and they start to feel great? Congrats! I completely understand about it not being about the size. For me, it's like I haven't been this small since I was a 20! You know? I need to do that myself but I'm in between sizes so we'll see.
  • Oh no! Sorry to hear about the disc. Did you try playing it on something else like your computer? That sometimes help. At least you are being sent another one. Sculpt was no joke. My buns and legs are still on fire. :D It's my favorite workout so far.
  • It's the last day of Month 1. Who's happy? I am! I noticed that I am getting stronger and stronger and I love it! So... Many people think... I ate healthy and worked out all week I am going to reward myself with going out to eat and ordering whatever I want... lets think about that. A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories.…
  • I can completely understand codycsweet about the TOM. I have a condition on that at it can rule my life if I let it. I am glad you decided to tell it you are in charge. Awesome attitude! Love it!
  • WATER DAY!!! Today focus on drinking enough water! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! Did you know that the rule of thumb of how much water you should drink in a day is half your body weight in ounces? So, if you weigh 150 lb, then you should drink 75 oz of water a day.
  • Nice morning workout! My hours changed so I have to go to work earlier and I am not willing to wake up even earlier to workout. So, I do it when I get home. Maybe I'll switch back when my hours change again. Let's talk about food! Your challenge is to try something new or re­try something you didn’t like the first time.…
  • So true... this isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Sweat is no joke! Here's the thought of the day... Remember how you feel AFTER your workout! That feeling of energy, strength, and accomplishment! You deserve to feel success after you complete each of your workouts! It is something to celebrate! Most people would say…
  • Yeah! Sometimes you have to look at past meals and hit a reset button.
  • Last day of Week 3! I think it's time to refocus on your goals and why you started this journey! Dig down deep and realize this journey is more than just making the number on the scale go down. It is about gaining self confidence, feeling sexy in your skin, or maybe its proving to yourself that you will stick and finish…
  • Nice codycsweet! Happy for you that you are on maintenance! Walking is still a good form of exercise.
  • Hi all! How is everyone doing? What do you have on the menu for today? I'm still trying to figure that out. I just know my breakfast. I had my shakeo with coffee so it was like mocha chocolate. First time trying it and it was good!
  • Right? I was glad that I was too busy at work to sit. Took too long to get up when I did. lol Let’s talk “trigger foods”. Trigger foods are meals or specific foods that you can’t have JUST ONE. For example… if you know that you can’t have just one slice of pizza without having 2, 3, 4 more… it’s best you stay away from it…
  • May I say codycsweet that I love your attitude? Because I do. :D You are so right, if we tumble, it's okay. We are not perfect. We are human beings. As long as it doesn't become a habit, any ill effects will go away with some calorie burning. Like BUNS! Omg... as I type this... I have to keep shifting in my chair. lol We…
  • Hey codycsweet! Welcome back from camping! Nice way to keep active. I love how you have mini rewards and one big one for when you ultimately reach your goal. It's a good way to reward what you have accomplished today and tomorrow. You are right in not beating yourself up when you slip up. Just acknowledge it and do better…
  • Happy Sunday everyone! Rewards are an important part of the process. We need to celebrate what we’ve accomplished! But rewarding ourselves with food is the wrong way to go. When you think of bad food as a reward it has higher value in your mind than healthy meals. What’s something you can reward yourself with, without…
  • Hi Julie! Welcome! Each week I start a new thread and I post something for the day to get the mind going on our fitness journey. Look out for those. :D How do you like it so far? I also will be sending you a friend request.
  • Haven't seen many people post in the group. What are you struggling with today? We can all be honest in here and we will all go through different obstacles. Post below what is your biggest struggle and comment giving someone else advice on how they can overcome that struggle!
  • It's almost the end of Week 2. How is everyone doing? I'm sore but it comes with the territory so I am okay with it. Let's talk about clean eating. People always talk about “Eating Clean.” But what does that really mean? Here is a video that simply explains eating clean. Search…
  • Here is a healthy recipe! Salsa Chicken Recipe... This recipe is so easy and delicious! Have you guys been on Pinterest or Blogs or YouTube looking for new recipes? When you find one post it in this group!
  • Yay for AC! I hear ya when you are tired and just want to sleep but can't... you start to snack a bit more that what you are use to. So, I try to get my sleeping habits under control and have healthy snacks at home.
  • How is everyone doing today? Are you seeing any progress in what you can do today that you were not able to do on Day 1 of PiYo? I'm able to do Warrior 3 without holding onto a chair. But, once she wants us to touch the floor... I need the chair. But, any progress is progress!
  • Don’t focus on what you cannot eat! If that is what you focus on that is what you will crave and you will start to feel deprived. Many people ask me “What should I eat?” And my answer is take out a pen and piece of paper and write down all healthy foods that you like. Make a list… Then when you have that list think of…
  • Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that. I hope the weather cools down soon. You definitely don't want to overheat. But, at least you got your steps in.
  • Yeah codycsweet! Your little one just wants to help and join you. :D Improvement is what we are looking for. If you start with the modified, see if you can do the regular exercise. If you can, great! If you can't, that's fine. Check back next time. That's what I plan do with the rest day. I'll see how my day is and if my…
  • Today is the last day of Week 1 so it is time to reflect. What are you proud of yourself for this week. Pay no attention to the “mess ups” or “failures”. Focus on what you did right, and do more of that. What you focus on, you get more of. So let’s not pay ANY attention to anything negative. So excited to hear what part/s…
  • Pigeon is nice... my body says thank you! lol