NinerUp Member


  • hope things get better for you.
  • This is true. Its all about connecting your mind with the muscle you want to work. Check out the guys in prison. They removed all the weightlifting equipment but they are still yoked!
  • thats so cool. very happy for you!
  • I struggled with type 2 for 17 yrs. This past april i eliminated all wheat, sugar and grains from my diet. My blood sugar has been perfect ever since then. I started with wheat first. That decreased my cravings. Then i just eliminated the rest. I feel great. Look up Wheatbelly. Here goes the link to his blog.…
    in Frustrated! Comment by NinerUp July 2013
  • I cut my calories down way low and my weight loss stalled. I got frustrated and pigged out. Guess what happened? I lost weight! Im not saying you should pig out but maybe up your calories. Avacados and macadamia nuts are good. Eat fat to lose fat.
    in 1200 cals Comment by NinerUp July 2013
  • It is possible. Stay away from anything that is white. Flour, rice, sugar and starchy vegtables. I had that surgery and have gained most of the weight back. Although I am grateful for the time it has bought me. My health was failing big time very rapidly. I wish i had the knowledge i have now about eating right. If i could…