Extremely discouraged

Hello all,
I officially committed to my weight loss journey a little over three weeks ago.
After calculating my caloric intake per day vs what I burn (BMR) daily, I should be on track to lose 2lbs a week.
I have been working out 5-6 (sometimes 7) days a week for AT LEAST 30 minutes. I'm not talking about whimpy, half-arsed exercising, I'm working my BUTT off and sweating bullets- not an easy feat.
I felt great for the first two weeks, but I've officially hit a slump.
I feel larger than I was before, BUT I've lost 9 inches in total from different parts of my body, including 2 inches in my waist.
No clothes are fitting looser, and I don't feel ANY different. PLUS, I've gained almost TWO POUNDS.

What the heck am I doing wrong? I'm so frustrated. I feel like I'm doing everything right, but I'm not SEEING any results.



  • yoyogirl1
    yoyogirl1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there.....I know it's hard when you feel like you're doing so much to change yourself and nothing is happening. You've lost inches, and that's great.....focus on that for now. 3 weeks is not a long time....I've been at this exercise and food thing for 4 months...and it's slow hard work....I feel like I am just now getting a handle on things and seeing the results I want, but slow and steady is better than fast and unsustainable. Be kind to yourself.....just go thru it one day at at time...make good food decisions every day, and you'll be fine!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I've lost 9 inches in total from different parts of my body, including 2 inches in my waist.

    What the heck am I doing wrong? I'm so frustrated. I feel like I'm doing everything right, but I'm not SEEING any results.


    You're doing nothing wrong except being a slave to the scale. Scales lie. Listen to your measuring tape instead. And take photos.
  • Hi...........my name is Chris first off breathe, sit down and relax your mine. I feel your energy and focus is really amped up, you must realize it's a process. The body reduces weight in multiple area's and never where you think it should be. Your body is also trying to calculate this attack it's receiving at a molecular level. Stay with your caloric goal and keep taking measurements (bi-weekly) above every joint section in your body, this will tell the true story of your body change. I have noticed that weeks go by and no weight loss, then all of a sudden 6 lbs lighter on the scale. I believe that weight loss is a physical attribute.ie.... people think that sweat and thermogenic temperature increases weight loss......false.......You may be putting in the work and eating better, but ask yourself a question! How does fat come off my body? Answer it's cellular tissue build up...ie ..you must flush it out through bathroom use.....Long story short if your PROTIEN and FIBER are not elevated or increased the weight will fall off the tissue but sit in deposit area's untill you increase bathroom use .................Hope his helps:happy: :happy:
  • Thank you both. Your comments were touching and very helpful/motivating!
    I DO need to stop being a slave to that darn scale, you are both right!
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    I know it gets discouraging but hang in there and it will happen! I started faithfully logging and exercising on May 6th and was at 193. I lost and gained back the same 2-3 pounds for the past 60 days and on June 6th (after what I felt was a lot of hard work & yo yo-ing back and forth) I was at 193.4! Talk about frustrated! I felt like I was eating right, exercising, but NOTHING was happening but everyone just kept saying keeping doing it.

    Then this week, doing absolutely nothing different, I weighed 191.4 on Saturday, July 6. Then on Thursday I weighed in at 188.6, Friday 186.6, and today, 186.0 ! 5.4#'s!! I had to get on the scales 2 or 3 times each day to just look at the numbers because I was so amazed and so excited! 3 weeks isn't enough time for your body to realize you mean business. Just keep plugging and doing what you're doing and you will start seeing results. Everyone kept telling me this and now I'm finally starting to see it.
  • Great advice, thank you :)
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Do not give up. Fat is hard, fit is hard, choose your hard. I'm not giving up!
  • NinerUp
    NinerUp Posts: 8 Member
    hope things get better for you.