

  • don't stress too much about it just work out a little longer tomorrow.
  • check thse recipes, I tried most them them out when I did my juice fast and they are pretty good.
    in Juicing Comment by jerzus October 2011
  • I saw that documentary and the story of the truck driver inspired me to try it and I did it for 2 months, lost 50 pounds. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The first 2-3 days I wasn't feeling too great because my body was getting all the toxins out, but after that I really felt great, I had lots of energy…
    in Juicing Comment by jerzus September 2011
  • Bump for the great post, and you look great!!
  • Hi, welcome to MFP and congratulations on the baby. I too just started using this site so feel free to add me as a friend.
  • congratulations on your progress so far. I know what you mean about not seeing any changes in the mirror. I'm going through the same phase, people keep telling me that I look thinner but I just don't see it in the mirror. Don't let that bother you though, I'm sure you do see a difference on your body and how your clothes…
  • Hello there, welcome to the site. I hope it helps you reach your goal.
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