

  • I have been stuck on my current weight for toooo long. I was really being consistant at a pound a week and the past three months have been very, very trying. Is dicouraging to know you're doing the right thing and your body is not cooperating! Anyway, I'm going to make February the month for jumping off the plateau. I'm…
  • Hi Shayla, Hang in there girl. I am much older than you (55) and for much of my life didn't have to worry about my weight. Learning to control my diet, not give in to fast food temptation and getting into an excerise routine as been really, really hard for me. Fortunatly I have my daughter who started this journey with me…
  • I'm in Kalamazoo, MI and the snow just started here. It's going to be fun! I only have a 15 min drive home but I'm not looking forward to it!