

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I stayed off of the boards yesterday, mostly due to being a baby and feeling depressed about not having water. But - the light has dawned! After 10 days, We have water! I just washed my hands, and started the dishwasher! I am going to flush the toilet, and do laundry, and cook, and take a shower, and . . .

    We had over a foot of snow last night, so home today. Hubby is getting ready to go to work, three hours late. I have been sewing up a storm - I'm making a new quilted diaper bag for my daughter. Check with you all later!
  • dkn3208
    I have been stuck on my current weight for toooo long. I was really being consistant at a pound a week and the past three months have been very, very trying. Is dicouraging to know you're doing the right thing and your body is not cooperating! Anyway, I'm going to make February the month for jumping off the plateau. I'm determined and I'm going to do it. Can't wait to put those shorts on this spring!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Good luck with your surgery, Amanda!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I have been lazy about posting; it's been a week. I think I will do better if I check in more frequently. My weight is going nowhere since December. No loss, no gain. A little variance up and down but basically nothing....:embarassed:

    The good news is the gym is FINALLY going to reopen. The bad news is it doesn't happen until March 5th. :grumble: And March is way full of events and road trips for me. I so want to get back into the gym regularly. I like to go someplace with lots of equipment and have at it hard and come home. I got in a 3 mile walk up and down the driveway yesterday and will do it again today.

    Mary - So glad you got your water back. I've spend days without water too, once during a hurricane for a week, and it is not fun! It's bad enough not having air conditioning in August but no water too? Ugh. I intend to purchase an old fashioned hand pump before hurricane season. I was thinking one could be incorporated into our well system pipes but DH didn't think so. We asked the guy that worked on the system last year and he said it would work. I found one online and am going to get it ordered.

    Oh, and congratulations on the first pound loss in a year!:flowerforyou: You have broken the lull now - yippee!

    Amanda - Buying long johns in the children's section? That made me smile. It would be so much fun to do! It must be very reassuring to know how healthy you now are in preparation for your surgery. I'm sure you will go through it with flying colors. :drinker:

    It's nice to see all all the new people here committed to a healthier lifestyle. I feel so much better with 34 pounds gone. I am eager to find out how I will feel when I get rid of the remaining pounds.

    There were many posts I wanted to comment on but due to laziness I didn't start a document and keep track as I read.

  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I am so glad that you have water!!! Excellent! Soak in a tub, you deserve it!:happy:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Mary so glad you have water. I too have had to do without for storms and such and it is not fun.
    Amanda, doesnt it feel great to go shopping and get stuff that fits and looks goo.d The children's section. great. Good luck on your surgery. What kind of valve are you getting. Both my mom and my brother had a valve replacement. It runs in my moms family, 3 of her siblings had it also. Faye, good job on staying the same. That is an accomplishment in itself. You can lose again just buckle down and get on the wagon. Went to grocery this morning to get some staples for my good eating plan. My food is so expensive. I know though that I am actually saving cause wont be eating out much. We tend to do a lot of that and I am trying hard to cut back. So in reality the money I spent at the grocery is only about 2 meals out. Hope you all have a great day. Talk to you later.
    Vicki m
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi ladies. I have been lurking during my moments of boredom on the job but nothing really to write. I am struggling with getting into the rhythm of getting up so early and eating right. It is so easy to fall back into the habits I had 2 years ago when I was working. I have put on a bit of what I lost but I don't want to give in to the ticker just yet. I was able to walk 4 miles yesterday when I got home and I am starting to find a rhythm in the foods I am eating at work and the timing. It is a challenge since I can't cook my lunch fresh anymore and I miss my blender for my protein shakes, but I am getting there. I still don't have the photos from the wedding. by the time I get them you all probably won;t want to see them :cry: I miss you all and I wish I could add some positive things to say to you all but right now I am a little self absorbed. I still love you all and I am sure I will be back in rare form in no time.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Robin - Just popped in to log my lunch and noticed your post. Have you though of getting a bullet for your protein shakes at work? They are quite small and I would think you could find a place for it at work, assuming you have a place to keep the ingredients cold. Just a thought.

    And yes Vicki I certainly will take no gain as a plus. Glass half full, glass half full..... proper mindset is such a big part of this. Thanks! :drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake did something to his back with all the packing and carrying boxes so he saw the chiropractor today and got adjusted and for the rest of the day he has to ice his back and rest......in contrast this is my exercise day with line dance in the morning, walking four and a half miles with my friend and then taking the dogs to the dog park with some time on the exercise bike in between. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: we had an animal adventure this morning. When I brought Sasha to the door after our early morning walk there was a furry creature by the front door and I screamed and the furry creature tried to come in the house with us......Jake heard me and came running and went out and discovered that the furry creature that I was screaming about was a ferret. I walked Brandy and then the ferret appeared at the glass door at the back. Jake put on his heavy gloves and got a cat carrier and captured the ferret, brought it into the house, gave it water and some dog food and left it in the carrier in the guest room with the door shut. The dogs kept sniffing and whining at the door and the cats hid under the bed in our room. After a few phone calls, Jake found out that Petco would take the ferret so he took it over there on the way to the chiropractor. The dogs were sad to see it go, but once it was gone the cats came out from under the bed.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, March 25 is my birthday (age 65) so I know it will be a good day for your surgery.....how exciting to buy clothing in the children's section

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Mary, I am so happy to hear that you have water.....we are such whiners that the one time we were without water, we packed up the dog and went to a motel:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, starting a new job is such a huge adjustment......I want to echo the suggestion about bringing a bullet blender to work so you can have the shakes you like.....that's what I'd do.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, you are so right that eating at home is so much less expensive than eating at a restaurant.:bigsmile:

    :drinker: Faye, for those of us with a history of weight gain, just not gaining is a victory:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Amanda.....good luck on your surgery. My dad had a valve replacement and he was so much better afterwards.

    Mary ...so glad that you got your water back on. I can't imagine going that long without it.....

    Today was a pretty good day. I got to the gym early....still trying to get over the BIG discrepancy between my HRM reading and MFP website but it explains a lot to me. Also has me thinking that I need to change up my exercise routine too.

    I think I am so ready to tighten up my program. I think I was getting sloppy with food so hopefully I"ll reflect a loss at my next weigh in. I go to a class on Tuesday night and last night I was up one pound. I weigh in tomorrow morning for MFP.....phew

    Have a good night.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    OK - I appear to be making up in one day for not posting for a week. I just have to say Barbie that it's a good thing the little fur ball didn't show up at my door or we would have had another ferret whether I really want another US one or not. I have a major weak spot for ferrets. I have had three and one batch of babies.

    Did you ask around in your neighborhood if someone has one missing? They are little escape artists and can easily get out if you aren't very vigilant. Someone could be really missing her/him. I have spent hours trying to find mine in the past. They love to play like a crazy and then fall in a dead sleep wherever they happen to be at the moment.

    I have found mine in a pile of laundry waiting to go in the washer ( a major cause of accidental death), underneath the couch cushions, in an open drawer and the one where she was missing the longest - between the built-in dishwasher and the cabinet next to it. :noway: We told the builder to make the baseboard trim ferret proof and gap free but apparently he didn't get the memo. She found a space and wiggled her way into a napping spot and didn't come out until her loooong nap was over. Meanwhile I was scouring the house looking for her. I usually kept a close eye on her when she was loose but obviously not always.

    She loved to cuddle and play and absoutely loved raisins as a treat. I took her trick or treating with the grand kids. I was a witch and she was my familiar. I also took her to a garden party once and she was a hit. She fell asleep in the loose sleeve of one of my friends and stayed there for the better part of an hour even when she was dancing.

    Phooey, I miss my fur ball but no more for me unless it's a European one. Ours in the U.S. have become very inbred and prone to several debilitating incurable conditions.

    People usually have an instant love/hate thing going with ferrets. I'm crazy about them. Some people think they are like rats but they are not at all similar.

    We are a pet loving bunch here but I don't recall anyone else having a ferret on this thread. Anyone?

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Mrsanderson - I usually steam my spaghetti squash then put it in the refrigerator. When I need some, I just take it out and nuke it a bit in the microwave.

    Isn't it amazing how much less expensive clothes are in the children's/juniors department? I know last Halloween I was looking for a shirt, I couldn't find one that would fit me at a decent price. I finally found one in the Junior's department at WalMart for $5. The only problem I find when I shop in the Junior department is that most of the Junior clothes are so youthful and I'm not 20 any more!!!!!

    Amanda - keep up the positive thoughts. Recovery goes so much faster if you are in a good state of mind.

    Mary - how wonderful that you have water!!!!!

    Barb - I couldn't find a "Tools" on my Droid :(

    Did about 15 min of yoga today then walked on the treadmill at 1.5% incline for 1 hr at 4mph. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to a body sculpting class. However, they're calling for snow (we shall see what's on the ground). If the driveway is slippery when I go to get the paper in the a.m., I'll just do a strength DVD instead.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Mrsanderson - I usually steam my spaghetti squash then put it in the refrigerator. When I need some, I just take it out and nuke it a bit in the microwave.

    Isn't it amazing how much less expensive clothes are in the children's/juniors department? I know last Halloween I was looking for a shirt, I couldn't find one that would fit me at a decent price. I finally found one in the Junior's department at WalMart for $5. The only problem I find when I shop in the Junior department is that most of the Junior clothes are so youthful and I'm not 20 any more!!!!!

    Amanda - keep up the positive thoughts. Recovery goes so much faster if you are in a good state of mind.

    Mary - how wonderful that you have water!!!!!

    Barb - I couldn't find a "Tools" on my Droid :(

    Did about 15 min of yoga today then walked on the treadmill at 1.5% incline for 1 hr at 4mph. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to a body sculpting class. However, they're calling for snow (we shall see what's on the ground). If the driveway is slippery when I go to get the paper in the a.m., I'll just do a strength DVD instead.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

    If you can open your apps and go to the "market" that is where you will find the myfitnesspal app. what kind of phone do you have?
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey Ladies,
    More snow here today and I was driving on the roads:glasses: When I returned home, I discovered I hadn't put my contact lense in...(i only wear one):noway: aren't you glad you weren't near me?

    DKN3208--I hope your weight loss this month goes like you want it to..but if it doesn't...don't give up!:flowerforyou:

    Mrs Anderson, I didn't have Michelle for an MFP friend the first time I tried the squash sphagetti and so I haven't tried it again. She makes it sound easy and good. So, just tackling it is a wonder to me!

    Svelte-Hope you are doing well with your program.

    Faye--I was just going to ask you if that wasn't a pic of a ferret after reading Barbie's posts. Why are the US ferrets becoming so in-bred?

    Mary -going without water is the pits! I remember when my Oldest Son was a baby we had frozen pipes for 6 wks..we finally had to stay with my in-laws...it was a bad winter that year. It was zero for over a month. That was the Winter of 1977. Lot of snow and very cold. Glad you have yours back.:flowerforyou:

    Sally--good luck on this weight loss journey!

    Robin-it's okay to take time for yourself...it's nice to know you are okay.

    Clothes in the kis dept. I could do that at one time ...in the 90's...:tongue:

    Amanda I hope your knee feels better soon.

    Have a good one tomorrow!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I know there are probably several new ones I have missed but JesusLoves aka Boomer and Boomer51...where are you have I missed posts lately.

    Mj you sound like you are thriving on here... try some chromium 4 times a day to help the sweet cravings.

    Good nite all:yawn:

    ps the thrill on the road has wore me out.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    The directions I posted related to steps you would take on the MFP site. Once you have gone to tools and picked mobile apps link, then you choose the one for Android and the instructions for how to get the app are right there. I believe you can search for myfitnesspal at the android market on your phone, but it appears, from my own searching, that it is possible for you to access it from your computer, via the android market website. The app is free BTW.

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Mj you sound like you are thriving on here... try some chromium 4 times a day to help the sweet cravings.

    ps the thrill on the road has wore me out.
    Nyll54 My daughter recently asked if we could have broccoli for supper more often...apparently broccoli has double/triple the chromium as other foods we eat often. Perhaps that will help with these sudden cravings for sweets. I'll check out the vitamin/mineral section the next time and see what's out there, Thx :smile:

    Mary maybe once or twice a year (growing up in Texas) do I remember the folks filling up the bathtub & water jugs before a freeze...I can't begin to imagine going several days, esp weeks w/o running water :noway:
    How do you'll deal with it?!
    The craziest thing for me was having school shut down for 2 weeks straight during an East coast blizzard. My kids about drove me nuts & the hubs was TDY in AZ thru the whole mess! I cried on a daily basis :sad:

    Michele I really want to try a body sculpting class. Anything to help pull my mid-section back to where it's supposed to be :smile: For now it's a simple core class, and even that has proven to be a stretch...ha ha, I just made a funny :laugh:

    Have a good day everyone. I'm running the boys to school/campus...the wind chill is a bit much for the motorcycle, so I'm out earlier than usu...thank goodness I'll be able to make Zumba. :heart: Love that class :heart:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am still posting. Day 4 on plan and still doing good. Actually got on treadmill this morning for about 20 min. and I thought it would be so hard cause been so long but really was not bad at all. Not much else to say this morning. More cold weather here. Have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barbie - I'm glad that you and Jake were responsible about the ferret. Hopefully, they will advertise to see if it was lost.

    My weigh-in was only up 4 ounces and I updated the weight. It could have been worse.

    My DS had a nervous breakdown Tuesday night and is in the hospital. Please pray for him.

    Warm thoughts to all.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Oh, Jeannie, I'm so sorry to hear that.

    I don't know if I've mentioned my ds's issues but it looks like the new anti-depressant he is on is finally working. <Fingers crossed>