
  • MJ, Thanks - those darling kids in my profile pic, are actually my grandsons. :bigsmile:
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you all for sharing - my heading is reeling from all the information; especially, Amanda going down 12 dress sizes in 1 year:drinker: I baked 12 Hungry Girl Yum Yum pumpkin brownie muffins (181 calories) last night. I had a muffin yesterday and another today. For me, the muffins are just okay. So far, the family is non-committal about the muffins. If the muffins don't disappear somewhat during tonight's game, then they aren't meant to be in this house. Everyone, thank you for your Superbowl recipes! Our dinner was light and afterward, when "junk food" was being consumed by the family, I had a muffin. :grumble:
    All the discussion about exercising wants me to start again but I have a cold (allergies?) with a sub-grade temperature for over a week now. I am not sure whether to push myself to exercise. Any suggestions? Happy Sunday night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I’m not emotionally involved in the Super Bowl because the two teams have no sentimental value at all for me, but I’m cheering for the Packers.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, your daughter is beautiful……I’m looking forward to seeing more pictures including pictures of you

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, glad to hear from you and sorry that your mum is not doing so well…..your upcoming trip sounds wonderful…..i hope you can lose the weight before you go

    :flowerforyou: Hopeful, I hope you will give the gym a few weeks before you make any decisions about whether you like it……many people love to go to the gym….I love to exercise in my house or outdoors.

    :flowerforyou: Joy, the way I got my taxes done was to work on them for an hour a day (no more, no less) and last week they finally got ready to send to the accountant (do you do them all yourself, that’s a lot more work than what I do)

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I’m glad you’re back……staying with someone else is the ultimate challenge in weight loss…..I’m getting better at bringing my own food, but that doesn’t always work

    :flowerforyou: Mj, cooking for a family sounds like a huge challenge……it has been easier for me with only my hubby……lots of days we have “find it and fix it” and he fixes his own meals

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you are the champion party planner :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Pannet, welcome to the thread……these women helped me a lot along my weight loss journey….you are a perfect age for the group….I wish you success

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I love Vince’s idea for keeping track of what you pack, but I think labeling on four sides is the most I’ll be able to get from my hubby’s packing….he is doing a great job

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, our dogs rule our life……we have two neighbors who can come over and walk the dogs if we’re gone too long and we board them at the vet if we are gone overnight…..we sometimes decline an invitation if we can’t find a satisfactory solution for the dogs…….that’s going to be one of our challenges when we move (finding someone in our new neighborhood who will walk the dogs)….when our dogs were puppies we could leave them in their crate for about four hours when we were gone before someone had to come and walk them.

    :flowerforyou: Mj, your dogs sound darling……I hope you’ll post their pictures

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, we are moving to a less expensive house about five miles from where we are now…..your line dance explosion sounds wonderful….wish I could have been there.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi from Illinois, welcome, we are glad to have you join us….this is a great place to get encouragement, support , and good ideas.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on losing another three pounds…..if you can lose the weight, I encourage you to do so….after years of being heavy you may not yet have a realistic idea of how slim you could be.

    :flowerforyou: Sveltewisher, I suggest that you get some rest to help your body recover so you can jump right into the exercise when you’re feeling better.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: We spent the morning and early afternoon packing and cleaning and now are relaxing and watching the Super Bowl……I made squash and apple soup today (low calories, nutritious and yummy) but no special snacks for the game (hubby and dogs had popcorn)
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Sally - one other thing about the HRM, the book that comes with it just gives you a short synopsis. You need to look online for the full manual. Same thing with my new phone -- have to get the manual online. Guess they're all going this way

    A question for people who have the WiiFit Plus: I've been doing the hula hoop. I used to be able to get all 5 hoops thrown to me, My scroes were about 3,000 spins. Lately, tho, I can't even get the 5, it seems to be much more sensitive, I'm lucky to get a score of 200. It's just so depressing when I see that my previous scores were 2,000-3,000. I'm just wondering if after a certain point, does it automatically change the settings (makes it more sensitive). If so, is there a way to change it back? I like hula hooping for an extended period of time, right now I can only do it for a few minutes before the hoops drop (and I have no idea why).

    Vince and I went bowling today (Sun). From 10-2 it's $1/game for league bowlers. Out of 5 games, I broke 100 3 times, twice just barely. You know, they sell coffee and hot chocolate, I asked them if they sold tea and was told that if I wanted tea (hot), they'd give me hot water but I had to supply the tea bag. So that's what I do. The gal who was working the snack bar today seemed to take care of everyone and then she'd take care of me. I understand that if you get only water, they don't make any money. But then again, it's not my fault that they don't sell tea. Wish I had a larger container for hot water. The only one I have really isn't made for hot beverages, and I'm just afraid of the plastic. During the summer, they'd give me a pitcher of water and I just filled my cup over and over. Oh, we saw where the pro closed his shop. Not sure if it was because it wasn't making enough money or if it was a personal decision on his part.

    Amanda - congrats!!! Maintenance, to me, is about the hardest thing to do. But with your will, there'll be no stopping you!

    Barb - we're going to a dinner next Sat. for the Newcomers. I know for dessert they're going to have a brownie with ice cream. Honestly, I would like a piece of fruit. Believe it or not, if you want HOT tea it'll cost you $1.25, iced tea is free. Anyway, what do you do when you'd really rather have a piece of fruit for dessert short of not eating dessert there and having the fruit when you get home?

    I KNOW Bryan gave me this real nice rosary from a cathedral that he said was really fabulous on one of his trips, but now I can't find it. Must have put it somewhere when we were packing so that it wouldn't get lost. Barb, I KNOW that we had some bottles SoftSoap that we moved, but I have yet to find them....three years later.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Oh how was dreading this morning. My first weigh-in after 7 days of sticking to the plan. What if I'd lost nothing or worse still gained weight! How would i handle the disappointment after having found the MFP system that seems so perfect for me?
    I'm happy to say the scales rewarded my effort. I know it won't always be this way. I'd love to hear from some of the 'more experienced loosers' as to how you keep motivated and committed when the scales didn't budge.
  • Superbowl party went well...I had a taste of everything I wanted and don't think I blew my calories too badly.....I'm feeling hungry now so that's a good feeling....LOL

    DH is putting a pork butt and 2 racks of ribs on the smoker...yummmmm....will go light on the BBQ sauce, that's where the calories go through the roof!

    Off to bed.....isn't a good night's sleep conducive to weight loss?? Think I read that somewhere!
  • Just a quick check-in before I head off to bed.

    Jeannie and Barbie, thanks for the tips for life when it's gone to the dogs. Life has changed now that I have Izzy. For the better I think.

    Michele and Barb, I'm still chuckling. Thanks.

    My eating tonight while watching the Super Bowl was lousy! The only good thing (and it is a good thing) is that, when I got home, I approximated what I'd eaten and logged it. I am determined to stay more conscious about my eating when I'm out and about.

    I'm excited to say that we planted 18 fruit trees today. The nurseryman thought we'd get some fruit this season. We're planning a vegetable garden too. Gardening is brand new to me. I'm excited about it.

    Kackie, thinking about you and hoping you got home safely.

    Off to bed.

  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone,

    I;ve been able to sign on for about a week now but have had a lot of trouble maneuvering through the sight due to internet woes with my sattelite provider. I finally got caught up on all of the posts.

    I am anxious to try spaghetti squash again after reading how so many of you have successfully tried it in recipes. I have tried it once before, but was reallly unsure of how to prepare it and so ended up thinking it was a failure.

    I pray that everyone successfully managed the attack of muncies throughout the superbowl. I had a migraine all day yesterday so ating was not a problem for me. I spent most of the day and evening laying in bed. Of course, I didn't do any purposeful exercise either.

    I had lost three pounds in the first part of January, only to gain it back and another pound the last week of January after completely throwing in the towel---eating whatever and not working out at all. I had (like so many times before), allowed my work life to trump over everything else. Needless to say by February 1, I was right back to my SW + 1.

    I have been working really hard on creating balance in my life and making time to eat better and move my body everyday if possible. As of this morning, I have lost those same three pounds plus one more. It sure is getting harder to shed as I get older. Seeing your progress on tickers, makes me realize there is hope.....that if I keep getting up and moving, and thinking about what I ingest, that It's not too late to transform my body and regain my health.

    My goal for February is to be consistent throughout the ENTIRE month in my food choices and exercise activities.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    My goal for February is to be consistent throughout the ENTIRE month in my food choices and exercise activities.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    consistency is the key........if losing weight and being healthy is most important then good eating and exercising should be an every day thing no matter what......never, never, never give up
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I promise only this one comment, :bigsmile: How about those local boys?:bigsmile:GO PACK!:bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, time to update you all: I logged my food over the weekend, but didn't have time or energy to get on the message boards. And now for the answer to the question you are all asking, does Mary have water? And the answer is - - - - drum roll please - - - No! And the answer to Is Mary happy with this? Once again, I must say No!
    After the plumber with a bad leg showed up and wouldn't fix it, my husband (who had called in sick to work so that he could be there when they came) continued to wait. After I got home, at 5:00, I finally asked him to call the company again so that we knew if they were actually coming, as we needed to leave and couldn't. He called, and got a very grouchy man who said "Well, I'm sure that you were told to call around and find someone else to fix it!" Mind you, this was 5:00 on a Friday, and no, we hadn't been told this. We live in small town America, and no one will come on a weekend unless it is an extreme emergency, so we were stuck. This morning he called them again, and was told that the only local man that they had for the job was the one with a bad leg, and we will have to wait until tomorrow, when someone can drive over from a town 25 miles away. I could live with this if I were sure that they would come then, but we have another storm coming in tonight, and it is supposed to snow all day tomorrow, and once again be ungodly cold. I am afraid that they will cancel on us, but really don't have any good choices at this point. I am sick to death of trying to eat without being able to do dishes, and I am almost out of clean laundry. My house looks like a bad episode of a reality tv show about people who never clean. But enough of that, I just keep reminding myself of those underprivileged people who have no water on a daily basis and struggle to find food and shelter. I am grateful that this is only temporary, and I have friends and family who will help me out.
    I have also been ill. I have a sinus infection that has stayed with me for six weeks. I went back to the dr. who put me back on an antibiotic. The trouble is that the antibiotic interacts with my diabetes medication, and I have to keep eating or my blood sugar bottoms out, so I have struggled to find a balance with a healthy diet.

    That being said, here is the GOOD (and I do mean good) news: I have lost a pound! I am calling this the "victory pound!" It is the first loss that I have had in a year! (I hope it's a beginning, and not just a fluke.)

    I hope that the rest of you are doing well. Sorry about my rambling post. I suppose that I had better get to work and do something that I am getting paid for. Have a great Monday - I know that one is in my plans!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    I am at work, so this must be short.

    To those of you who reported losses - Congratulations! It shows real commitment to be able to loose during the winter and around the holidays.

    To those new - Welcome. This is a great thread for ideas and support. I'm sure we can learn a lot from each other.

    To all the Packer fans - What a game! We are all happy it was a good game and the best team won.

    Michelle - We have the WiiFitPlus and do not have that problem with the hula hoop, but I do understand how you feel when you can't meet your old scores. Has anything changed about where the Wii box is and where the board is? Did you try new batteries? shoes vs bare feet? Just throwing out things here that might make a difference.

    I did OK yesterday. I munched and did not eat lunch or dinner. The healthy stuff came out first and went pretty quickly. By the time I put the subs and junk food out everyone (including me) was stuffed and it is only the junk stuff that was left over.

    My weigh in day will vary from week to week, but will always be mid week. I was told a very, very long time ago not to weigh in on a Monday or Friday. According to the weight loss doctor I went to 30 years ago, they can give you false incentives. It would take to long to explain it, but I think he was right. So, I weigh in Tuesday through Thursday depending on how my morning is going.

    Happy Monday,

  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope everyone is having a terrific Monday. I have been putting in my food diary and that's about it for the moment. Hubby sees the surgeon on Wed. for his lung cancer and the stress of just dealing with everything is reeking havoc on my MS. But I am still around and will post more as soon as I am able.
  • Boomerof51
    Boomerof51 Posts: 44 Member
    I weigh on Monday because it seems to keep me honest on the weekend! Working so far!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hi all...
    I hope Monday is off to a good start. I got my workout in at the gym and I consider that a victory...no ice to chop this morning! The downside of the gym visit was that I wore my new HRM and found that my "really tough" workout only burned 216 calories.....I do a warm up on the eliptical (10 min) then about 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes on the bike. The MFP stats are over double that so I really need to readjust. I am really glad I have this heart rate monitor because I can really actually see what I am putting in (the food log here) and then the calories I am burning. I have been doing a weight loss challenge during the past year and have been keeping these records...figuring out my calories deficit every week and seeing such a big discrepancy..so now I think my numbers should be better....One more piece of information that tells me to keep moving. I teach two yoga classes a week that I love so I can't wait to see what those numbers will be! As an aside...I really liked having a toy at the gym today.

    Exermom: Thanks for the info about the HRM online manual. I did download that and print it out because I still need "the book".

    Assandra--Glad you had a loss on your first week. When the scale doesn't budge, it is really disappointing. I know that people in the different weight loss groups I've done remind me to keep going...eventually it will drop. I really like this website because when I have gotten stuck inthe past year, I look at my food log and exercise and see if I am getting off track and usually that's what's going on. These boards have been great with resources and suggestions for people...I do read alot of people's ideas.

    Icubsn98---It can be easy to lose it. My mid-Janaury was rough. Glad to see you that have a great mindset for February...thanks for reminding me.

    Mary.....OMG.....the no water thing would drive me crazy. Give yourself so much credit for being able to get through the weekend and being sick too. I hope things resolve today!!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello all,

    Happy Monday from England.

    I hope you have all had a good day' for some I see there are worries about family and home. I send you warm thoughts.

    Assaandra - congrats on your first weigh in loss!

    Re weigh in day: I tend to do this on a Monday morning ...... I have met so many people over the years who weigh on a Friday and then eat lots on the weekend before going sensible for the rest of the week. I wanted to stop this happening with me, to try and be consistent all through the week so I purposely chose Monday. I do also weigh in later in the week on Thursday but use Mondays as my official weigh in. I guess it is whatever day works for you as long as it is once a week.

    Sugar: my downfall ...and since 2nd Jan I have knocked it out of my intake altogether (refined) and recently did a blog about how I had to go cold turkey and go from eating chocs, sweets, cake, biscuits etc to nothing or I just would not have been able to stop eating it. Did anyone else have to do this (rather than ration it)?

    I have a long way to go, lots to loose so I am hoping for lots of support in the months to come, as Assaandra says it will be good to have those of you who have been through it giving advice etc.

    Sending you all good wishes.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Sugar: my downfall ...and since 2nd Jan I have knocked it out of my intake altogether (refined) and recently did a blog about how I had to go cold turkey and go from eating chocs, sweets, cake, biscuits etc to nothing or I just would not have been able to stop eating it. Did anyone else have to do this (rather than ration it)?
    I don't eat things made with sugar at all (no cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, pastries, soft drinks,desserts of any kind) and i rarely eat bread.....I found out that i am able to get along without it and if I have just a bite, then I crave more. In my almost two years on MFP I've eaten dessert twice, enjoyed it, and thought too much about it afterward......I don't keep any sweets in the house at all so there is no temptation.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Yes I too have had to cut out sweets all together. Since the holidays I have been out of control with sweets. I could not get enough and was always hungry,. Some health expert on the Today show talked about this and said that sweets are empty calories so they do not fill us up and keep us wanting more and more and more. I started today "The Seventeen Day Diet". Dont worry it is not a fad or crazy diet. It is based on lean meats, veggies and fruits. The idea behind the 17 days is that our body gets used to one thing and we need to change it up every 17 days to keep it burning. For the first 17 it is lean meat, veggies, fruits and some yogurt. The second 17 you add some other things. I just need a jump start to get me going again and get that nasty stuff out of my body. I weighed and measured this morning. I weighed in at 229.8 the most in a long long time. I was very upset for a few minutes and then stopped and told myself that I got me here and only me can get me back where I need to be. I apologize for not posting and not being a vital part of this group the last few months. You have always been here for me and I was not for you. I am back and here to stay. I will take the time to post and record my food and exercise again. I congratulate those of you who have stuck with it and met your goals. I emphatize with those of you who have fallen short. together we can do this. Thank you ladies.
    vicki M
  • Hello Ladies, I'm back from some time away. Had some up and downs, and a couple of very sad events, passing of my mother and my sister's dog sam. Tough on us for a few weeks. But now we are on the path of healing and moving on from there.

    I've started back at my gym, and thus far it is steady as I go. Hard to get there but I remind myself it is a choice, to become healthy again.

    I also learned a bit of information on my health issues of late. Thought I was in trouble, but it seems to be a common of the baby boomers. A>C>E> Childhood was not a good one, many tears, fears and trauma. These all compliled in a memory box and did not let me know of it as I grew. But of late many stresses have pushed those memories out and they have formed emotions. It is a scarry time, they sneak out with out notice or warrant. I have to have the power to question and put logic to the emotion and get it out or tame it.

    I have no idea if this will continue on in my life or disappear in a short time. I can go a month without any effects then suddenly find myself depressed and it is hard to recover from it. However I am on to some of the signs it is about to bother me, and I can get a grasp on it early, thus it goes away.

    I'm hoping to continue on where I left off here and contribute to help and support. I am certainly one who knows the rough roads to getting back in shape, too the ways to help get back to it.

    Catch all of you again:flowerforyou:

  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    For me, sugar detox is initially 2-3 days of tiredness. I start out the year without sugar but it slowly crawled into my palate again. I thought that i was doing well by staying within my net calories but gained 2 pounds this week. Sugar? Lack of vigorous exercise? Celebrating Chinese New Year by eating Chinese food for 2 nights in a row? 2 glasses of red wine? Not enough water? Monday weigh-in?...Anyway, back on track today without sugar and tired... Food is a powerful drug :angry:
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