

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jeannie, I am so sorry to hear about your son, but very glad that he is where he can get some help. As a person who retired from 32 years working at an inpatient psychiatric hospital, I do understand what you are going through and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Jeannie:flowerforyou: so sorry about your son. January and February are months when lots of people are deprived of Vitamin D that comes with sunlight. You add stress of any kind to that and a lot of people have this happen. I hope he is better soon. My thoughts are with you.
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you Nyll54 about asking about my program...It made me decide to write.:grumble: I was laid off from work last year. Initially, I was great -- eating correctly, working out, and mediating twice a day. Recently, I am unfocused. I have a "cold" (or allergies) for a couple of weeks so I haven't been working out. My days aren't structured which is challenging for my whole life and food plan. When I worked, I drank 3 glasses of water during my commute to work and fill up at the water cooler for another 3 glasses in the morning. My meals and exercise routine were timed based on my work day. I worked long hours and seemed to accomplish more around the house! I need to put in some sort of schedule which includes a focus job hunt.
    On the positive side, you are my first social network group!! (My 28 year old son turned me onto MFP. He "plays" MFP on his phone similar to his video games.) It took me 3 months to post a reply to this group. :drinker: For some reason, this morning it dawned on me that I lost 10 lbs and my goal now is 30 lbs (versus 40 lbs.) I am able to eat 3 healthy, home cooked meals a day. I have time to feel my body. I sleep an average of 1-2 more hours per night. I am a kinder person.
    I read your postings which have amazing courage & strength --open heart surgery, children with challenges, no water, furry creatures at your door...My furry creature story this week - I live in Brooklyn, New York City with a postage stamp size back yard which is now covered in snow. On Monday, an eagle swooped down and caught a squirrel. The eagle dropped the dead squirrel. As the eagle went to fly into the neighbor's tree, the eagle became caught on netting which is on top of our fence. The eagle needed to span it's full wing length to get out of the netting. The eagle was magnificent!!! I never saw an eagle in New York City before. The eagle waited in the tree for awhile and than left the squirrel behind.
    I will schedule and focus more tomorrow. Thank you all for being you.
  • mrsanderson404
    wow...what an amazing sight!....but does that mean there is still a dead squirrel in your backyard??:indifferent:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I survived my first meal out since beginning this food plan. Hubby called and wanted me to meet him for lunch. I said yes. We went to Olive Garden. I got large salad with no dressing. Removed the croutons and did not eat them. Got a child's plate of grilled chicken with brocolli. I feel so good that I made good choices. I feel so much better eating the right things. I wonder why I choose to eat the wrong things at times. Jeannie so sorry about your son. Hope it all works out.
    Vicki M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thank you Nyll54 about asking about my program...It made me decide to write.:grumble: I was laid off from work last year. Initially, I was great -- eating correctly, working out, and mediating twice a day. Recently, I am unfocused. I have a "cold" (or allergies) for a couple of weeks so I haven't been working out. My days aren't structured which is challenging for my whole life and food plan. When I worked, I drank 3 glasses of water during my commute to work and fill up at the water cooler for another 3 glasses in the morning. My meals and exercise routine were timed based on my work day. I worked long hours and seemed to accomplish more around the house! I need to put in some sort of schedule which includes a focus job hunt.
    I was laid off in May of 2009 and just started back to work 4 weeks ago. I had a daily schedule at home every day. I had times for cleaning, projects, lots of computer time for job hunting and lots of workout time. It worked really well to keep me structured during the week days. I wish you luck on the job front. I truly know how tough it can be.

    Jeannie - sending good thoughts and energy your way.

    I will try to get back to the boards later.
  • mimi7grands
    Jeannie, hugs to you and your son. That's a tough deal. Thank goodness his family is there for him. :heart:

    Darlis, just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you. :heart:

    Marilyn, you too. I dread the thought of losing my mom. That would be tough. And, now that I'm a pet owner, I can relate to the grief of your sister's dog dying. :heart:

    Izzy was under-the-weather for a couple of days, with diarrhea and throwing up a couple of times. I was thinking I'd need to take her to the vet today but she's perked up and is back to her old self. Even though I have her on a leash whenever we go out, she loves to travel nose-to-the-ground and bite at leaves, sticks, and who know what else. She probably got hold of something she shouldn't have. Or...maybe it's the new dog biscuits. (They're in the trash, just to be safe.)

    I've been doing well on calories the last couple of days but am trying a new approach. I'm still on the fruits-and-veggies train (wouldn't want to give them up), but I'm upping my protein and cutting down on carbs from pasta, bread, grain, beans, potatoes, etc. Ever since I've upped my fiber, I've had problems with constipation. Ridiculous, huh? So far, less fiber seems to be doing the trick.

    Overeating like a mad woman a couple of days is what prompted me to try something new. My 4-year-old GD and I had made cookies and I ended up eating, eating, eating them, then following that up with eating more disgusting stuff. I now have 5 grocery bags full of pasta, beans, jam, crackers, and so on to give away. 5! My cupboards looks pretty darned good now.

    I'm hoping increasing the protein will help with healing. I have what I call FOLS - fragile old lady skin. My skin thinks it's 80 years old, not 62. The backs of my hands are constantly bruised and bleed at the slightest excuse. Usually, I don't even know I'm bleeding! I've asked more than one doctor and they're never concerned. My blood clotting factor is fine; I just have very thin skin. It's worst on my hands because they're received the most sun exposure (and damage).

    Anyway, it's worth a try. I've been reading about the Primal Blueprint and Paleo diets. I have a lot more researching to do but, basically, they are about eating more of a caveman diet - meat, veggies, fruit. No refined foods, no preservatives. They also recommend eliminating milk products. I'll modify that one a little for now.

    The diet is, among other things, supposed to cut back on inflammation, which is a factor in autoimmune disorders. DD and her family are going to try it too. (My 6-year old GD has celiac, 4-year-old GD has markers for ulcerative colitis, 14-year-old GS has asthma, SIL has family history of heart disease, and I have arthritis. We're a perfect test group!)

    I'm a little concerned about changing the way I'm eating but I've been stalled since October so changing it up may be just the ticket. I know I'll still eat healthfully. I love veggies and fruit way too much to give them up.

    I've been doing pretty well with exercise - not great, not perfect, but pretty well. Sometimes I forget how much more I can do (and enjoy doing) and laze around for a day. Then I realize, wait a minute, I *like* to move! Today, I was walking Izzy back from the big house to my little house. 4-year-old GD started running and I thought, what the heck, I can run too. And I did.


    p.s. Amanda, I'm thinking about you too. The thought of lowering your risks and increasing how good you feel makes the prospect of surgery less scary.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :laugh: :flowerforyou: Svelte-Robin knows exactly how you feel...I have read and watched her post go through ups and downs of if an interview was going to pan out. She has perservered and come out a victor! We hope you will too. An Eagle?:noway: oh wow! I'm like Mrs. Anderson...what about the squirrel?:huh:

    Macmadame=hope the meds help your Dad? ...I believe that is what I read...it seems that there in no way to get just the right medicine without trial and error ...I have watched this and it's tough.

    Marilyn ...I may have neglected to say that I am sorry about your Mom. I Can't imagine what that must feel like. It's one of those things unless you expericence it you can't really know.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi--let me know how this works for you. Do you eat a lot of carrots.?

    Again...I am noticing that Laura hasn't been on here for awhile. For the newbies...Laura lost her mother last fall. I hope she is okay...It's a hard time of year...and if you are grieving or have stress...well:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My furry creature story is watching squirrels with my DGS today while the sun was setting and counting the many colors glistening off the trees. OUr trees still had enough ice and snow, they were glistening in the fading sun...the squirrels would jump from tree limb to tree limb and a big pile of snow would fall...it was a beautiful sight.:love:

    It's 20 tonight and supposed to be 60 by MOnday:noway: ...okay bring it on!!!:wink:

    Weightwise--just call me Queen of Plateaus...or Queen Plattie for short...now if someone know where patience is sold...or I could be like my friend...I have lots and lots of patience because I never have used any that I have??:happy:

    Okay...Barbie would say I've been on here long enough...

    Good nite all!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Robin, thank you for the encouragement for scheduling my days. Congratulations on your job!! Nyll54 and Mrs. Sanders - I moved the dead squirrel with a shovel to the garbage. I was sad that the hawk killed without eating the squirrel. The kill seemed wasteful. The backyard is back to snow white...Tomorrow, I will schedule the day.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning all...
    Very difficult when the ones we love suffer. Prayers and good hopes to everyone with ailing parents and children. I'm still bless to have Mama (she's 80 years old), lost my dad a couple of years ago...very devastating fire consumed our childhood home and we lost daddy a few days later ... complications from diabetes w/all that stress. To all who have lost a parent, much love.

    My furry story: One of the highlights of my day comes when a neighborhood squirrel scurries up and down the fence, taunting our doggies with his flickering tail and endless chatter...they go crazy :tongue: crying to be let out. "Cracker" makes an appearance every morning and my girls wait anxiously for their play date. They'll watch, race along, and sing as that goofy squirrel jumps from tree to tree chattering up a storm....THANK GOODNESS the girls can't reach beyond the back fence :noway:

    Our home backs to a greenbelt, so we've had several visitors...from raccoons to rattlesnakes. :noway:

    Have great day ladies...off with the boys again, so I'll make the gym this morning.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Day 5 and I am feeling good. Plan to do well on food again today. I keep forgetting to share this great recipe with you ladies. It is so good and something different from plan veggies.
    Eggplant Parmesan
    1 large eggplant peeled 4 egg whites fat free parmesan cheese garlic powder to taste marinara sauce

    pre heat oven to 400 deg. cut eggplant into 1/4 inc slices. beat egg whites and water until foamy. dip eggplant into mixture and then into cheese. press chesse onto eggplant. I usually sprinkle the leftovers on top after. place on baking sheet that has been sprayed with cooking spray. sprinkle garlic powder if you wish. spray veg. spray over eggplant slices. bake 3o min at 400 deg turning after 20 min. until golden brown and cooked through. (I skipped this part) cover with 1 cup low carb marinara sauce and bake 20 min.until bubbly. 2 large servings. They taste so good. I made them 2 days in row. Hope you enjoy. I just tallied the calories separte to post. I will try to see if I can retrieve that for you and send in later post. If I leave this one I will lose it I know. have a good day ladies.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    okay my calculations for the eggplant is 264 for the serving.
  • mimi7grands
    Yum, Vicki. Thanks for the recipe. It sounds delish.

    Barbie, hope the move is going well.

    I've been busy clearing out the unfinished space (that will soon, I hope, turn into my new place). How on earth have we accumulated so much junk!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hope you all are having a great Friday. I forced my husband to go to the doctor today, which is quite a chore. I only get him there about once every 10 years with extreme nagging. Anyway, he has influenza even though I made him get a flu shot, so they are putting us both on Tamiflu. Hopefully, he will improve soon, because he is not a very good patient. All of you - stay well!
  • teresajcela
    hello I am new and my goal is to lose 60 lbs and lower my cholrsterol.I have tried so many diets weight watchers etc.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome Teresa:flowerforyou:
    Don't have time right now to post anymore but wanted you to know we "see" you...

    Svelte...hang in there and let us know your progress:flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies. My thoughts are with you all during your times of stress and loss as well as times of happiness and success.

    I mentioned a while ago that my son-in-law's sister was pregnant with twin girls (she found out that she was exepcting twins round about the time that my darling grandtwins were born). Unfortunately they were diagnosed with twin to twin transfusion syndrome and the smaller one died today. She will still have to carry both babies for a while longer (she's thirty weeks at present and would like her to get to at least 32 weeks). It's heartbreaking for every one. Prayers would be appreciated.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Macmadame=hope the meds help your Dad?
    My son. He's 19. A difficult age, I think.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Dear All,

    Short and sweet apologies not much time.

    It is Friday evening around 11pm here in England so I say good night to you all.

    I have read the thread through since I last visited and I am sorry to hear some are having a difficult time, warm thoughts.

    Bye for now.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Welcome to any newbies I haven't acknowledged.

    Amanda, so sorry to hear about the family member's loss of one of her twins. How hard it must be for her to wait until she can deliver.

    I am too tired at the moment to do a long post covering everyone. Wishing all a good weekend, and hope the warming trend comes quickly to those surrounded by all that snow and ice.

    Take care,
