

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to all newbies! Just jump right in; we are glad to have you!

    To those who are struggling and want to quit when they go even a little astray: You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again right now! Don't wait until tomorrow, because a fresh start can come right this minute. None of us are perfect, none of us can do this without stumbling, but we all have the ability to reach inside ourselves, find our inner strength, decide that yes indeed, we are worth it, and get going! No room for sitting around bemoaning what is already done and feeling sorry for ourselves - we are women, hear us roar!! As the Thomas Edison quote I posted recently says: "I have not failed - I have only found 10,000 ways that don't work!" And to quote our fearless Barbie - NEVER NEVER NEVER give up! We are all here to cheer you on.

    Robin - I would love to see the new plane. My dad was an engineer for Boeing, and I used to love to go see the premieres of the planes. Enjoy it just a little bit extra for me, would you please?

    Here's to smart choices!
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, thank you for all your responses to my last post.:heart: I have been well up until Tuesday 8th. I got out of my truck and blew a disc.:noway: I did not know how bad it was at the time, I worked all day expecting the pain to go away (like it usually did before), however I left work came home and went to bed with it. Next morning I called to my sister at 4am to call 911. So a few days in our local Hotel Hospital soaking in the fluoresent lights, having my meals delivered, and being spoiled by nurses and doctors, and of course the payment of a few pokes, pressure wraps, keeping my temperature in balance. Was nice, a break from work, so much so that I felt like I was playing hookie. Staff from both jobs found me though and gave me smiles and best wishes to boot. :drinker:

    I'm home now, and feeling much better, a little sore if I stand or sit too long. Found my sisters Pilates book and it starts off with the very basics of rebuilding spine,muscle and strength from the core. This is my rehab for the next few months.
    I will be working with modified hours from now on, so I will no doubt get a chance to really spend some time here and pick up on some pieces. I really miss talking to everyone and need to get back into things.

    Time is ticking away and i want to make supper for my sis and I so i had better get going, I have forgotten to cook, she has spoiled me so:embarassed:

    Love to you all , keep at it, be true to yourself.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Lynn - Ferrets were used as lab animals a lot 30 years ago and there was one main company that bred them for that purpose. This was before they became as popular as they are now for pets. Their interest was not pets, and therefore not necessarily health or longevity. Most ferrets in the country today came from this stock. My first ferret, that I got over 30 years ago was healthy until she got quite old. My last two were only 2 years old before they became very ill and died.

    I thought it was interesting that they were used to keep the tubes at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois clean. They were taught to run through the atomic particle separator tubes and “dust” them. I can just see them doing that just for the fun of it, never mind the treat when they were done.

    Linda - How interesting to live in Bahrain for a few years. You say it is a moderate country. Do you need to wear a scarf when you go out or can you wear what you did when in the U.S.? Good deal that you managed to your dogs there. We are becoming quite the international group.

    I have been lazy today. I should have gotten out and walked but it is cold and gloomy here today and I didn't do it.

    Yesterday I was cooking like crazy and had family over for dinner. I made beef bourguignon and homemade whole wheat rolls. DH didn't like it, as he isn't much on wine, but everyone else did. I sent the leftovers home with them and most of the rolls. Then I made oatmeal raisin cookies and made sure they left the house too, except for 6 for DH. My trick for staying out of then is that he knows there are six cookies and that they are his! I'll give him the last couple rolls for dinner. I had one yesterday and I love the recipe. They were very light for rolls made entirely from whole wheat flour.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    okay here are some pix. first is me and my daughter, second is some of the flower work I did and third is the bride and groom with all the parents (moms, dads, step moms and step dads. the one lone guy on my left side with the blonde hair is my second husband the dark haired guy i am leaning on is my DH. the big guy at the bottom is my first.
  • mimi7grands
    Welcome to everyone who's new. This (MFP and, especially, this thread) is a wonderful place for motivation and support.

    Robin, wow! You and your daughter both look awesome. You look elegant in your beautiful dress And the flowers are stunning - princess stuff.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome to everyone who's new. This (MFP and, especially, this thread) is a wonderful place for motivation and support.

    Robin, wow! You and your daughter both look awesome. You look elegant in your beautiful dress And the flowers are stunning - princess stuff.

    What she said! (And the iris look open to me.)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Barb - what an awesome deal you got on the phone! I just got a phone where I can read my email and post to MFP from. I like having the ability to get email. I've read that the magazines at the doctor's office can hold germs for up to 18 hours so if I forget to bring something with me to read, I can always get my email. Very convenient. I have a car charger for my phone and many times when I'm driving somewhere a decent distance from home, I just plug the phone in.

    mimi - Vince had a Blackberry which had the virtual keyboard. How I hated that. He found it a pain, that's why the phones we have now have a side-out keyboard. so sorry about the a-fib. Vince has Wolf Parkinson syndrome so I totally understand how tired you are after an episode. What do you do to make your heart convert back to normal beating?

    So many newcomers. Welcome everyone!

    Today, Sunday, did an hour of balance games on the WiiFit. Tomorrow I'll do an hour of the deep water class.

    Oh, yesterday I had to go for my CPR recert. Last time I just went for the adult. I didn't realize that I was going to be getting the infant, child and adult CPR. Boy, things have changed since last time when I took Infant, Child and adult! I was in such a rush to leave because I had to change and get ready for the Gala, that I completely forgot the book. Don't know if it's the same as the one I got last year. Tomorrow she'll give me the card. Really, I could have waited for her to fill it our yesterday, but I was in such a rush.

    From that carb attack I had yesterday, I still feel so horrible, my stomach feels "yukky", which isn't a bad thing in the end. One thing I know is that I do NOT want to overeat. I had 1/2 slice of pizza, some soup and some edamame for dinner, and I'm stuffed!

    Marilyn - so sorry that happened to you but glad that you're better now.

    Robin - what can I say? Your pics are just beautiful! You, your daughter, the flowers .... everything! You took my breath away

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm soon to be 52 and am serious about getting off this extra 100lbs I've been carrying around for about 30 years now. In order to do that I'm looking for others who are on a similar journey to share encouragement and support!

    Glad to have found you!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Robin, awesome pictures. What a lovely dress you had on. Your daughter was beautiful. Which one of the husbands is she for?
    Tammy, welcome. You have come to the right place. this group of ladies are here for you night and day. We share, we vent, we love, we give advice, we keep each other honest. Just keep logging and keep posting and you will succeed. We have ladies who have lost a few pounds to hundreds. Tell us a little more about yourself when you have time.
    I did good again today. Went to a painting party where there was chocolate fountain with fruit, cookies, cake, marshmallows to dip. I ate a few apple pieces and a few strawberries w/o chocolate.
    Weigh day tomorrow morn, Keep your fingers crossed for me that all this has been worthwhile. See you ladies tomorrow. Emma and Bryon are spending night since mom and dad went to a post wedding party for a friend. They are both asleep so I guess I better get some. Happy Valentines Day to all of you. Hope you spend it with those you love.
    Vicki M
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I was a great week of workouts for me...I hope that scale confers

    Meant to post some of these earlier,

    @ barbiecat I completely get your "if it works, don't fix it" and I never leave home without my pedometer!

    @ weaklink109 my family loves “breakfast for dinner” & those leftover veggies make a brilliant omelet

    @ tiarapants it’s really commendable that you’re at target w/ such a significant surgery next month. Hope you have some time to just be good to yourself. I can’t wait ‘til I see the “downsides of losing so much weight” hopefully it’ll help with these horrible hot flashes.

    @ auntiebk Line, Scottish Country and Zumba dance classes…? Wow, I wanna be your friend! We’ll hit all your hot spots & head over to Fredericksburg and Wimberley, by me, for some grub/brew and shopping! As for the Zumba Wii, love it…much more of a workout than most classes, ‘cause no one’s watching! 2 yrs & childhood of Zumba/Latin dance under my belt

    @ Hopeful53 FL in Sept…fun-fun. It may feel very hot to you w/such mild UK temps…mid-80s isn’t bad, but I’m a Texas gal and that’s perfect weather by us. It’s the thunderstorms to watch for….but I love those, too. You’re right, you’ll feel much better if you start now. I’d love to drop 20 by then, too!

    @ jam0525 Hope your DS is on the mend, prayers for you all. Love your 2011 healthy picks! My daughter is a mushroom connoisseur, wish the boys were, too.

    @ MacMadame crazy, but I never thought of mixing the rice/pastas together…Thx. The coke allowance is slowly taking effect….the 2 youngest prefer to save, but the big kid spends every last dime on the poison! DH is forbidden to buy anything but free or zero. At least the kid(s) hates anything but the original

    @ joylaut Your grandkids are beautiful & you look so very young…talking about not looking your age!

    And Michele, I'm trying everything and anything to make certain I don't over-do any one thing...thanks for reminding me to take everything into consideration concerning my workouts....slowly getting there.

    Hope everyone has a great start of the week :flowerforyou:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    rjadams simply gorgeous...thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures :smile:
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Beautiful bride.
  • mimi7grands
    Welcome, Tammy. I am 10 yrs older than you and carried that extra 100 lbs (+60) around for an extra 10 yrs. Good for you for tackling it now. It's amazing how quickly the lbs disappear when I log my food, stay in touch here, eat plenty of fruit and veggies, and stay away from refined foods. Good luck!

    Michele, except for the beginning when I needed electro shock to get my heart beating normally, my a-fib has always (knock on wood) resolved on its own. I I think I let myself get dehydrated yesterday, which is hard on your heart. Now I'm counting my 12 oz cups each as 1 cup to make sure I'm getting enough.

    Good night from California. The weather has been beautiful but forecast is for rain all week. I can't complain too much but I sure was enjoying the spring-like weather.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies - Happy Valentine's day (if you go for it!)

    I'm just about to go for my physiotherapy, so this is brief. My knee is extremely painful and I've had to slow down my exercise - but no way am I stopping walking altogether. I need to keep it moving, even if it hurts.

    Robin - great photos! You are a very elegant lady!

    Been a bit of a tough weekend. My poor son-in-law's sister is in pieces as you may imagine. It's her little boy's birthday today and there was a party for him yesterday. My heart bleeds for her.

    Today is also my DD#1's 2nd wedding anniversary and I'm babysitting my gorgeous grandtwins whilst their mummy and daddy go out for a meal this evening. DH and I were supposed to be doing our own celebration last night, but we weren't really in the mood for it and just ended up having an early night (which was just as pleasant!).

    I'm down another pound and I also measured my waist this morning as DH made a comment that it was 'tiny'. This time last year it was 46 inches (wow!) now it is 26 inches. I am extremely pleased with that! I still have a fat tummy (which I think would only be improved with plastic surgery) but I at least have a small and healthier waistline.

    Welcome aboard to all the newbies and hugs to everyone. I will try to get a moment this week to do proper responses to the posts.

    Until then, have a good day, and a health-filled week.


    Amanda x
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am getting ready to head for work. I'm very excited today - my youngest daughter is coming home for a few days. She hasn't been here for over a year (although I have seen her elsewhere). Got to go kill that fatted calf! Everybody have a great Valentine's Day!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks for the warm reception everyone and Happy Valentine's Day!!

    I currently live in Wilmington, DE, primarily moved here 3.5 years ago for a position. My original home is Okla City where my son and his family live...including 5 grandkids! My hope is to move back home sometime in the next year - been out east since 1998. Basically I'm alone out here and am tired of living so far away from the people I love. The kicker is that I love my job...I am a chaplain and Episcopal priest. I teach a graduate level course at the hospital on pastoral care and have a part time church on top of a full time job.

    I've always been an emotional eater, however over the last 20 years I've done a lot of work on my emotional and spiritual self and now am ready to bring my physical state into alignment with the rest of me! It's a spiritual journey for me. It's also about living into what I preach so passionately about....health and wellbeing.

    I will say that this is the first time that eating healthy and exercising has come so easily. I'm not sure why, but am grateful. I'm being intentional to take this journey one day at a time with the mantra of "What am I capable of accomplishing today?" I have promised that I will not deprive myself or beat myself up if I stray. Walking through this one day at a time is really helping me - I have no expectations for tomorrow and no shame about yesterday.

    It's all good and you are all such an inspiration to me!!!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day to All!

    I found and dusted off my heart rate monitor (HRM) to use. Thank you to all you HRM users motivational words. The 1st day, I never hit the targeted range but my workout with weights, low impact. The 2nd day, I hit my targeted rate for 26 minutes during a 2 hour walk. Needless to say, I like the MFP exercise calculations better!

    Vicki - your recipe eggplant sound great!

    Mimi 7 grands - I am trying to get rid of "stuff" also. I started to refer to myself as a "minimalist". I loved your grandson's "restin" story. Sorry to hear about your atrial fibilllation.

    Mary - I am sorry about the flu in your home. Since you both had shots, the flu will be milder.

    Nyll54 - The little girl was lucky to have you touch her life.

    Amanda - Prayers for your family

    Barbiecat - Great ferret story. You appear to be moving and very calm about it - Do you have another place already? For me, heavy cleaning is one of my best exercises because you see immediate results with a clean house.

    Joylouts - LOL @ your AADD joke and I thought that I was just not focusing!

    Mimi - Your fruit trees and garden sound amazing

    Vick M - I use MFD settings

    Michele - You had a box of cookies and I drank a full bottle of wine. I "sucked up" the calories in my MFP.

    Weaklink - I enjoy my Android phone. T-Mobil has nice customer service. I find my car charger helpful for the phone.

    Shayla11 - Loving yourself by eating well is a process which I have been working on for my whole life.

    Marlouise - So sorry about your disc

    Another year older - Dinner sounded wonderful

    rjadams - Beautiful pictures; especially, the mother and daughter photo

    Tiarapants - 20 inches in 1 year!

    Welcome - Ihagu, ildi59, bobbi55, twooliver

    Love. Light & Laughter, Debra
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, DEAR LADIES!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    And WELCOME to each of you who have joined us recently. I have been in and out...mostly out...the past few weeks due to a move day after tomorrow. I am skiing with my DH for Valentine's Day and trying to take the day off from work. HA!

    Robin: I LOVE your dress...the color and style are just perfect. AND you and your daughter look beautiful! What a happy time!

    I am sorry not to mention more of you...but I wanted to be sure to wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day and thank you for being here. Even when I don't "talk", I am usually reading and getting inspiration and friendship from each of you. So I THANK you and look forward to calmer days ahead. Take care!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Welcome to all the newbies. Don't have time to post individually today.. Hope all of you have a wonderful Valentines Day...Love yourself!:heart::heart: We are all worth the struggles, the money, the time, the effort. It's a fight for survival...for our health, our self-esteem, our selves, our families! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Happy Valentines Day Ladies!!!
    Things here in balmy Minnesota are good. There is a steady stream of melted ice running from the roof and that is a very welcome sight. It is 37 degrees here and we will be in the 40's this week if not today. We still have March and April to get through which means more snow but this week is a preview of things to come. :drinker:

    I have managed to keep up on my food log and I am trying to get in more exercise. This is the last week for Belly Dancing before a two week break and then it is 5 more weeks of class. Who knows, maybe I will actually learn to put a few of these moves together for a proper dance. :noway:

    I am working until about 4:00 today then home to a steak and lobster dinner. I am eatting very lean today and saving my alloted calories for tonight. This is important since I over did it yesterday and I had a 3 pound loss this week and I don't want the weight to creep up.

    I don't have time to remark on everyones posts just now but I did want to say a quick welcome to all new comers and Robin you look stunning!!!! Thanks for the pictures.

    Have a wonderful day

    Oh I almost forgot... I am overweight!!!!!! I am no longer obease.!!!! ( doing the happy dance)