

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    didn't do much formal exercise today, but we spent all day cleaning the house so the Realtor can take picture tomorrow........I did take a break and take the dogs to the dog park :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Welcome newbies!!

    To the one who posted about the twenty-something calling her "old"--my answer would have been what my mom, who just turned 95, always says, "Growing old sucks, but it beats the alternative!!!":noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    I started making my own pico de gallo, and now I can't imagine using the ready made version of it from the grocery produce department. I use roma tomatoes, sweet onion, green and red peppers, a little English cucumber to make it interesting, lots of cilantro, a dash of pepper, and a little bit of jalapeño pepper.--Delicious with baked chips, and wonderful to cook with too. I did some Dover sole fillets with some of the pico on it last night and they were wonderful.

    I decided to take the plunge and join the ranks of the smartphone users, and I picked up one of the FREE Android phones that were available Friday and Saturday at T-Mobile Retail locations. If you are slapping your forehead, and saying "Why didn't I get in on that?" It is not too late. The T-Mobile website has the same deal going at least through Sunday (today), or maybe until the end of Monday--can't recall with out looking.

    I found the MFP app and convinced it to load, so that will be handy, but I didn't have the patience to try and post from the phone, so I got on here, caught up on my reading, and here I am.

    My Sprint contract doesn't expire until May, but I recently learned of a Motorola phone called the "Defy" that is waterproof, dustproof, and more forgiving about being dropped than most phones. It also has something they call "gorilla glass" on the touch screen display. I have a habit of dropping my phone, and those who have been around MFP since 2009 may recall that I once put my phone through the washing machine!!! I don't plan on doing that with this one, but from what I have read about this unit, if coffee gets spilled on it, or it gets dropped into water, it is more forgiving than most phones.

    I had pretty much decided I would get one when I could leave Sprint, but then this T-Mobile deal came up, so I investigated and found out it would only cost me $50 to end my Sprint contract. By taking advantage of the T-Mobile promo, I could save myself almost $400 by not having to buy the phone, so I zipped over to the T-Mobile outlet in our nearby shopping mall and signed my life away.:wink::smile: I figure that $50 termination fee is less than I would have to pay to get a phone if I wait until May, and now I have the ability to go on the web to look up phone numbers, and the GPS navigation that this comes with means I don't have to buy myself a GPS--one less thing to not be able to leave in the car.

    There is one part of SW Washington that Sprint has no coverage in, and it is a big pain for me every time I am there, as I have to drive about 10 miles down the peninsula to have mobile phone service. T-Mobile and Verizon both cover that area, but Verizon would have cost me more in service costs and they don't have the phone I wanted to get.

    I considered the I-phone, but the one thing I don't like about it is the battery is not removable, so when it has to be replaced, you have to send the phone to Apple to get it done. I always have two batteries, so one is always charged, in case I run out of power during the day. This new phone actually has a usb charger, besides the usual household one, so that will come in handy.

    Anyway, I spent the evening figuring everything out, and I was surprised at how easily everything is to figure out. I think the time I spent fiddling with my friend's I-phone made figuring out the navigation much easier.

    Well, so long for now.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So this morning is our valentines day celebration starting with a nice bottle of Tattinger and bagels with king crab and cream cheese. Then we head out to the 747-8I Premiere. Tonight DH is making me his infamous stuffed flank steak with and artichoke on the side. I love to celebrate anything. He got me my favorite white roses yesterday too. He's a keeper.:love:
  • mimi7grands
    Sally, hang in there. The scale sometimes takes a day (or a week) to catch up. :smile:

    Barbie, cleaning house COUNTS! I have a feeling you don’t dally around with the dust cloth! :wink:

    Barb, good luck with the smart phone. I’m very tempted to get one although, every time I use my daughter’s, I want to throw it out the window. My fingers don’t do well with a touch pad. :noway: I like the sound of the GPS though and there have been SO many times when I’ve needed to look up an address or a phone number when I’m on the road.

    Your recipe for pico de gallo sounds good. My DD puts chunks of avocado in it (a good fat! :wink: ), which tastes even more amazing.

    Robin, sounds like DH is in your good graces – and with good reason! Have fun at the premiere. :heart:

    I had a spell of atrial fibrillation for a few hours last night. I absolutely hate it. :angry: Kept me up half the night. :yawn: I've been doing much better with the a-fib since losing weight and I take meds that usually keep it under control. Seems like I go through a spell of it once a year or so. It makes me feel exhausted. That used to the status quo but not anymore - and I want to keep it that way!

    Happy Valentine's Day (almost)! :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Hello All!

    Nyll, I currently live in Bahrain, 26 km causeway from Saudi. I have only been here a few months, but must say I am loving it so far. It is the most liberal and friendly nation of the Middle East. There is an American Naval Base here. It's funny... the Saudi's come here to drink....apparently Allah cannot see you in Bahrain. Many archeologist and theologians believe this is where the Garden of Eden was. It is now an island of only 300 sq miles.

    My children (3) all grown + one son in law were here during Christmas. For their presents we were able to go to Egypt and see the highlights...Giza, Luxor, Karnak, Alexandria, etc. We are very thankful we were able to see all that before the protest. God Bless Egypt. We were in the square and had rested in the area the protest took place, the museum of antiquities is there.

    We did not have to take this assignment as it did not hurt my husbands career one way or the other. We took an exploratory trip last July to Bahrain. The temperature at the time was somewhere between Houston and the planet Mercury. My husband left the decision up to me. We have lived in Houston for more than 22 years, great friends, home of our dreams. But there was that opportunity to explore an area of the world that I have never experienced. Who knows how things will be in a few years. So I said "YES". In my profile I am a self admitted travel addict. I want to see the world, experience and absorb the culture. After I made the decision I told my husband....."I don't care if we have to dip into retirement funds, we are going to travel" lol. He has made that concession.

    I miss home, I miss my family, I miss my friends...with that said thank goodness for skype, internet, facebook, and now MFP.

    I hope to get to know and keep up with all that is right in this world....sisterhood throughout the nations.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: Linda, welcome, joining this thread on MFP will add to your collection of family and friends.......I have been posting with these women for two years and I feel very close to them ---not only the two I have met in person, but all the ones who have have shared their successes and challenges and photos and hopes and dreams and who have listened to all my ramblings. I'm glad to get to know you a little bit and hope to learn more.

    :flowerforyou: I have only a moment because there's still more cleaning (and hiding of "stuff") before the Realtor gets here at 1 PM
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    :flowerforyou: Linda, welcome, joining this thread on MFP will add to your collection of family and friends.......I have been posting with these women for two years and I feel very close to them ---not only the two I have met in person, but all the ones who have have shared their successes and challenges and photos and hopes and dreams and who have listened to all my ramblings. I'm glad to get to know you a little bit and hope to learn more.

    :flowerforyou: I have only a moment because there's still more cleaning (and hiding of "stuff") before the Realtor gets here at 1 PM
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    P.S. Love all the dog pics! We have two inside, very lovable, baby, sweeties, German Shepherds. But I am a lover of all animals.
    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    Good luck with the Realtor, for some reason that can be frazzling. :wink:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome..what courage to make such a big move. Wonderful that you are following your "travel loving" heart! It must be such an experience to build a new life in such a different place. What a great leap you are making.

    I've only been in this group for a couple of weeks but I really like the sense of connection here. Good luck!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Thanks Sally!

    I look forward to getting to know you and the other ladies here. We all have to stick together, because if we don't, who will pick up the pieces. :happy:

    P>S> I couldn't follow my travel loving heart without the man of my dreams of 30 years. Love you honey!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Linda, thanks for posting the picture of your dogs......are they with you in Bahrain, and if so, how did you transport them over and how much trouble was it ?
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart:
  • mrsanderson404
    rant...rant...rant....how does one gain 2 pounds overnite???? grrrrr....I know it is probably water retention but it plays with the motivation doesn't it!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Hello Barb! :bigsmile:

    My babies were the biggest angst of my moving here. :cry:

    When the opportunity arose, the first thing I did was get on the internet to see if my puppies could make the trip, if not that was a deal breaker.

    They have no rabies here. No problems, my babies are well taken care of. Well, at least you think that until Bahrain makes you have a USDA Vet certify your dogs. Thank the powers that be that our Vet was USDA certified. After she does the exam and paperwork, there is only a ten day period where all that is sent to the Texas State Department to be certified, then back to the Vet, and then the dog has to be on the plane. Not one day over and time counts even the weekends. Thank goodness for FedEx.

    My husband came to Bahrain in October. I arrived at the end of November. I had surgery, handled the movers, etc. All that seemed small compared to the fact that my dogs had never been in kennels much less a plane. I was a basket case. I took a month to train them, a little at a time. They made the trip with no problems. I think it made it easier for them because the kids came over about three weeks after their arrival. I think it was good for them and the kids.

    Pets here are not as revered as in the the states. Usually dogs like mine are trained to be attack and guard dogs here. My dogs are my pups and they would protect me, but their nature is sweet. People here are so afraid of them. Very much so, the culture just doesn't understand "pets"

    But I have found a great kennel, who actually raise German Shepherds for the King and trains them, and they understand that dogs are pets. The have German Shepherds of their own, and are big in the pet rescue here. I spoke with Pauline today and she is going to get me involved with that. It is sad because a great many expats will just leave their pets behind when they leave. :sad: I just couldn't imagine.

    So many stray cats here also, but people seem to be nicer to them because The Prophet Mohammad loved cats.
  • Shayla11
    Shayla11 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Wonderful Women!

    I need help... I feel crazy! I have fallen off the wagon and with me, it's all or nothing. While I was snowed (iced) in for four days, I excercised, did housework/projects, and cooked really good food. I was really motivated and excited to be so. Now that i am back to real life--work, family,stress and limited time, I fell off. For more than a week I have not exercised and I have been eating terribly. I feel more remorse and shame daily which just amplifies the problem. I fear getting on the scales. This is my standard M.O. And usually I give up.

    I am telling myself to just take one step in the right direction. This is my one step. I thank you women who share so much on this site. I would appreciate any advice that you have on staying with the program
    after a lapse.

    I hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day. May we find love within ourselves.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Shayla, get on that scale. Sometimes a reality check is what we need. It is what it is.

    After the scale, let it go. Focus. Move on, you have the skills and know what it takes be eat clean and be healthy. We are human and we all slide. And the good thing tho is that we know we want better for ourselves, and heck....we deserve it.

    Know you are awesome, know you are worth the best life offers, and know you can do this and there are people here for you!

  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm 51 just signed up with MFP a week ago, I've been reading your posts and enjoying them, nice encouragements.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Hi ildi, I'm new here also,

    This seems like a great thread and the women here seems great. Hope to hear more from you.

  • Shayla11
    Shayla11 Posts: 10 Member
    Linda, Thank you so much for responding and the good advice. I did go get on the scale and although I gained 1.5 lbs, it isn't nearly as bad as it could be. It is managable at this point if I get back on track. I feel more hopeful about progress now and I am going to go walk my dogs.

    I believe that the networking/ community component of MFP is the thing that will help me reach my goals. Thanks again, Shayla
  • Shayla11
    Shayla11 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Ildi and welcome! I am fairly new to this, too. This thread helps me get motivated!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Well ladies, it is well past my bedtime here in the beautiful country of Bahrain.

    Hope your day is as blessed as and beautiful as you deserve. :flowerforyou:

    Night :yawn:
  • bobbi55
    bobbi55 Posts: 15 Member
    This seems like a great group. I just joined MFP today. It was recommended to me by a woman in my water areobics class I have to give her a big thank you. I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I started over in January like lot's of other people but I have just been playing around at eating well. Sometimes I eat very healthy for breakfast and lunch and then when I get home from work just want comfort food so I have a little of this and a little of that not a lot but enough to keep me from losing. My biggest thing is on friday night I seem to think I deserve to eat what ever I want because I made it thru the week. Friday's are hard. Anyway my goal for the rest of Feb is to keep careful track of what I am eating. My first grandaughter was born in Oct and I want to be able to play with her this summer and for many summers to come.