
:heart: :bigsmile: Hello to all my long time friends on this thread as well as the newer ones and the new ones that we will meet this month.

:flowerforyou: This is a great place for support and encouragement…….even though the name is Women ages 50+ we welcome all women to share with us.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals for January? What goals do you have planned for February?

:flowerforyou: Some of us set goals for the whole month, some set short term goals. Some of us set weight loss goals and others set goals for new behaviors and attitudes.

:flowerforyou: It’s a new page on the calendar and a new opportunity to change your life………let’s go.



  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    My goal is to lose 4lbs...not a lot but for me would be a huge achievement...it is sooooo hard to lose but I am DETERMINED...I will not give up.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone, just marking my spot ready for later.

    I need to think of some new goals for February, especially now the running club has finished. Mixed feelings about it. I enjoyed running in a group (until everyone ran off and left me behind) :bigsmile: but the last couple of times because I was at the end, the trainer stopped to talk (encourage?) me and coaxed me to run longer than I was happy with. I know I should have said I needed to stop and walk a little before starting to run again, but I didn't - so of course I went home exhausted instead of feeling energised. I like the fact that I can run to my parents and when I am late for work - I can make a bit of time up by running and walking :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I never did want to run marathons etc. I'm glad I did it though and hopefully I'll run at lunchtimes with work colleagues at least once a week.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I love the glittery graphics, and a big thank you for keeping this thread going. I think I managed to lose 1 1/4lbs in January. So my aim for February is to lose at least 2lbs - I can lose weight during the month, my lowest has been 142lbs but it doesn't last more than a day!

    Hey ho better get the doggies walked and think of some goals for Feb.

    Happy February everyone - good luck - here's to healthy choices and lots of water.

    Viv xx

    PS Sorry meant to say hello and welcome to our new friends, looking forward to hearing more from you.
  • mrsanderson404
    this month I need to get better organized and prepared when I go out to eat...it's been a successful month except for when we are in a restaurant....either will power breaks down or I don't do my research before I go and I blow my calorie count. I know I can exercise or make adjustments on other days to make up for it, but I'm trying to create lifestyle changes. Sooooo.....that will be February's goal...better planning and success outside the house.

    Had my book club over and served hummus and veggies....big hit....and I could eat it guilt free! Lovin' my hummus these days!
  • joylaut
    Welcome newcomers! I know i've said this before but mfp and this thread have helped me stay on track better than anything I have ever tried before. My eating is more mindful than ever. I don't deprive myself -- I just manage my calories. Tonight I walked so I had a gluten free brownie. But before I did so, I entered my foods for today to determine if I could "afford" the calories.

    Another important change I made is to do some sort of exercise, most days of the weeks. Before, if I did not have a 1+ hour block of time, I just wouldn't do anything. Now I will take advantage of going out for a short walk even if I just have 30 minutes.

    And that lets me satisfy my sweet tooth!

    Those of you who are disappointed in gaining a little back or lapsing in choices some days really must look at the broad picture. You gals are awesome! And you have lost so much since beginning mfp. I continue to be inspired by your wgt loss tickers.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I am happy to report my toe has greatly improved. Just a quick post to mark the new month in my topics.

    I have taken the unpleasant step of readjusting my ticker upwards, as it doesn't seem to want to move in the right direction. I have to get back to basics, as January has been a month of ups and downs with no real progress.

    I know part of the problem is some of the choices made at the grocery store, but I DID manage to STAY OUT of the bulk candy section of the grocery today. I have developed a weakness for the hot cinnamon flavored jelly candies shaped like lips. Gotta remember "Once on the lips, forever on the hips!!" So I am going through "cinnamon withdrawal" for a while.

    Anyway, I decided I would have a better chance of moving in the right direction if my ticker was more truthful..and so it goes.

    Have a good Tuesday.

  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi all

    Having managed to lose 14lbs by Christmas, the holidays and visits to friends during the early part of January meant a weight gain of 3.2lbs. However, over the last couple of weeks I have managed to get back into the routine, watching the calories and getting back into exercise mode. The result is that I am now just 1lb over my pre-Christmas weight and looking forward to getting rid of that. Then I want to start work on losing, I hope, another 14lbs.

    Like Joy I used to think I had to exercise in big blocks of time but find that I can often find 30 minutes to go for a nice walk several times a week as well as doing my Pilates class and going swimming once a week. I have also discovered that 2.5 hours of vigorous, heavy cleaning can burn around 600 calories, so I have a much more positive attitude to the chores. Every sweep of the vacuum cleaner or scrub in the bathroom and kitchen is another calorie burnt and it is a whole lot cheaper than going to the gym!!!!

    ANyway, happy 1st February ladies and keep up the good work.

    Pam :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Welcome to February my lovely friends!

    I made a good job of maintaining last month (did not gain an ounce!) To me, this has always been the hardest part. So many times have I lost huge amounts of weight only to put it all back on (normally with a good few extra pounds to keep them company!) This time I have got my mindset right and look at this as a life change rather than an unsustainable diet. My attitudes towards food and exercise have undergone a huge change - especially now that I am able to control both of these things as I get fitter and healthier.

    This morning I got up at six to go to my early therapy appointment and then went for a walk afterwards. Both of these things help me so much. My weekly therapy , sessions help to keep me grounded and give me a haven to offload a lot of my issues. The walk was equally beneficial and has made me feel more awake and alive.

    I popped into a charity shop on the way home and bought a red velvet dress. I can't believe I even had the courage to try it on! Being a natural 'strawberry blonde/redhead', I've always avoided red but this dress just looked so sassy that I couldn't resist it. Not only that, but it's a size XS. The two shop assistants were cooing and oohing about how good it looked on me and do you know what, I actually agreed with them! That is something that I have never been able to do. But I looked good!! (OK, I'd better go and let my swollen head deflate now!)

    To every one of you, I wish you harmony in your life - most importantly with yourself. To the newcomers, you are so lucky to have found this thread! Come back often and reap the benefits of the sagacity of a truly amazing group of women.


    Amanda x
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    We have no water AGAIN, the wind chill is 25 below, it is nasty out, and I can't believe that we seem to be the only school in the state not canceled! I don't want to go to work!

    My February goals, since I used January to refocus, are to maintain the focus that I have found and hope hope hope to lose 1 pound, as I havent posted a loss in a year.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just marking my place.

    January was a total bust for me as I had to add 3 pounds back for the first time since joining MFP.

    What I did learn in January (actually I already knew this, but just stating it for all the world to see) is what a wonderful, helpful and caring group all of you are. I really appreciate the prayers for my parents and I. I really appreciate all the links and suggestions for going low sodium in the house. It is amazing how much help is here for who ever needs it and wants it.

    Thank you all and here's to February :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    PS: I found an actual fancy recipe for grilled veggies that I plan to try this week and will let you all know if it is any good. I would never have stopped on that page of the cook book if it hadn't been for Mimi.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: Marking my spot. I will be back again ladies. I managed to gain back 12 lbs since October :cry: , so I have to get back to logging. I changed my ticker to reflect it, because that is just too much to ignore. We just came back from a week's vacation to Mexico. So nice. I am starting a new job in two weeks. Son # 2 is back home. And a few other things that have happened. All excuses to eat more than I should. I take full responsibility.

    :flowerforyou: I hope everyone is doing well. I am sure a lot of new people have come on board by now. Welcome!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, thanks for keeping the thread going. You are an inspiration.

    Gotto go to work, so I will talk to you all later.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Well hello February!

    It' drifting in here with snow, although we will miss the brunt of the "big" storm. I feel so sorry for those in the path of the ice storm. That is such a misery.

    I have finally lost some weight. Yippee!! Two pounds finally! I am exercising 360 minutes a week, and still eating healthy.
    This has got to be the most stubborn old body on the face of the earth, when it comes to giving up weight. My goal for February is just to continue what I am doing. Weight loss, or not, it is all good for me. The exercise burns off alot of stress, and leaves me better able to cope with my long days. I often combine my powerwalk with a dose of Joyce Meyer in the morning and get double benefits.

    I am so late this morning. Work jumped on the day as soon as I was out of bed. As soon as the job was over I suited up and went to exercise. Despite someone who needed this and needed that. Made it!

    Snow is drifiting down, really beautiful, that slow wafting kind of snow that looks like every flake is hears it's own tune and waltzing it's way to the ground.

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello Everyone,:smile:
    January was a month of just getting back into the swing of things for me. I had some up's and down's. This month I would like to hold to my calorie count as much as possible. I would like to see my ticker change to some sort of loss this month.
    I found out I have some more health issues to deal with...a small blow to my morale. I have to do like Birdie, Barbie, and several of the others have talked about. I can't compare myself to others and try to do all the things I see done. I have to do what I can and be happy with what I can accomplish. Just posting my food and being aware is a good thing. Any movement or excercise, is a good thing. I have to set small goals for myself, take it one day at a time, not beat myself up for what is not in my control and go forward with a smile and a song.

    If I can accomplish this, then for me that is success.:tongue:

    Have a Wonderful, Happy, :heart: February:heart: everyone!

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for starting the thread, Barbie!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    A new month!


    Just marking my place for later!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Remember my grandson, David AKA Buzz? I was thinking that maybe he could zap my frozen water for me. If only my Buzz had superpowers besides the ability to reduce a roomful of adults to laughter! He has a new habit - when he is told to do something (like if I say "You need to pick up that toy you just threw"), he looks at you, smiles, and politely says, "No, thank you." How do you respond to such politeness in a two year old??
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone :smile: I've been a way awhile but now I'm back again. I started January very determined and succeeded in losing what I'd gained since I left you all back in October - so now it's time for the real hard work to begin.
    It is nice to see familiar 'faces' and lots of new ones too!
    Yipee February - it means Spring is around the corner :flowerforyou: even though the Groundhog is going to be buried under several inches of snow tomorrow!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I am determined to do this again and keep it away this time. I read my Carb Lovers Book and it is basically what I was doing when I lost all my weight. I went to grocery store this morning and stocked up on what I needed. I am so fortunate to be able to affored it. $96 dollars and not even real meals, just basics to have around. The baby has been sick and is needy today but will try to walk on treadmill later. I too am guilty of thinking I need to do a large time frame of exercise or none at all. That too will change. I forgot to weigh this morning. Tomorrow I will weigh and measure and change my ticker. I went window shopping in Dallas this past weekend. It was so dissappointing that nothing fit in the size I was willing to buy. I can still remember the great feeling of clothes fitting and looking good. I am going to stop for a moment to give myself a good swift kick in butt. But I am not going to dwell on mistakes just go forward with doing it again. Thanks to all of you for your help and support. Have already logged my meals and am doing very well.
    Have a good day.
    Vicki M.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Just marking my spot. :flowerforyou:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello all, greetings from England!

    I joined MFP on 2nd Jan and was hoping for any loss during January, I was desperate to see some shift after feeling so lousy in December. I decided to go cold turkey and cut out all sweets, crisps, biscuits, cakes etc etc and to my suprise I lost 16lbs during January! I was so pleased! But I have a long way to go......

    February: Well not a good start as weigh in day is monday morning and yesterday there was absolutely no loss, but I hadn't put any on so that is good! I would like to loose one pound per week in february ,so 4lb would be nice. What is more important is increasing my activity as January was really about controlling my eating and I didn't concentrate too much exercise, a few changes but on the whole it has been a low priority. So february is about getting more active!

    Best wishes to all!
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Happy February everyone, January was up and down for me. Hoping to get it together with the beginning of a new month.
    Spent the day trying to catch up on reading and with some neglected friends.

    I also have spent a great deal of time organizing coupons and a grocery list that does not include any packaged meals or overly processed foods. Will check back in and read everyone's post. Right now, I am heading to the store and going to park in the most far away spot I can find. One of my goals is to walk a minimum of 15 miles each week.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    Just looking forward to losing as much weight as I possibly can for a month I am drinking over 75 oz of water daily so that is a big plus and I am going to increase my exercise to 45 mintues or more per day :-)