

  • I think I do that. I d loose weight then I would just regain it. I came to realize that I was doing it to myself. I spend time thinking about what could be behind it. Are you worried success will make you someone different? Will other people expect more than you feel you can do? Are you concerned about attention coming…
  • Checking in to fill you in on what is going on. I started working out with a personal training. Picked up some great tips and some good moves and exercises I should be doing and am now doing. Also changed the order in how I was doing my workouts. I also saw a nutritionist. I found out that my insurance will pay for 6…
  • THANK YOU everyone. I am not typically a "sweater" even when I worked in the horse business many years ago I was never much of a sweater. Of course I was working hard all day every day and so didn't have a weight problem. I will work on drinking more water. I have been measuring but will do a more consistant job of it I am…
  • The ticker says a 5 lb loss but that was a high and my weight wasn't that high when I started working out. I've been up and down for no real reasons in that 5 lb range for awhile. The weight I am at now is what is the "high" low for me and it isn't moving I haven't been measuring and I will start. How depressing was THAT!…
  • Count me in!! Susan
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