scared of success...

Not sure if anyone else can identify with me on this but....

I've been unhappy at a job for 9 years, working with a lot of other people that were unhappy and disgruntled. People were mean, would gossip about each other, fight via facebook, and be in our supervisor's office, telling on each other or having a fight mediated. I would take my breaks in my car in attempts to stay away from the angry "mob mentality". I was unhappy but the job paid well and was easy.

So, 4 weeks ago I got a new job! I now work with people who are driven and highly motivated. My job is very challenging but pays less. People there are so positive and professionally mature. I feel like it's a good career move for me.

I want to bring the best me to this new job, so I started doing MFP, bootcamp, and cardio 3 weeks ago. Yesterday when I saw results and my clothes fit me better something strange happened. I didn't work out , I ate bad foods, drank a whole bottle of wine, and didn't log my bad foods. Today, I'm giving myself excuses not to work out like, "let the blister on your foot heal". Prior to seeing results, I worked out hard, blister and all, 5-6 days a week.

I'm self sabotaging all my efforts like I'm afraid of success... Any suggestions?


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Stop doing that. You are in control of the decisions made every day. You see the problem, now you must deal with it. If it becomes a pattern, you will likely just give up the changes you made. Figure out if you are afraid of successfully losing the weight and if so, why?

    As we go through the challenges and changes of weight loss, there are many things we have to deal with - the hardest are the mental things that the food was hiding. Start dealing with those now. A little introspection is needed. Unfortunately, we each have to figure out for ourselves what we were using food to fix.

    So glad you are in a better place in your career. Stress at work is so hard. Good luck in meeting your goals.

    Edited because I haven't had coffee yet. :wink:
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Can kind of relate mfp is the one diet I seem to have clicked with after years of doing WW having to work out points for everything this is a walk in the park and really simple but I started making things awkward and difficult for myself I would lose 2lb one week binge next cut down week after weigh every day and then lose again and this started a bad habit it was like I was trying to punish myself for doing week god knows why?? Maybe I thought it seemed too good to be true, any ways I have moved to weigh myself monthly now as my scales obsession got out of hand and I think I needed to take some pressure off myself and make this feel more like a lifestyle which to me weighing once a month does,x
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Stop doing that. You are in control of the decisions made every day. You see the problem, now you must deal with it. If it becomes a pattern, you will likely just give up the changes you made. Figure out if you are afraid of successfully losing the weight and if so, why?

    As we go through the challenges and changes of weight loss, there are many things we have to deal with - the hardest are the mental things that the food was hiding. Start dealing with those now. A little introspection is needed. Unfortunately, we each have to figure out for ourselves what we were using food to fix.

    So glad you are in a better place in your career. Stress at work is so hard. Good luck in meeting your goals.

    Edited because I haven't had coffee yet. :wink:

    And wise words there a lot of what you said makes sense to me!
  • 4People
    4People Posts: 7
    I think I do that. I d loose weight then I would just regain it. I came to realize that I was doing it to myself. I spend time thinking about what could be behind it. Are you worried success will make you someone different? Will other people expect more than you feel you can do? Are you concerned about attention coming because of your new look, then work every day to tell yourself that you are who you are inside and you are worthy of this dream too. I haven't fully gotten past this but it has helped.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    You've received some excellent advice already, so I don't have a whole lit to add, except that sometimes change can be a little scary, even if the changes are for the better. You've made what sounds like a really good career change, and you started on a path to improve your health and fitness, which is also an excellent change. Perhaps you felt a little overwhelmed? Hopefully, the feelings you are describing are temporary, since you have made such a good start. I wish you the very best in both of your endeavors!
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    I think I do that. I d loose weight then I would just regain it. I came to realize that I was doing it to myself. I spend time thinking about what could be behind it. Are you worried success will make you someone different? Will other people expect more than you feel you can do? Are you concerned about attention coming because of your new look, then work every day to tell yourself that you are who you are inside and you are worthy of this dream too. I haven't fully gotten past this but it has helped.
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    I think I do that. I d loose weight then I would just regain it. I came to realize that I was doing it to myself. I spend time thinking about what could be behind it. Are you worried success will make you someone different? Will other people expect more than you feel you can do? Are you concerned about attention coming because of your new look, then work every day to tell yourself that you are who you are inside and you are worthy of this dream too. I haven't fully gotten past this but it has helped.

    These ARE my fears...