

  • Hi, i'm cycling from San Diego to DC next year & also want to live joyfully, disease- and injury-free. Besides road cycling, I also started barefoot/natural running. Let's be friends. I sent u a friend request.
  • Spinning is really effective exercise & less wear & tear on ur joints in general. Make sure that ur seat height, saddle distance & handlebar height are adjusted correctly for u. That can make a world of difference for preventing injuries, back pain & optimizing comfort. Have instructor or knowledgeable person help u out.…
  • Hi Sweetie, i identify with your story. You're in the right place! Thanks for posting. Add me as a friend. We can keep each other accountable. I ate so much fast food this year. But since a month ago, I started eating healthy--lots of inflammation-fighting foods as my fitness journey was motivated by joint & back pain.…
  • For better or for worse, I had an unintentional splurge day last Sat. I had basically 1000 calories over my norm. I wouldn't recommend it but the great thing is that in the past, I would've spiralled into shame, self-hatred, powerlessness & the cycle prolly woulda continued for a week. Since my roomie introduced me to MFP,…
  • Uh, no I add everyone. Why should I only add "hot" ppl? But truth be told, i do think that the female members who r my new friends r all pretty good-looking (u know who u r). Kudos to u all for taking care of urselves both inside & out! :)
  • You can add me also :)