

  • Thank you everbody for replying :wink: !!... So... guess eating most heathy possible without taking out some "rewards" like ice creams, would be the best... Alrighty then hahaha thank you all !
  • Hi thanks for replying too :) Im only exceeding 22 pounds... 63kg would be my healthy weight... i feel that i still eat as i did before... i mean good amount of food... the only difference is that i stop drinking cokes and candies and i cant imagine eating more than i do right now... but theres also another problem... i…
  • hi thanks for replying :D, so i should just stick to eating my goal calories and the burned calories? that is what i've been doing so far those days... in the end, i eat like 2000cal a day... (goal: 1200 + workout: 800)... So... so far i've been doing the correct thing right? Thanks :)
  • If i add more calories, wouldnt my body stay in its current weight?... im at 1200 because my goal is to burn fat ... actually im eating almost 2000 cal per day since i burn like 800~... btw thanks for the reply :)
  • Yep just some kg of overweight but still i aint got muscles i mean... i want to reduce all fat so that i could gain clean muscle... but i dont want to be a whole year trying to burn just some kg... thats why i stayed with the 1200 cal :| btw thanks for the reply :)
  • Alright then, ill just keep it up. Also about small meals is true :), I've read that 5 or 6 meals a day is the same as 3 meals a day... in the end, what it counts are the eaten calories... But the trick is that by eating 5 or 6 meals, those moments where we used to end up like drug addicts looking for food, can totally…
  • hahah yaoming... i thought i could find anyone from here that stayed fit with MFP... though nice to meet ya' all :D