joyfulhappyheart Member


  • Following. It's on my list to SOMEDAY try. :D Please post an update and let me know how you did and if you liked it! :D
  • Bought one for hubby for father's day. Hoping I made the rigght choice! LOL
  • Ok, update on 21day fix. I followed it completely. I did not lose weight. I can give a very long detailed explaination of the problems with this program tha I HAD, but frankly I don't want to waste the energy on it and then have to defend my results against the BB cult followers/snake oil salespeople. It had me on 1900…
  • thanks for that link! I'm looking at it now. It's something I REALLY want to do, but need to find a way to do at home... Thanks so much!
  • I had the same problem with iifym. I never could get enough info for it to make sense to me. The best advice you'll find over and over on this forum and what I'm doing starting today: (quoting another thread...) I have my MFP set to my TDEE so I know that I can eat up to and below that number to lose fat. I also know that…
  • I second t25. I know you said you didn't want a dvd. My internet goes out frequently, so DVD works better for me. :D I've heard wonderful things about Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire (aso BB) but I am told they are also available on youtube. I have never checked though. I know several people in love with those workouts though.…
  • I completely agree! I tried it for 3 months and the website/app is HORRIBLE. Just horrible. And the forums where you could ask questions? ALL they would EVER say is either ask your counselor (who was an idiot) or look in your booklet. Because the forums could be seen by the public, nothing in depth was ever discussed that…
  • Following closely. I just bought one last weekend for hubby's Father's day gift. Bought it at best buy... wondering if I should return. What do others tink about the UP?
  • Following this thread. I believe I read that's what the Biggest Loser contestants do. I read an article on it, but I worry it's too difficult for me from day to day to do high/low. Would love to see how that works for others.
  • I bought the books and read them but never had the courage to do it. LOL after I finish 21df, I may revisit that idea... also looking at IIFYM but so far that is just confusing me.
  • I'm interested-- just heard about it today for the first time. But wow-- it wants me doing 2032 calories a day to lose. That just does not seem right at all... Freaking me out. can that be wrong? telling me to do 183 carbs 188 protein 60 fat and 41-51 fiber
  • I did it for 6 months, lost 10 pounds total. BUt let me explain the lack of significant loss. The dry food is not that great. There were a few things I enjoyed, but 80% was not good at all. I'm not a picky person but alot of it just was not that good. The foods are designed so that you combine them with fresh fruits,…
  • Zip lining and indoor skydiving. Right now I am too embarrased to use the largest size skydiving suit. I want to be able to wear a regular size. wearing heels.
  • me too please! I am 5'5", 42 years old and have 50-75 pounds to lose. (not exactly sure where I'll stop. Want to look and feel healthy, don't need to look super-skinny.) I soooooo need an accountability buddy. I have nobody in my family/friends trying to be healthy/lose weight, so I'm on my own.
  • where did you find the 3 boxes of oh yeah for $40?? I'd love to get a deal like that!!!! :D
  • I agree-- I'm on week 2 of 21df and I've made ALOT of mistakes. LOL I even skipped everything last weekend. not smart, but I'll just extend by 3 days and I'm moving on from it... It's a learning process, and two over yellow is NOT a big deal at all. Do not give up! It gets easier as you go, I promise!
  • I may be... I will be finishing up 21df and will be ready to start on June 1st, but not sure if I'm going to do T25 or Les Mills Combat next. (got a good deal for both on Ebay). I'm somewhat a beginner-- 21df was my first ever "program"... Not sure which will give me better results for beginner type shape..
  • Not really sure-- they taste "chemically" to me-- for lack of any better description. I've tried just about every flavor and just couldn't handle them. LOL
  • thanks to a family member who ohated them, I have tried every flavor of quest bars-- they are all HORRIBLE to me! Even warming them up like people say-- gross. I love Oh Yeah! Victory bars. Chocolate chip is my favorite so far. 21 g protein, 20 g fiber, 200 calories
  • I'm in the middle of it now. technically week 2, but I didn't do ANYTHING last friday-sunday, so instead of giving up, I am just extending it 3 more days. Would love to join ya'll though. I really like it so far. Week 2 is much easier for me. I'm getting so much better at the workouts (they are harder than they look!), and…
  • it's the same jug of stuff (not expired).. I actually have 4 flavors, and they are all gagging me.
  • yes, I always drink with a straw. It's a habit of mine.
  • low magnesium can also cause that.
  • I bought mine off ebay $59 shipped. Bought friday morning, got it today's mail (WOW!) It said gently used, but I'm telling you-- this looks like it was never even touched. I can tell the bands were never used. I'll start it in 2 weeks, when I'm done with 21 day fix. Now I'm on the search for the Les Mills pump. I want to…
  • I am not a veggie person either. that's my biggest struggle of all-- getting in those veggies. I tried hiding some in a shake lastnight. ended up tasting like I mowed the lawn and threw it in a drink. LOL Not pretty. Still trying to figure that out...
  • I am starting today. Spent yesterday menu planning, plus about 1 1/2 hours prepping ALL meals for the week. I really like that. I'm usually so busy for every meal, I just usually grab something unhealthy and gobble it down so I can move on to the next thig to do... So this morning, while running around with company in the…
  • mine arrived! Waiting to start until monday though. I'm nervous about making the menu, but the plan is very simple. So far it makes more "sense" to me that WW or Nutrisystem... Not a coach, doing this on my own....
  • that's great that it helped your mother. I don't have a problem with it-- other than the price. I'm personally allergic, so it's not an option for me. I wonder why all these threads always go to shakeology when usually the intention of the thread is the PROGRAM. Not shakeology which is an optional tiny piece of the…
  • Bumping this back up. Just got shipping email saying I should get it tomorrow or wednesday (FINALLY! LOL) I have family coming in to town thursday and we have to do the whole "Texas experience" tour and sightseeing things for them, so probably will wait to start until the monday after mother's day when everyone is gone and…