So my iifym is

Question I have tried every attempt to lose weight it was suggested to use the iifym formula ... As I have now gained again I'm at 206.4 which means I have to eat 1802 calories to lose weight? Does this sound right, I'm just curious because I can't lose weight with 500 cal, 1000 cal, 1200 cal not counting cal, ww, jcraig, ideal protein, phen, adkins, all of these I've tried over last several years the scale keeps going up 60 pounds in the last 8 months..I'm 35' female, 5'2 and now 206.4 pounds suggestions


  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    It seems like a decent number to me, based on your current size, yes. For reference, I'm 5'3'' and I can eat 1760 and stay the same weight that I am now, so for someone who weighs 80+ lbs more than me but who's around my height - it seems logical to me.

    That being said, have you gone to your doctor about this? If you've gained 60 pounds in eight months I'm wondering if you're having some sort of issue, whether that be a thyroid problem or anything that would cause significant weight gain.

    At the same time though, it sounds a bit like you do fad diets and those never work in the end. You can't just hop off it and expect your body to remain the same. You're going to gain most of it back a lot of the time, and then some. Losing weight needs to be more of a lifestyle change. You should eat healthy and exercise and you'll get it done.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I'm no expert or professional, but if you have tried so many things I would just keep it simple this time. Just plug your numbers into MFP along with your goals and follow the deficit that MFP gives to you. Weigh and measure all of your food and if you work out eat back most of your exercise calories. It does work, but it is you who makes it work. You have to stick to it. You have gained weight back in the past cause of all the fad diets and not maintaining after.

    If you must do IIFYM then that seems about right.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Depends on your level of activity? I WAS a 206lber, lost weight at a 1600 calorie diet WITH moderate exercise 3 days a week. I'm 42 5'4"
  • milyba
    milyba Posts: 49
    Thanks for your input, yes I've gone to the doctors my prolactin level is high, but they suggested more test and diet and exercise will help.?
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    I had the same problem with iifym. I never could get enough info for it to make sense to me.

    The best advice you'll find over and over on this forum and what I'm doing starting today:
    (quoting another thread...)
    I have my MFP set to my TDEE so I know that I can eat up to and below that number to lose fat.
 I also know that I can add 250-500 cals to that number on heavy lifting days in hopes of muscular growth. 

For Morbidly Obese you can go as low as 30% below TDEE but beware the hormonal drops and if you plateau you'll need to come back up to TDEE for a few days.
I recommend 20% below TDEE.

    If after 2 weeks the inches arent coming off then reassess your activity level and try a lower/higher setting.

 This study shows that individuals who have dieted down with moderate to low deficits are more likely to maintain weight loss and health as opposed to those who diet down on a Very Low CalorieDiet.
  • lauralea42
    lauralea42 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! My name is Laura. I am 42 yrs old, 5'7" and 158 lbs. My fat % is 27.6 right now. I have been dieting for 20 weeks. At first I was eating around 1200 calories a day. I lost weight, but I plateaued. I had a fitness trainer help me by figuring my BMR and the amount of calories I should be eating daily to lose weight. This is 1520 cal/day with maintenance at 2027 cal. Well, for the past four weeks I have plateaued AGAIN! A female friend of mine that is into body building suggested I go to to figure my calories and macros. All I have been doing in to the past was watching calories, but she told me I need to watch proteins, carbs, and fats also. Well, when I did the calculator it told me that I should be eating 1740 cal/day (at aggressive 20%). I freaked out. Wow....I feel that if I am not losing weight at 1520 calories, isn't 1740 calories a day gonna make me GAIN weight??? She told me to stay off the scale for a couple weeks because I may gain weight as my body gets used to the extra calories, but if I follow the macros then I will start losing weight again. My main question to you you feel 1740 calories a day is to high? Will I lose weight while eating this many calories?? Any suggestions you have will be appreciated!
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member

    If your maintenance cals are 2027 then no matter how much you eat under that, whether it's at 1520 or 1740, you will still lose weight because you are eating at a deficit. And because you're 5'7'' and 158 lbs, I feel that a slow weight loss regimen is right for your body as you don't want to lose too much too quickly. So don't freak out about eating only about 300 cals less than your maintenance level.

    Are you also exercising along with changing your eating habits? If you were to exercise that would help lower your body fat percentage and accelerate your weight loss a little in a healthy way (so long as you don't overdo it and you're eating back some of the calories you've burned while exercising).
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Question I have tried every attempt to lose weight it was suggested to use the iifym formula ... As I have now gained again I'm at 206.4 which means I have to eat 1802 calories to lose weight? Does this sound right, I'm just curious because I can't lose weight with 500 cal, 1000 cal, 1200 cal not counting cal, ww, jcraig, ideal protein, phen, adkins, all of these I've tried over last several years the scale keeps going up 60 pounds in the last 8 months..I'm 35' female, 5'2 and now 206.4 pounds suggestions

    Stop doing fad diets. Stop yo-yoing. Let's get down to basics here. Have you read this?

    I plugged in your numbers into a basic calculator, and got an estimate of your BMR at 1550 or so and your TDEE (with just basic daily living like shopping and walking the dog) at about 2150. All the hype, all the advice aside, if you eat between your BMR and TDEE every day, you WILL lose weight (barring any other health issues). But it takes a commitment to tracking everything accurately.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    You are either not being honest with yourself (keeping track of calories) or you've got some kind of medical issue that stops you losing.
  • lauralea42
    lauralea42 Posts: 29 Member
    I guess I just feel that eating even 300 under my maintenance calories would keep me from losing weight, but it is true what you say. As far as exercising...oh yes!! I workout out 5-6 days a week doing HIIT. I usually do TurboFire (kickboxing) or jogging for HIIT, and I also do strength training. I have had to take it down to cycling this past week for my HIIT being as I hurt my ankle. It is still high intensity just not high impact. No jumping around for me for another week until my ankle is better. Thanks!!!
  • lauralea42
    lauralea42 Posts: 29 Member

    If your maintenance cals are 2027 then no matter how much you eat under that, whether it's at 1520 or 1740, you will still lose weight because you are eating at a deficit. And because you're 5'7'' and 158 lbs, I feel that a slow weight loss regimen is right for your body as you don't want to lose too much too quickly. So don't freak out about eating only about 300 cals less than your maintenance level.

    Are you also exercising along with changing your eating habits? If you were to exercise that would help lower your body fat percentage and accelerate your weight loss a little in a healthy way (so long as you don't overdo it and you're eating back some of the calories you've burned while exercising).

    I guess I just feel that eating even 300 under my maintenance calories would keep me from losing weight, but it is true what you say. As far as exercising...oh yes!! I workout out 5-6 days a week doing HIIT. I usually do TurboFire (kickboxing) or jogging for HIIT, and I also do strength training. I have had to take it down to cycling this past week for my HIIT being as I hurt my ankle. It is still high intensity just not high impact. No jumping around for me for another week until my ankle is better. Thanks!!!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    the scale keeps going up 60 pounds in the last 8 months..I'm 35' female, 5'2 and now 206.4 pounds suggestions

    Unless you're leaving out the parts where you're binge eating between fad diets thereby causing that massive amount of weight gain, it sounds more like a medical issue to me and a basic IIFYM plan is very unlikely to be the answer. I'd talk to your doctor and get some idea as to whether there's potentially a medical condition causing you to gain weight and, if so, take steps to get that under control.
  • lauralea42
    lauralea42 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow...I just started IIFYM today. I had looked back at last week's nutrition on MyFitnessPal to see if I was close to my macros or not. I seem to go over my macros limit in fat, but have a hard time reaching the carbs goal. I was in shock being as I though carbs were actually a problem for in eatting too much of them, but I guess not. Any suggestions on what I should eat that will help me with my carbs but not increase my fat macro??? Also...another question....I thought carbs were not a good thing to eat a lot of, but I am suppose to eat 232g a day. Does that seem like a lot?

    Calorie goal: 1740
    Carb: 232
    Fat: 40
    Protein 114
    Fiber: 32-40

    I hit the fat goal fast. Carbs and protein is a little harder for me, but I can see carbs are going to be the hardest!!
  • lauralea42
    lauralea42 Posts: 29 Member
    Had to change my macros being as my body is a little carb intolerant. By eating all those carbs I was only hurting myself. I am on a low carb diet now. Eating way more protein than carbs, so looking to see what till happen on weigh in day.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Look, it's one of those special snow flakes that can't lose weight!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    To those confused or curious about IIFYM, I have an entire playlist of YouTube videos that will walk you through the entire process from beginning to end. I feel that the calculator on the IIFYM website often times has you eating too much protein at the expense of fat and carbs. If the concept of IIFYM doesn't make sense to you, these videos should help clear it all up:

    To the OP, if you are saying you didn't lose weight while consistently eating 1000 calories or less everyday at a body weight of over 200 lbs then one of the following must be true:

    1: You have an extremely profound metabolic disease process. If you believe this is the case I would see an endocrinologist and have them order every test under the sun

    2: You are bad at counting calories. Studies show humans can overestimate the calories in a meal by upwards of 40%. The simple difference between using a measuring spoon to measure peanut butter vs weighing it on a scale can be a 100-200 calorie difference per serving. Do you weigh 100% of your food? Do you often eat food you did not prepare? How much guess work is involved?

    3: You are not consistent. How often do you blow your diet. Cheat days? Free meals? Do you ever binge? Remember eating 1000 calories for 5 days then eating 4000 calories on Saturday and Sunday is the same as eating 1857 calories every day.

    If number 1 is your problem IIFYM is likely not the answer. If you feel numbers 2 or 3 might be your problem, then IIFYM could certainly work for you.