losingweightfor30 Member


  • Chuck --- if you leave them around it allows you to believe that the pounds you lost can be gained... because you have the clothes and can fit back in them. If they are gone, it forces you to maintain your weight because who wants to buy larger clothes?? I'm looking forward to chucking mine!
  • Use the old... I'm not feeling that well today. I really appreciate the thought but perhaps someone else could enjoy it. It's a hard when you don't want to be rude, and I hope no one would really want to sabotage another, but sometimes you have to look out for your own best interests, and if you don't want it (I know I…
  • Count me in!! My goal is to lose 9 pounds by May 1st, I'm down 3 already. April start weight: 224 lbs Current weight: 221 lbs Goal: 215lbs
  • You're positive attitude is inspirational. I know I get demotivated when the scale yo-yo's, but looking at the positives will keep us more motivated!! Great job!
  • I've actually had to start working out in the evenings to avoid my hunger cravings. I drink 16oz of water before my workout, and 16oz after with a yogurt or banana. After working out, I don't bother to eat because I know how many calories more I will have to burn off.
  • Welcome and hi!! I am in the same boat as you... mom of a two year old -and a 6 month old, hard to find time to exercise, but you do and the results you will get will help you keep motivated!
  • Thanks for sharing! Have to get all the tips I can for a successful weight loss~
  • Unfortunately for us, there is no miracle to losing weight... just time, hard work and dedication. I've tried so many "fad" diets but these things never work. You can't do that all of your life... if you don't change your habits you will gain it all back.
  • Thanks everyone! You're right ... I need to get back into a routine and not lose count of my 30 pounds. I will make smaller goals, one being 15 more pounds to lose from extra baby weight from baby #2.... I will plan to celebrate by going to the spa! **I have weights and took a lift at 30 pounds... it's a lot of weight,…