

  • whoa this sounds like me. I had my last period in Feburary too... and I'm on similar calorie intakes to you. I was going to go to the doctors to see if they had any suggestions - but good news is missing periods are not as dire as not having one to begin with. I was having issues with this last time i went to see my doctor…
  • I think this is a great idea! I'm only one week in on MFP, and have had a great week. However, I have a terrible habit of binging regularly, and knowing that I will have to log a binge as well as other MFP friends seeing it all would be shameful and motivation enough to not do it in the first place! So thanks! lets help…
  • Okay, so if this is true, I'm still going to assume that MFP's sugar tab is a guideline for 'added' sugars, not counting the sugars I may already be getting (fructose, lactose etc.). Otherwise, I'd guess it'd be pretty darn impossible to eat in the recommended way. surely? I guess the nitty gritty doesn't reallllly matter…
  • Thanks everyone. I am looking to lose around 15 pounds, but more importantly to eat regularly and nutrient dense foods so that I break the habit of binge eating and then restricting to compensate. Personally, I feel that eating the recommended ratios for my macros has helped me feel more satisfied and satiated, because I…
  • Gender: Female Age: 20 Height: 165cm (5'5) SW: 61kg CW: 57kg GW: 50kg Add me if you are even a little bit similar!
  • good on you for coming on here, and starting to workout. even if it's 3 minutes, or 5, or whatever. And with the food thing, there's really no way to say it kindly. You have to change, if you let things go on longer than they have already, it will kill you. Sounds a bit dramatic, and it is extreme, i know. But it's true.…
  • Also I realise that 7 kilos sounds easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy when you compare to the champs shooting to lose around 50! But I have never made it 2 weeks on a 'healthy lifestyle plan' before I scoff a loaf of bread and 3 bowls of cereal. It's shameful, so get on side!
  • That's all it comes down to! Major props for throwing away the drink, logging it, and 'fessing up on here! that's huge! if it were me i'd order the whole flipping menu and never speak to the world again...okay, not that bad, but you know what i mean. Keep going girl! You're going to do great, and it's silly to expect…
  • although i'm 5'4.5, which is a pretty average height, I have the tiniest frame ever, i am trying to get from 125 to 110, because i reallllly don't wear excess weight well. Good luck to you!
  • I almost felt like I had written your post, I used to weigh 52kg too (I'm 165cm), and got up to 61kg, which doesn't sound like a lot but made me feel so awful that I started saying no to social invitations, because I just didn't feel confident. Right now I'm 57kg, and i feel like this is my 473829789th time at 'starting…