WANTED: Serious Accountability Partner(s)!

I have learned the hard way that a major part of healthy living and eating is being held accountable to someone for what and how much goes in your mouth and what exercise you put in. When you decide to go at this alone, failure isn't too far behind. At least for me.

So I am looking for some friends that aren't just looking to add notches in their friends list, but who are seriously wanting to help hold me accountable for healthy food choices, portion control, and exercise.

And of course I would do the same for you. I like encouraging and helping those who are also on this journey.

If you add me, please attach a quick note (or a novel if you feel so inclined) letting me know why you are adding me. I don't typically add friends without a message attached. There are too many friend collectors and creepers on here. Thanks!


  • DarthPato
    Bump bump bumpity
  • wintershrink
    I think this is a great idea! I'm only one week in on MFP, and have had a great week.
    However, I have a terrible habit of binging regularly, and knowing that I will have to log a binge as well as other MFP friends seeing it all would be shameful and motivation enough to not do it in the first place!
    So thanks! lets help each other out!
  • DarthPato
    Yeah I had an issue with binging. And it took a lot to admit to my MFP peeps that I was doing it. But by doing so I put myself up for accountability and haven't done it since! Like you said, having to admit my binges and log them is enough motivation to help deter me.
  • gulfportgirl
    Hi there. I would really benefit from a serious accountability partner. I've started and stopped MFP three or maybe four times now, I say that to you up front. I signed back on today after a five month absence during which I gained ten pounds and I am now almost at my heaviest at 210 lbs.

    I had major foot surgery five weeks ago and I'm in a non-weight bearing cast for a minimum of three more weeks, probably six. This really limits my exercising opportunities but I do a little floor workout and throw in some arm weight exercises.

    I really really want to succeed and think I'd do better with someone to personally stay accountable to. Want to give it a try?
  • DarthPato
    We can do it! Cheesy I know...but as I said I really feel like when you have people to share this journey and hold you accountable you are more likely to succeed.
  • LovelyTasha
    So sorry but I sent it off without a msg!! Would love to add another friend who's willing to call me on my crap and help me through some tough times!! I'm always looking to make someone's day brighter so I would love to do the same for you!

    Hope you are having a great weekend!