

  • Almost every food has carb. When you're eating fruits, you're getting carb but little. It's good to take natural oils from avocado, almond, nuts but please don't forget. However it's healthy, 1gr oil is 9kcal. If you don't do much exercise, paleo is not good for you. 1 gr. carbonhydrat = 4 calori (kcal) 1 gr. protein = 4…
  • I agree the reply above. You need to choose your daily activity correctly. Go to Settings > Update Your Diet Profile and choose one of them; Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job) Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman) Active: Spend a good part of…
  • I agree! If there is a doubt, don't do it. Your mind is screaming from deep inside. Don't waste your time. Every moment is precious. 22 yrs is must-considered gap.
  • Hi, My name is Yasin and living in Antalya, Turkey. I'm working for a Travel Agency and I chose MFP as it can be linked with fitness applications like Runtastic, Edmondo etc. I try to translate it for Turkish users as I believe it'll would be very useful for turkish users who don't know english. Good luck!
  • Hi julie, what is the last status? I've translated some pages.
  • I don't advise to have carb if you are "0" blood type. Because any kind of grains are not digested by this blood type. I advise more protein for this blood type and not light exercises. It's up to you believe or not but at least you can give a try just for 1 week and check how you feel. But if you say "i can stop smoking…