Paleo messing with my calories??

Please can someone help me I'm clueless. I used to always use the pre-defined ranges when it comes to setting goals.

Now that I'm on paleo I'm allowed more oils and spices and protein and veg and fruit but my carb and sugar intake has to be mininal to zero. Now the ranges allow more for carbs and sugars and it's always telling me I've gone over or I won't lose weight.

Anybody that will be willing to help me set the right goals for what i'm doing? I'm mainly eating eggs, avo, lots of salads and veg (roasted and stir-fry mostly) and lots of protein in the forms of meats and fish etc. I don't like fruit so I limit my intake to one fruit a day if that.

I am 166cm tall and weigh 83kg (I've lost 3kg this last week!).



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm not entirely sure what your're after but you can custom set your macros if that's what you mean?
  • princessinnocentknickers
    paleo isn't a low carb 'diet', you can have plenty of carbs they just have to be complex carbs like what you get from vegetables and stuff, as opposed to bread, sugar and the like

    my advice is not to take paleo too seriously. use it as a general blueprint for a healthy diet if you need to learn about nutrition and building healthy meal plans, but ignore most of the dogma and gospel of its adherents. most of it's bollocks.
  • CloudyMao
    CloudyMao Posts: 258 Member
    Set your macro goals to something closer to 60% fat 30% protein 10% carbs, you don't need to stick to that religiously - You don't need to hit macros spot on with Paleo as long as you're eating 'cleanly'
  • Altintren
    Almost every food has carb. When you're eating fruits, you're getting carb but little.

    It's good to take natural oils from avocado, almond, nuts but please don't forget. However it's healthy, 1gr oil is 9kcal. If you don't do much exercise, paleo is not good for you.

    1 gr. carbonhydrat = 4 calori (kcal)
    1 gr. protein = 4 calori (kcal)
    1 gr. oil = 9 calori (kcal)

    I belive the best carb is buckwheat. You can google its benefits. Your goal must be set according to your daily activity.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Almost every food has carb. When you're eating fruits, you're getting carb but little.

    It's good to take natural oils from avocado, almond, nuts but please don't forget. However it's healthy, 1gr oil is 9kcal. If you don't do much exercise, paleo is not good for you.

    1 gr. carbonhydrat = 4 calori (kcal)
    1 gr. protein = 4 calori (kcal)
    1 gr. oil = 9 calori (kcal)

    I belive the best carb is buckwheat. You can google its benefits. Your goal must be set according to your daily activity.

  • jogami
    jogami Posts: 30 Member
    Oops sorry I meant to say more carbs, fat and protein! but got it completely wrong. Ok I've set my goals to 30% carb, 25% protein and 45% fat and will see how that works out for me.

    I am not following it too religiously as the ethos is a bit "out there" but I find this way of eating (ie. cutting out grains and wheat etc) helps me and suits me better (as most protein diets would); because I have IBS and I bloat and cramp terribly!

    I've lost 3.2kg since last week and feeling really great so something is working.

    Thanks for all your responses!
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    You can download a MFP editor in chrome apps were you can edded your macro's by numbers and not by %, this will make your macro intake goals way more accurate. Or you can just google it and it will show you how :P