

  • I tried slim fast many years ago and it did work for me. I must so that the natural foods are a lot healthier for you. Not all the chemicals and stuff with the bars and shakes. Anyway... my new fave breakfast is 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, a pinch of cheese and 1/2 cup brocooli with a little salsa. Throw in a tortilla if…
  • I wouldnt eat them all back. Make sure in your goals that you have an account account of how many calories on average you are burning in a week. That may help. Good luck!
  • I bought a POLAR FT40 about 2 weeks ago and it is amazing. I love it. The strap is super comfy and the watch is easy to use. Comes with a website that tracks your workout stats, and calories burnt as well. I have also heard that the POLAR F7 is really good. The best price that I found was on amazon
  • Well just really make sure you are adding every calorie accurately and then remember that it takes 3500 calories lost to = 1lb lost. When you are eating back part of workout calories make sure that you aren't messing up the count. If you lose 3500 calories a week that is a pund
  • I don't think there is a way to make it breaded and healthy, because to get that consistency you have to deep fry it. My only option would be to use shake and bake for the breading and bake it instead.