

  • I too am usually under So far its not by much. I almost thik that if you are close to the recommended in take you should be alright:smile:
  • As to the coffee(plus) sounds as though you already know what you need to do. Do you like brewed iced tea? that can sometimes help.. or perhaps start your day with an 8oz glass, thats one down then sip the rest all day long. I actually keep a glass on my night stand I wake up alot at night & take a swallow or 2 throughout…
    in Water Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • What a great idea! Thanks for the tip
    in Water Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • That is awesome! Just think of what you are doingfor your overall health & your pocketbook.. Keep up the great work.:flowerforyou:
    in 50 Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • Good for you what an inspiration:smile:
    in 50 Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • I have really just gottne started too & am excited about this. Good luck & feel free to friend me. We can try to help each other succeed
    in Hi Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • 70# is really something to be very proud of. I am sorry to hear about your son. I hope all goes well with him. Have you changed up what you are eating at all? tried new foods? eating smaller portions closer together? Different excercises/activities just to shake up your program? I am also doing a Biblically based health…
    in Stuck Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • No plans to give anything up. In years past I have given up diet coke. I have also tried doing something different in lieu of giving something my bible, devotions.. that sort of thing. Volunteer, perhaps some activity/ excercise, each day. Hmm... you have me thinking. Thanks,:happy: Good luck with the potatoes
  • Holy Toledo, 5 lbs already! That is awesome. I hope I can get that kind of a result. Just think of what you are doing for your overall health. I am encouraged by this site & the members. We are in this together. Keep up the great work, & enjoy your day.
    in Hello Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
  • Good for you, what an action plan. Please try not to beat yourself up just move forward 1 day at a time. Dont forget your short term goals.. Keep up the good work, & may your husband be safe.:smile:
    in Hello Comment by kyacky1 February 2011
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