
Hi, my name is Celeste. Ive been on my weight loss journey since 8/2010. I have lost 70+ lbs, depending on the day lol. I cant seem to get past 253 lbs. Seems something always happens that I get to 253 lbs and then I go back up to 255 no matter how hard I work at the gym. Ive changed up my work out and Ive changed up what Ive been eating. One point my son was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days and now he is sick again which keeps me from going to the gym as I dont have a sitter any other time for him. Now he is sick again and I have whatever he has so that is keeping me from working out. But I am still struggling. Need to get over this hump. I am currently taking weight loss medication which is supposed to help and for the last 6 months it has. To lose 70 lbs in 6 months is a great undertaking. I need to lose another 77 and would like to be there soon. But I cant seem to get past this hump. ARGH! Yes I am probably just whining but was hoping someone would have an idea. Thank you!


  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    I am very similar idk anymore? sorry?
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    Same problem here :/
  • kyacky1
    70# is really something to be very proud of. I am sorry to hear about your son. I hope all goes well with him. Have you changed up what you are eating at all? tried new foods? eating smaller portions closer together? Different excercises/activities just to shake up your program? I am also doing a Biblically based health program thru my church its called First Place for Health/ God's purpose for you. Looking at my weightloss & change, not purely from the number on the scale. We are just a couple of weeks in. Maybe something like that might help you deal with the plateau you are dealing with. Don't quit.. I guess the beauty of this site is that we can bounce ideas off one and other.. we are all in the same boat. Thank-you for bringing this concern up. :smile:
  • emro83
    everyone will always hit a plateau. have you been measuring your size too? if you've been working out you'll have built muscle which weighs more so can be off putting. plus stress with your son etc probably isn't helping your journey, maybe not recording your intake as strictly or not eating at all which is detrimental! you'll get there though!!

    hope your boy gets better!
  • Well don't give up. Make sure that you are getting enough fiber, protein, and calcium in your diet. You want to make sure that your carbohydrates and fiber stay really close to one another. That's what going to help you to build muscle and lose the fat. Make sure you're mixing up your exercise as well. You want to mix up your cardio and strength training. You don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout. Just whatever you do be sure you're are working up a extremely good sweat. Good luck! :wink:
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Same here... 70 pounds down and even tho I'm hella good and not cheating AND eating in proper proportions AND exercising AND eating my exercise calories... I'm stuck too.

    I hope the stuck goes away. Soon.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Since you're already a member of a gym, I'd give them a call (since you can't get to the gym right now) and ask them if you can make an appointment with a trainer. I'd outline your situation about this 253 that you can't seem to shake and take it from there. Trainers are there to help :) In the mean-time you could always google and see if you find any answers that way. Hopefully someone with more experience with this will post for you. I just wanted to let you know my thoughts and that you have my support :flowerforyou:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I went into your diary and there doesn't seem to be any logging for at least the last two weeks. Have you stopped logging or is there a flaw with the diaries??
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    My sons been sick so I havent been logging. I have my hands full lol.But I am pretty much eating the same things. I cut back on how much I was eating at one sitting and was snacking more in between but that doesnt seem to help either. I have bought a jump rope to use here at home which I have never used in any of my work outs. So I am hoping this big change will correct me being stuck! Thanks all for the help. I appreciate it. I didnt honestly expect anyone to respond lol how silly is that?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hey, well done on your progress so far!

    Your son is your top priority right now, and that's stopping you getting to the gym/ logging food diaries etc. So OK. Let that be a 2-3 week "on-hold"

    Don't worry about getting stuck - once your son is on the mend and you are back into the routine THEN re-evaluate how things are going. Now's not the time.

    Best wishes for the future.
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    well shoot dont know what I did but I am at 252.4 YAY ME!! I am under 253. Now lets see if I can keep it off. Thanks for all your help.