

  • How is everyone doing?? Almost 1.5 weeks into our program. Is everyone staying strong and engaged?? I'm feeling stronger by the day! My diet has not been going very well but I think my head is still in this game. Everyday I wake up determined to do better than the day before and most importantly I do my workout!!
  • SO I stayed at my boyfriend's apartment last night because I didn't have the kids and I remembered to pack my dvds but no weights or bands so I am already playing around with the schedule but I'm doing SOMETHING! I did Cardio instead of Workout 2. Tomorrow I'll do Workout 2 instead of cardio then I'll just jump back onto…
  • Workout 1 is done. I feel GREAT! I didn't feel totally inadequate either. It was totally doable. Sure I kept it to 5 pound weights and didn't attempt the jump squats but I did it and took very few breaks. Planks and bicycle abs were where I had to break. MUST strengthen that core! What I need to remember and you all as…
  • Guess what came in the mail yesterday?! I'll be ready to go on Monday. Hope to read up during work today :laugh:
  • Well I weigh everyday and of course I fluctuate all over the place in the course of a week so officially after 1 week of dieting (Tuesday is my official weekly weigh-in day) I lost 2.2 pounds but as of this morning I was down 3.2 total (9 days in). I haven't been exercising at all either. My ticker is counting my goal…
  • SO who will be brave enough to post before photos? I'm not sure I'm brave enough to even take them:sad:
  • Thank you for posting this! I still haven't received this thing in the mail and I'm getting anxious to start reading!!!
  • I use IdealShape meal replacement in milk chocolate. It's tasty and filling and provides over 100% of all recommended daily nutrients in just one serving. Each serving is only 110 calories. I am very successful drinking 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch plus a healthy snack of some type of fruit, which brings me to about…
  • Hello! I'm gearing up to start this program. Most likely Monday if it arrives in the mail before then. :tongue: I'm nearing the end of the most challenging year of my life. Last August 1st my husband moved out and by mid-September we were divorced. Leading up to the split I was so anxious that I lost quite a bit of…
  • I am 5'7" and 38 years old. Single mom to two. An 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. HW: 175 CW: 173 LW: 128 (I haven't seen this in about 20 years) GW: 135 (but realistically 140-145) How I look and feel is more important to me than the number on the scale. I received a shipment notification last Friday so…
  • Great inspiration for me. My dvds shipped last Friday...just waiting for them to arrive and then I'm starting!:happy: