

  • My right foot hurts also since I started doing shred. It's my outside heel on the back of my foot. I went yesterday and bought new workout sneakers with better shock absorbers in them. I am thinking it's achilles heel. Achilles tendonitis is a condition of irritation and inflammation of the large tendon in the back of the…
  • I am so sore from doing this I had to skip day 3!!!! Now day 4 and I am still so sore but I am going to do it anyway. I will leave off the weights today. My arms and legs are very sore. I just hope I am not doing something wrong as I don't hear anyone else talk about how sore they are. :/
  • I ordered mine and waiting for it it arrive. I started Shred and am in terrible muscle pain from that. I knew I was out of shape but dang! I was hoping the Shred would get me prepared for P90X. We shall see mine should be here this week hopefully.
  • I just started mine today and man my legs are burning. Good luck to all