Keeblerelfkin Member


  • I noticed it was getting quieter, in here I have been on the look out for an accountability partner to help keep me motivated and on track with my eating and exercising, my scale has been stuck at 300.0 which my son informed me I am at 3 thousand, made me laugh, but I seriously am ready to be under 300.....especially since…
  • When I started my journey the first time a few years ago I was on record at 489 but probably higher than that and knocking on deaths door. I decided I did not want to live like that. I am getting close to 200 pounds gone(thanks to mfp, and hip hop abs) but I have a ways to go. Even as big as I was people still…
  • i have lost an average adult man and have a new born giraffe to go :) when all is said and done i will have lost 315 pounds but I still have a ways to go
  • I always feel weird when people who have not seen me since i was 500 pounds see me and make comments about how great i must be feeling, but how I still have so far to go, like hello I am living this I know how hard it is and how far it is, but I smile and thank them for noticing, and when I tell people how I lost the…
  • CICO Calories in Calories out
  • well I am glad you said something, I thought it was woo hoo as well, omg now I feel foolish :/
  • I find that keeping sugar free jello on hand helps a lot it is only 5 calories a serving so it helps when I want a snack but not a lot of calories, also I find using hard peppermints work well too. For later at night to keep from snacking i brush my teeth then I am not tempted to eat again.
  • I switch between music channels on the tv, although I swear they play all the songs I love as soon as I quit exercising, no matter what time I do it either :)
  • I have been using My Fitness Pal on and off for a few years. I have lost a significant amount of weight using MFP, as long as I am counting calories and exercise I seem to do well. As I get closer to my goal weight I do notice I have to exercise more and I have been eating less, everyday is a small victory for me. It is…
  • I am working on my fitness I have been doing aerobic one day, strength training the 2nd and then the 3rd day biking on my stationary bike and have the 4th day off and repeat, so far I have been doing well keeping this up but it is super hard when everyone around you is not supportive or helpful for that matter, but each…
  • my biggest NSV this week is Not giving in and eating the candy bar that I so desperately wanted, instead I exercised and refocused as to why I am doing this. When I started my journey i was almost 500 pounds, so I know I have come along way, and have a long way to go. Even these small victories help tremendously in the…
  • Hello everyone I am starting MFP again when i started around 5 years ago I originally was almost 500 pounds, now I am Just over 300 but I have a lot of weight to lose still at least 100 pounds. My main goal this week is to stay under calories and actually work out which I have managed to do so far. I do not do rewards for…
  • Hello everyone I am new to the group. I was diagnosed as Type II January 3rd 2016 along with High BP and it was a complete shock since I have been losing weight like I am supposed to as of now I am 185 pounds lost (I at one point weight 489 lbs.) but a lot more to go (like150) I am hoping to find some help and motivation…
  • thank you for posting that noelkm67 I do want to add this to my post my hubby and I went to the grocery store spent a ton of money and unknown to him (until we got home) we did not buy any "junk" food. A little victory for me. I did talk to him and hopefully I will be able to have a little more support on this long journey.
  • I started my weight loss journey in 2011 and i am 155 pounds down with 184 to go. feel free to friend me, anyone. thanks and good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • THANK YOU to all who have responded to this post with your kindness and encouragement. I don't expect my hubby and kids to understand since none of them have this issue, but I don't want them to ever have to experience this either. I am doing it on my own, I joined a gym and hopefully things will find a way to work itself…
  • The THEY are my husband and kids who I thought would be more helpful but this has not been quite the case. Hopefully 2015 will be better.
  • I used to log the gains but then i was getting discouraged I am 155 pounds down with 184 to go so I just focus on the number going down and i weigh myself every 10 days.
  • I had the same question..... Thanks for asking....I have learned something new.....even if some people think that asking these questions are repetitive....