MegaMech Member


  • Hmmmm, What would you do if you wanted to make a BLT from scratch? I know, sounds like an irrellivant question, but I read all your post, please see this one thru... So you take some bread.. and some mayo.. but wait.. I said from screatch.. so.. you.. get some flour, sugar, yeast eggs.. but wait,.. from Scratch... so you…
  • if he has a tummy he wants to get rid of... He'll need to strengthen his abs... lose weight with out toneing the muscles will just lead to droopy tummy... include crunches or sit ups in what ever you do..
  • I am actually taking a nutrition class by a well respected nutritionist. She says that you need a Min of 1400 calories to get the nutrient.... But the nutrients don't disappear because you exercise... The most important thing is to pay attention to your body. If you are getting enough nutrients and you don't feel hungry,…
  • Hi Tammy, Like the others say... planning is probably best. However, I am SOOOO not a planner! Do you have the MFP for your phone? I think you neeed to log what you eat, that is really helping me. I still eat out, I still buy on the fly... but I write it down instantly with calorees and it has really helped slow down my…
    in Help! Comment by MegaMech February 2011
  • Are you really hungry? I find that when I feel that "I'm so darned hungry" feeling... I'm not actually hungy.. i'm missing my old habits and my old comforts... sometimes I'll have a bite of what I miss.. but I try to just get my mind off of it. Stay with it please!
  • I guess I'm supposed to intruduce myself...? i'm a whopping 347... and my weight has started to GREATLY deminish my life... I can still take a 10 mile hike, or ride a bike... but it's slow going and very painful.. My doctor told me my body would be in better condition if I didn't work so hard (or, of corse if I didn't…
  • Awesome job! i'm just starting the downward slope.. You're looking pretty darn good!