

  • Just joined a gym. Our treadmill at home broke for the second time. I wasn't able to use it anyways because it caused shinsplints. I have been using the elliptical machine at the gym, I use it every other day for 50 minutes. I realize that I also need to use the weight machines. I am just not sure what machines to use in…
  • I definitely make sure that I eat my 1200 calories a day, it is the additional calories that I get when I work out that I tend to not fulfill. MFP has told me that I have not eaten enough for the day, so I make sure to increase my caloric intake to take care of this. I have also adjusted my daily workout, so as to not do…
  • Okay, I have been at this workout/eating right thing for about 4 weeks now. I realize that I don't have much weight to lose to get to my goal weight, but I expected the scale to move a little more quickly than it has. I workout at least 40 minutes 5-6 times a week and am usually 200-300 calories under my daily allowed…
  • Hello everybody! My wedding is in May of 2009, I would like to get down to between 140 and 145, I feel like I have a lot of time, but I also feel like time is flying by! I could use a lot of motivation to continue my adventure!