Weddings and Weight Loss



  • mystery7707
    mystery7707 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey All,

    So, David's bridal called yesterday and my dress is FINALLY in! :happy: So, I think I'll try to swing across the border to get it next week sometime, maybe the weekend. I don't know how much time that leaves for alterations. :ohwell: But on the other hand, I've only lost 9 lbs since I bought the dress, so I don't know how much smaller I'll actually be. I'm nervous to try the dress on. :indifferent:
  • brfortu
    brfortu Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a bridesmaid for a wedding on June 22. I have plenty of time and I have been doing a great job! I've lost 9 lbs so far and I have another 5-11 lbs to go. I would like to ultimately achieve 125lbs but will be content at 130 lbs.

    This is the first time I've ever been a bride's made so I'm way excited but all of the other girls are tini-tiny.. YIKES.. I don't want to be the chubby girl at the front!
  • brfortu
    brfortu Posts: 27 Member
    Hey ya'll! I put up the stick figure bridesmaid dress that I'm supposed to wear!
  • brfortu
    brfortu Posts: 27 Member
    I hear ya.. I've also lost 9 lbs since we ordered my dress and it def. needs to be taken in. HOPEFULLY A LOT MORE!!!:tongue: Great job so far. It'l look great!! Keep up the good work
  • kimd983
    kimd983 Posts: 39
    well it realy helps that your dress doesn't fit. when i got my dress (way back in 2004) it was a size 12 and i was told it could be altered to my size . (at the time a large 14)

    well, it couldn't be altered. so what motivation to get thin!!!

    I did it.....lost 30 lbs for my wedding! got married and gained it all back.

    SO, my advice to you would be lose the weight for yourself? not your wedding!

    becuase if lost for the wrong reasons, you will put it all back plus some.

    Congrats on your engagement. I think being engaged is a wonderful diet pill!!!!! :) it was for meeeeeee

    I keep telling my husband, that i need to get married again to motivate me to get thin again! I was a 12 jeans! i was so proud of me. then i wetn on my honeymoon !!!!! HAHAHAH gained 6 lbs on my honeymoon...then got preganant 5 weeks after the wedding!!!! still trying to lose that baby weight! my son is now almost 13. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

  • kkurz
    kkurz Posts: 20
    we bought our wedding bands over the weekend... and had a little insight on just how much the wedding is only an added motivator... i've been consciously trying to lose weight since high school...

    my ring finger used to be a size 9 in high school. the jeweler almost dropped her jaw too far with that one... now it's comfortably between a 6.5 and a 7... but it was then that i realized how long i've been doing this "weight loss thing". I lost 15 pounds in college (reversal of the freshman 15) but then gained it all back and more...

    this wedding though is one motivator that i think will help me keep the weight off... i've already lost a total of 40 pounds over the past year... and i think the progression of doing 1 - 2 pounds a week is the healthiest way to go to ensure that the weight will stay off...

    because you're conditioning your body for smaller portions and healthier foods. i can't even cheat on greasy foods anymore cause it literally makes my body ill.

    so I think we all can keep this up and not just stop at our wedding days... but be healthier over all and continue that into the rest of our lives (with our new spouses and eventually maybe children)

  • brfortu
    brfortu Posts: 27 Member
    I didn't see the challenge but it just so happens that I did 200 crunches yesterday! Woohoo!!
  • brfortu
    brfortu Posts: 27 Member
    So today I hit the 135 mark (down 10 lbs) YAY!! And I put on a pair of size 7 jeans that haven't fit me in a long time and they LOOKED GREAT! SO cute....

    I didn't go to the gym today, I was swamped with meetings at school. I was due for a day of recovery considering I went to the gym 6 days last week. Sometimes I have to force myself to take a break.

    I get fitted for my Bridesmaid dress in 6 weeks! I put the dress on my profile... it's beautimus!
  • ainslieelizabeth
    Hey there to all you gorgeous brides, mothers, friedns and anyone else on the forum! I was recently clued into MFP by a friend of mine. I am very excited about this. I am getting married September 27, 2008 and would like to several inches. I figure I owe it to myself to look and feel my best for my big day!Here goes!!!
  • ainslieelizabeth
    Hey there to all you gorgeous brides, mothers, friedns and anyone else on the forum! I was recently clued into MFP by a friend of mine. I am very excited about this. I am getting married September 27, 2008 and would like to several inches. I figure I owe it to myself to look and feel my best for my big day!Here goes!!!
  • ksukaro
    ksukaro Posts: 29
    Hi, I am so excited to see this board, this is the reason that I joined the sight, my date is October 4th, but I lose weight slowly so I am getting started now!
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Hey there everyone :flowerforyou:

    So I'm getting married on April 18th & wow is it coming up fast!!! Just a month & a week now. I'm trying not to get stressed out because I gain weight when I'm stressed out.

    One of my bridesmaids actually turned me onto this site & so far I love it! We're motivating each other to do better, kind of like each other's personal cheerleader (minus the outfits).

    I'm afraid I won't meet my goal...BUT THAT IS OK! I have decided that my goal is the lifestyle change & the overall weight loss, not just for the wedding. I'm the heaviest I've ever been & that bothers me, so its time for change!

    I'm actually marrying into the military, so of course that makes things just that much harder. I've moved to a place where I know almost NO ONE & it's really hard to meet people. It's a tourist city, so of course most people aren't going to be around very long. I found that I've been lacking motivation because I prefer to be outside DOING SOMETHING instead of just working out. I don't like going to the gym since I'm so self conscious, so I work out at home & just try to find things to do outside when I can.

    I will admit, I have gotten into one good habit. I used to never watch TV, but not having people around here has made being social quite difficult. However, the good part is, while I sit there & watch TV, I do weights & sit ups & (attempt) push ups. My arms are getting stronger & that makes me happy.

    I've already lost 8 pounds, but I have QUITE A WAYS TO GO. But you've got to start somewhere! I'm really doing this for me more than anything. I want to get fit & healthy. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family & I don't want to increase my risk by being overweight any longer.

    Best of luck to everyone!!! And congratulations!!! :drinker:
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Hey All,

    So, David's bridal called yesterday and my dress is FINALLY in! :happy: So, I think I'll try to swing across the border to get it next week sometime, maybe the weekend. I don't know how much time that leaves for alterations. :ohwell: But on the other hand, I've only lost 9 lbs since I bought the dress, so I don't know how much smaller I'll actually be. I'm nervous to try the dress on. :indifferent:

    YOU ARE GOING TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!!! I can't wait to see you in it!!!

    For all of you who don't know, this dress is for MY wedding! Yay!!!
  • kkurz
    kkurz Posts: 20
    today is our weigh in day here at work... dropped 1 more pound... but even better than that is the fact that I didn't gain back any of the weight i lost while on the flu!!! (everyone kept saying to expect to gain some back - but i refuse!!!!! )

    i also went grocery shopping (while hungry - bad idea) yesterday... but although i bought more than i would for my fiance and me... its all healthy. half of our grocery bills are fruits and veggies... so aside from the pounds lost... this really is a lifestyle.

    my fiance, Carl, even mentioned looking in our fridge while putting the food away at how freaking healthy we eat... (aside from the girl scout cookies in the freezer)
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Ok, I'm pretty discouraged & crabby today. I went to get a massage yesterday to kind of treat myself since my back had been hurting & there has been a little stress getting to me from the wedding plans. I went for the first time since I moved here & it's a new place. A friend of mine is a member there & loves it! She goes once a month! So what the heck, if she goes once a month, then it could be a good thing to try it, right? :huh:

    WRONG!!! It was the worst massage I've ever gotten in my life. The guy was real hard & although I told him to go softer, I don't think he really did. I thought he was just working out the knots since I'm not exactly sensitive to much pain. I was slightly sore from the massage, but felt like it was a good sore, like it was going to get better.... However, I half woke up in the middle of the night, after tossing & turning, to my fiance coming home from night shift at work & I could barely move. My back is so incredibly sore & I can barely move. Couldn't find any way to get comfortable to get back to sleep. Then my fiance looks at my back & noticed that I have a softball-size bruise in the middle of my lower back & one about the size of a kidney a bit higher. :explode: No wonder I'm in pain! At work today I went into the bathroom to wash my hands & noticed a bruise (like a thumbprint) on my neck. You'd think I had the wind kicked out of me from the bruises! :noway:

    I'm so upset & miserable today. I called up & they can't refund the money (since it's a service, not products) but they're giving me a free massage. I talked to the manager & he is going to personally pick out a more experienced & better suit massage therapist for me. I'll give them a shot. If it makes my back worse again, I just might throw a lawsuit at them! The manager was incredibly apologetic, but that doesn't make the bruises or tension/soreness go away. :grumble:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi everyone. It's not my wedding, it's my sister in laws July 12th. And I'm the only one in the family not wearing "wedding attire" All the men (who aren't even in the wedding have to wear tuxes) and my 2 other sister in laws are IN the wedding, then there are the parents (obviously wearing gowns/tuxes) and the bride and groom. Who's left? ME!! Last time I saw that side of the family was at my wedding almost 10 years and 2 very big babies ago! I DO NOT want them to see me the way I am right now. I lost alot of weight for my wedding and would like to be even less than that. Which would be about 20-30 pounds that have to go bye bye! I also have a 20 year reunion (where the ol' boyfriend will be coming), my summer vacation at the end of June and a Disney trip in October. I have a lot of inspiration! I also posted my goals all over the house. Bathroom mirror, on my computer screen, on the fridge to remind me. But... I haven't lost a pound in 3 weeks. I started at 194 on Jan. 2nd. I've lost 18 so far! I'm at 176. I think I was around 167ish at my own wedding and would like to be 150 for hers. (and by the way, in case you were wondering... I don't like her, hehe) and would really like to stick it to her! And I already bought my dress (a size 10) that will stick out like a sore thumb in her pictures! LOL, so evil!
  • krnelso
    krnelso Posts: 21
    Hi everyone. It's not my wedding, it's my sister in laws July 12th. And I'm the only one in the family not wearing "wedding attire" All the men (who aren't even in the wedding have to wear tuxes) and my 2 other sister in laws are IN the wedding, then there are the parents (obviously wearing gowns/tuxes) and the bride and groom. Who's left? ME!! Last time I saw that side of the family was at my wedding almost 10 years and 2 very big babies ago! I DO NOT want them to see me the way I am right now. I lost alot of weight for my wedding and would like to be even less than that. Which would be about 20-30 pounds that have to go bye bye! I also have a 20 year reunion (where the ol' boyfriend will be coming), my summer vacation at the end of June and a Disney trip in October. I have a lot of inspiration! I also posted my goals all over the house. Bathroom mirror, on my computer screen, on the fridge to remind me. But... I haven't lost a pound in 3 weeks. I started at 194 on Jan. 2nd. I've lost 18 so far! I'm at 176. I think I was around 167ish at my own wedding and would like to be 150 for hers. (and by the way, in case you were wondering... I don't like her, hehe) and would really like to stick it to her! And I already bought my dress (a size 10) that will stick out like a sore thumb in her pictures! LOL, so evil!


    That is TOO funny! I hope you make your goal because sometimes the best motivation is pissing others off!!! :laugh: Great job at how much weight you've lost. My suggestion to help lose weight is to either eat a little more & work out a little more or change up your routine so your body isn't "bored" or in starvation mode. You need to keep your metabolism racing! Best of luck with all of it, I'd love to see the dress!!! :drinker:

  • bride2be
    bride2be Posts: 6
    Hello everybody! My wedding is in May of 2009, I would like to get down to between 140 and 145, I feel like I have a lot of time, but I also feel like time is flying by! I could use a lot of motivation to continue my adventure!
  • mystery7707
    mystery7707 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey there everyone :flowerforyou:

    So I'm getting married on April 18th & wow is it coming up fast!!! Just a month & a week now. I'm trying not to get stressed out because I gain weight when I'm stressed out.

    One of my bridesmaids actually turned me onto this site & so far I love it! We're motivating each other to do better, kind of like each other's personal cheerleader (minus the outfits).

    I'm afraid I won't meet my goal...BUT THAT IS OK! I have decided that my goal is the lifestyle change & the overall weight loss, not just for the wedding. I'm the heaviest I've ever been & that bothers me, so its time for change!

    I'm actually marrying into the military, so of course that makes things just that much harder. I've moved to a place where I know almost NO ONE & it's really hard to meet people. It's a tourist city, so of course most people aren't going to be around very long. I found that I've been lacking motivation because I prefer to be outside DOING SOMETHING instead of just working out. I don't like going to the gym since I'm so self conscious, so I work out at home & just try to find things to do outside when I can.

    I will admit, I have gotten into one good habit. I used to never watch TV, but not having people around here has made being social quite difficult. However, the good part is, while I sit there & watch TV, I do weights & sit ups & (attempt) push ups. My arms are getting stronger & that makes me happy.

    I've already lost 8 pounds, but I have QUITE A WAYS TO GO. But you've got to start somewhere! I'm really doing this for me more than anything. I want to get fit & healthy. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family & I don't want to increase my risk by being overweight any longer.

    Best of luck to everyone!!! And congratulations!!! :drinker:

    speak for yourself about the outfit, haha, just kidding :laugh:
  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    I am kinda lost on this long board... Did we have a challenge this week?

    I made an appointment with David's Bridal to try on wedding dresses this coming tuesday. It is just going to be me and my mom. I am really excited!