Weddings and Weight Loss



  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I just uploaded my picture finally. I chose to put up a picture of the dress I have to wear for my girlfriends wedding in July....what do ya think?

    It kind of looks like a wedding dress....
  • coreysmommy2005
    The dress is beautiful!!!
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    OK, so I attended my friend's wedding this weekend and let me tell you I am exhausted! But everything turned out beautifully and she and her new husband are on their way to Africa for their homeymoon.
    And in better news, I wasn't 100% perfect on the diet, but I did do very well. And I didn't gain any weight!!
  • JPRexRun
    JPRexRun Posts: 27 Member
    Wedding - July 11, 2008

    My fiance has already lost 10+ lbs on this site - I'm trying to get down 10 by July, but have been stuck at the same number for 3 weeks now. I work out every day - cardio for at least an hour, two hours on the weekends, I'm training for marathon #2, and rarely go above my allotted calories per day. I drink at least two Nalgenes a day (32 oz each), in addition to a 1.5L bottle at the gym. I have green tea every morning, oatmeal and yogurt, 5 small meals, I've cut out caffeine completely (I used to have a venti every day and diet soda in the afternoon), but I haven't seen any results past the initial 2-3lbs! HELP!
  • jammergirl99
    Wedding - July 11, 2008

    My fiance has already lost 10+ lbs on this site - I'm trying to get down 10 by July, but have been stuck at the same number for 3 weeks now. I work out every day - cardio for at least an hour, two hours on the weekends, I'm training for marathon #2, and rarely go above my allotted calories per day. I drink at least two Nalgenes a day (32 oz each), in addition to a 1.5L bottle at the gym. I have green tea every morning, oatmeal and yogurt, 5 small meals, I've cut out caffeine completely (I used to have a venti every day and diet soda in the afternoon), but I haven't seen any results past the initial 2-3lbs! HELP!

    Welcome! I just wanted to ask if you are doing any weight training?
  • jammergirl99
    Hi all,

    sorry I've been super busy with school and didn't notice the challenges. But I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the next ones I guess. Also, I'll try to get the image of my bridesmaid dress, it's pretty :) I can't wait til I actually get it, how motivating that will be!!!

    Also, I think as of a couple of days ago, I was down 9lbs.... slowly moving down. Anyone know how many sizes down a dress can be altered? there is some boning in the dress and some rouching on the side. Thanks!

    Congrats on being down by 9 lbs! Way to go! What size is the dress now? What size do you anticipate you will be?
  • JPRexRun
    JPRexRun Posts: 27 Member
    I bought "Buff Brides" and am doing that (3x week for 30" each) in addition to the weight training for the marathon.

    It's so frustrating!
  • jammergirl99
    Hey all... i try to get my water in... i have tea and such all the time (i was told on a previous site that you can count that water in it... cool)...

    but none of that matters now... sorry i've been MIA! I actually contacted the flu or something last week. missed 3 days off work and ended up at the Er so dehydrated and low on nutrients that i got some fluids pushed (i guess thats ONE way of getting your liquid! LOL)

    it's all good now. i'm feeling better... haven't attempted anything diet related because i just want to get better...

    but hopefully i can get myself back in the game soon!!

    and i will say that all this coughing is totally working my abs!

    Wow that really sucks! I am SO sorry to hear this. I am glad you are feeling better now and I agree that you should take it easy on your diet goals. Make sure you stay hydrated and try to eat somewhat healthily until you are fully recovered. The last thing you need is to put your body under more stress right now. Take care and feel better soon! I wonder how many calories coughing burns? :laugh:
  • jammergirl99
    jac214, :flowerforyou:

    Have you tried eating more or less than your daily calories? Sometimes, you have to change it up to give your body a jumpstart. What are you sticking to now? Without knowing makes it hard to give advice, but if you are only eating 1200 cal/daily your body needs more food to increase your metabolism thus resulting in more weight loss. Also, what you are eating may be affecting your stable weight. Make sure you are getting enough protein.

    Just some thoughts,
  • jammergirl99
    OK, so I attended my friend's wedding this weekend and let me tell you I am exhausted! But everything turned out beautifully and she and her new husband are on their way to Africa for their homeymoon.
    And in better news, I wasn't 100% perfect on the diet, but I did do very well. And I didn't gain any weight!!

    Welcome back Moidyn! Tell us all the details :)
  • jammergirl99
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    To help you find challenges, I am going to start using the five heart sequence above when I post a challenge. Last week's challenge, to drink at least 64 oz a day, was well, :grumble: not much of a challenge. Only a few people really participated and I think BAUEKEL takes the gold. Congrats!

    Challenge #2 Week of March 3-9

    Post an exercise challenge to the group. Please include directions or a link to a website that shows the exercise. Post again, when you complete the challenge. You may post and complete as many challenges as you like.

    I challenge all of you to do 50 crunches today. Lie with your back on the floor. Your knees should be bent facing the ceiling. Take your arms and either cross your chest or place them behind your head. Lift your head to your chest using your adominal muscles. Lower your head back down but don't touch the floor. or copy paste this link into your web browser: Repeat 49 more times. - in one post
    I completed the 50 crunches challenge. - in another post.

    Get 5 points for each challenge you post.
    Get 10 points for each challenge you complete. (Must post that you have completed the challenge to earn the points.)

    This challenge begins immediately and ends Sunday, March 9th.

    To a fit and healthy life,
    Jess :drinker:
  • JPRexRun
    JPRexRun Posts: 27 Member
    My goal was 1,290 when I wanted to lose 1.5/week. I just changed it and my goal intake is 1,490. I work out and burn 500 calories a day on average - at 5am! (When I burn more than that - i.e. 1200 on a long run - I almost always eat them back because I'm so hungry!)

    Here's my average day's food:

    8am - Activia Light yogurt and a cup of green tea with 1tsp honey
    10am - Weight Control oatmeal with 100g of fresh strawberries
    noon - turkey sandwich on WW bread, light mayo, veggie slice (cheese-like), slice of onion and some cilantro, ruffles light chips, an apple - sometimes a sugar free jello pudding snack if I'm really hungry
    3pm - yogurt, pear and all bran buds (sometimes a fiber one bar)
    6/7pm - dinner, usually a boca burger and oven fries with some mini carrots or corn

    What's are your daily routines?
  • mystery7707
    mystery7707 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all,

    sorry I've been super busy with school and didn't notice the challenges. But I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the next ones I guess. Also, I'll try to get the image of my bridesmaid dress, it's pretty :) I can't wait til I actually get it, how motivating that will be!!!

    Also, I think as of a couple of days ago, I was down 9lbs.... slowly moving down. Anyone know how many sizes down a dress can be altered? there is some boning in the dress and some rouching on the side. Thanks!

    Congrats on being down by 9 lbs! Way to go! What size is the dress now? What size do you anticipate you will be?

    Thanks! the dress size that I ordered was a david's bridal 16... I was in between... the 16 was a little loose and the 14 was snug, so I went with the 16. But that was also 9 lbs ago, and hopefully more by the wedding, Apr. 18. I dunno, every time I think about it I should've gone with the 14! But oh well, such is life.
  • jammergirl99

    I also bought my dress from David's. It is a 16 as well. It barely fit at the store and I explained to them much like most of us brides-to-be do that I anticipated dropping several dress sizes by the time of my wedding which is in fall of 2009 and I needed reassurance that they would be able to alter it accordingly. They assured me that it would be no problem for them to take the dress in, regardless of size. The charge is per layer. However, it would be much more difficult for them to take the dress out, so you shouldn't have a problem there. :wink: Also, they mentioned that since it is a David's dress, they have the original dress patterns which make it easier to take in or out. So, if you take it to David's (they suggested 3 months before your wedding for a fitting) you should be just fine.

    Just my two cents! Jess :flowerforyou:
  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    My challenge is to do the "Butt Blaster" routine listed here. I know I sure have enough BUTT to spare! :laugh:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    hey all. My wedding is June 01, 2008. I have already lost 22 lbs. Got off track with all this wedding stuff going on but i really want to get back on the wheel and lose another 15 lbs.

    Wish me luck. I needed this bit of motivation.

    Have a great one!
    On my birthday!!


    My birthday, too! :laugh: You picked a great day - congratulations! Good luck - planning for a wedding can be crazy. Don't forget to take a few moments for yourself every now and then - you can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    OK, so I attended my friend's wedding this weekend and let me tell you I am exhausted! But everything turned out beautifully and she and her new husband are on their way to Africa for their homeymoon.
    And in better news, I wasn't 100% perfect on the diet, but I did do very well. And I didn't gain any weight!!

    Congrats! I have to ask - where in Africa are they going on their honeymoon? I spent a semester in Ghana (West Africa) in college... :smile:
  • kkurz
    kkurz Posts: 20
    wow... apparently the flu is the magic diet genie that can break you out of a plateau! lost 5 pounds over the past week bringing me currently to 165... and only at least 15 - 20 more to go!

    ---my david's dress is a size 14. it's corseted and they told me that i could have gotten the 12, but because it's corseted, it gives more and even if i kept losing they would just tie it a little tighter.

    i had my fitting 3 weeks ago after it arrived in the store... looks gorgeous. they have it now for alterations...

    but how it looked on me... those 15 pounds lost will just add to the gorgeousness of it!
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    just a thought on all this...

    a year before i got married, i decided i was going to lose like 40 pounds. well, that didn't happen, i lost about 10. but i did drop two dress sizes (muscle weighs more than fat?).

    i wasn't skinny on my wedding day, but i was fit and HAPPY! that's the most important thing. don't focus on having the perfect weight/body/size for your... remember why you're getting married in the first place. i love my wedding photos because they remind me of happy i was on that day, and how lucky i am to have such a wonderful hubby!

    be healthy!
  • mystery7707
    mystery7707 Posts: 25 Member

    I also bought my dress from David's. It is a 16 as well. It barely fit at the store and I explained to them much like most of us brides-to-be do that I anticipated dropping several dress sizes by the time of my wedding which is in fall of 2009 and I needed reassurance that they would be able to alter it accordingly. They assured me that it would be no problem for them to take the dress in, regardless of size. The charge is per layer. However, it would be much more difficult for them to take the dress out, so you shouldn't have a problem there. :wink: Also, they mentioned that since it is a David's dress, they have the original dress patterns which make it easier to take in or out. So, if you take it to David's (they suggested 3 months before your wedding for a fitting) you should be just fine.

    Just my two cents! Jess :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, I haven't gotten my dress yet so I don't know if I'll have time to have them alter it, especially since I live in Canada and have to cross the border to get there :smile:

    We'll just have to see... i know a few seamstresses, so hopefully it won't be a big issue.