

  • I had bought this dress back in December and I hadn't been able to fit into it or even get it up over my hips..but tried it on today and It fit really good and zipped up in the back...Was a really great feeling! Even though I have lost 71 pounds I still don't feel like i have lost anything to where someone else would…
  • You are only human! I think sometimes we put high expectations of ourselves out there! It's ok to gain weight! Just get back on the wagon and you will be ok!
  • My goal weight is anywhere between 200-250. I am not really dead set on a number more about how i feel!
  • Hi! I am Jessica. I am 31 years old, 5'9 and my highest weight was 401 I now weigh 350! Feel free to add me as a friend! You can do it!
  • Feel free to add me as a friend! I am 5'9 and my starting weight or the heaviest i have been was 401 now i am down to 350. I want to get down to 200..I don't want to be skinny, skinny...I still wanna keep my curves!
  • Welcome feel free to add me and anyone else can add me too!
  • I love swimming and doing anything in the water. I have a bathing suit which i do wear sometimes, but most of the time i just wear my bathing suit bottoms and then i just wear a tank top. Way more comfortable for me!
  • I am hoping to lose 50 pounds by the time christmas gets here! I know it is a long shot, but i think i can do it! LOL
  • Southeast Texas, USA!
  • My plan is pretty much eat whatever i want but in portion control size and not every day. I try to eat about half of my meal, No snacking during the day, Drink lots of water, No soda, and don't eat after 7 pm... So far i have had pretty good success!
  • You name it! I love everything! But It has been really hard for me to cut out my chips! I just love to snack on them and I love the salty taste! But I try to compromise by getting Baked chips or Kettle Chips. It is a struggle every day, But i just think of good i feel with the weight I have lost and want to continue that.
  • We haven't started it yet. I was just asking to see how people would respond to it. Hopefully if enough people want to do it maybe we could start at the first of the year. Since Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner
  • No getting on the scale at all!
  • I have read that you are really only suppose to weigh yourself like one a week. But i have been weighing everyday. But i am probably going to go to once a week.
  • I know what you mean! 401 was my highest and i am down to 380. I can't stand for a long time cause sometimes i have nerve problems in my leg which causes me to not be able to stand or walk for a long time cause sometimes my foot goes numb! Which i hate! Cause i love to go and do everthing! I am hoping that with me losing…
  • I think everyone is different! Some people their skin bounces back and some people it is a little bit harder. I have never heard of that thing you are talking about. But $200 seems like a lot to me!
  • I have some jeans in my closet that have been too tight for me to wear. But i am kind of scared to try them on. I mean i have lost 20 pounds but I really don't see a difference! I just don't want to be disappointed if i try them on and then they don't fit!
  • Oh i will have to see if i can find that lotion. I have around 15 or a little more tattoos! So, i want them to still look good when i lose my weight!
  • Oh yes! I do get jealous only cause i have so much to lose. Like i just lost 20 pounds and i can't even tell i lost any! :( But all we can do is keep on and we WILL see the results!
  • Hi, My name is Jessica and i live in Texas! I have been a member of MFP for about a year and haven't really gotten into it, til recently. I have tried almost every kind of thing to lose weight! But it wasn't til recently that i decided i really needed to do something about it. As long as we motivate each other, we can do…
  • Hello from another Texan! Yea, we are bringing a Yankee over to our Rebel side! haha! Thanks for Joining our Group and We can lose the weight!
  • Well where i live we really don't have a winter. But i do alot of the Dance games, good for when you don't wanna leave the house or go outside.
  • I have started a Group for us! Just go to Groups and it is listed as 300-400 Pound Club and Join
  • I know how you feel! I have seen pictures of me, that people of taken. I am just like....Really, Jessica! Get it together! But it also motivates me too! I stopped drinking Soda and only drink Tea and Water and i lost like 15 pounds, just from that! Who is your favorite Wrestler?
  • WOW! that is amaz-balls! Congrats on the weight lost!
  • I totally get what all of y'all are saying! I know when i first say how much i weight. I got so depressed! I was like how can this be! But then i realized that me being depressed isn't going to help the situation! Just in the 18 pounds i have lost, i have seen the results in inches. I have lost i think 21 inches since May!…
  • I don't think it is about how many pounds you lose, rather than how many Inches you lose. I have noticed that i lose more Inches than Pounds
  • I totally agree! It can be so overwhelming. But i just take it day by day and try to not think about the big picture! LOL
  • I am 5'9 and it said that i should weight 125-140. But i have a large frame and i have never been skinny and to me, that would make me lose my curves that i love! So i am going for 160 or around there. I really don't care about the number as long as i look good and feel good!
  • Hey! I know how you feel ! I need to lose 200 pounds too! All you can do is take one day at a time and don't look at the big picture, make little goals for yourself each month! It will go by so much faster like that!