Minidom109 Member


  • I am having a few niggling issues. I do a phyical job for about 5 hrs a day, but the Garmin amkes no allowance for this. Is there a way round this to get a more accurate reading. If so how to I imput chamabermaid>house keeper into either MFP or GC
  • Mutual support is a great aim!
  • I am also a fitbit newby, and want to get most accurate record of how many calories I am burning. I record my exercise class (eg zumba or kettlebell) on MFP but I am worried the calories burned are being counted twice. Should I remove the fitbit before exercise class? Or is the sync intelligent enough to know which steps…
  • Hi, I'm Mini, I lost 40lb a just over a year ago, put 6lb of it back on, but really want to lose the rest of my excess weight. I have 40lbs to go. Two weeks ago I bought a fitbit, and joined MFP. I have consistently been under calories (except one day) but have not lost weight yet. Just decided to up my minimum steps to…
    in Hello! Comment by Minidom109 June 2013