

  • I agree!! The more the merrier!! It does help!
  • When I was at WW everyone would be adding up those points to see about a snack food....all I wanted to do was save points for my wine! Hahaha!♥
  • This is an awesome place to start. Remember this is a new way of life...even when you fall....get back up!!!! Congrats on starting!
  • I have a good amount of weight to lose. But I have also found that accountability about what I put into my body ...with my well as getting out there and moving and doing the right things is what's most important to me. The ticker works for some but for me it s more of a hindrance....I get lost in the number…
  • MFP helps you to set your goal....and then just start....start logging everything! And I mean everything....:):):) it's not easy but I am a firm believer writing it out as opposed to rationalizing in your head is the way to go!! Good luck ...and remember a bad moment doesn't mean a bad day just as the bad day doesn't have…
  • I like what everyone has said so far!! This is a journey...start logging it all...I think awareness is the key. I'm just on day has not been perfect but I just keep on keeping on. I'm tired of being my own worse enemy! You...we...can do this.....:)!
  • I am definitely an emotional eater...and a food addict. I understand where you are at. I just started ...rather restarted this journey to be healthier in earnest. I have become adept at self loathing and it's not fair to my husband or son. All the stories, motivation, advice, on these boards is so helpful. And like what…
  • Definitely better with motivating friends!
  • I'm right there!!! I've been a member for awhile as well as using my fitbit....but I was not at all dedicated. I've gained and lost so many times. After this last gaining after loss...well ugh. I've never been heavier. So....I'm on day 3 of my journey to lighten up and really live!!! We can do this...and we need to learn…
  • So new at these do we add people?
  • Hi there!! I'm 44 yrs old....and have just restarted.....again....I have well over 100lbs to lose. I have been playing around with this app so to speak.....and now I want to get was day 1 going to gym before work. I'm soooo tired of gain, lose, gain, lose...etc.....hate seeing people that I haven't seen in…