weightloss buddies? who want to loss more then 50+ lbs

So I'm new to this, I have 2 kids recently had my second one, well I've gained a lot since before I had kids, I used to be 220 and I'm 5'10, to me that was a good weight for me, and I thought I looked good, anyways I'm looking for someone who can help me as I can help them at the same time :) I really want to lose the weight for not just me but for my children!


  • mslovelykj
    mslovelykj Posts: 21 Member
    I need to lose 90 - 100. I can certainly use another buddy to encourage me as I encourage them :-)

    I just sent you a friend request.
  • krystadecay
    krystadecay Posts: 9 Member
    thanks so much! How exactly do I check for friend requests?
  • jhreeskc
    jhreeskc Posts: 1
    Hi I am in the same boat as you; had 2 kids in 18mths (last one was just 3mths ago) and needless to say could loose about 80lbs. Will try to send request, I am new as well :)
  • bejewel1
    bejewel1 Posts: 3 Member

    I too am tall at 5'11. I too used to weigh 220 and felt good in my size 12's. I have gained about a 126 lbs since then and need to start taking it off. I'm 37 and am married with two children. One step daughter and my daughter.

    We could always use more friends!!
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Krysta click on the red number. Appears at the top of the page near your login name you will see a red number beside the grey person icon and/or next to the grey envelope icon. Those red numbers will replace the grey zeroes, indicating how many friend requests or messages you have, which you have not opened or answered. Alternatively go to My Home, I think friend requests appear there as well.
    I have about 72 pounds to lose so I need encouragement and I will send you a friend request as well. It will be tough but we can do this. Thanks!
  • simplyenough
    simplyenough Posts: 12 Member
    Hey ladies! I have gotten off track and recently come back to MFP. I have quite a bit of weight to lose myself. Sending requests!
  • krystadecay
    krystadecay Posts: 9 Member
    I'm hoping to lose about 150 that would get me down to 190 so this is a very very looooooong journey for me, and I have no one to help me here at home so I need a little motivation that's for sure, I had a very horrible relationship with my first sons father, he never let me leave the house and I didn't eat only at nights, which is bad for you so I gained almost 100 lbs then got pregnant and gained 40 so its not a pretty sight ya know
  • I'm in the same boat as well. Have decided enough is enough and am starting back today to take charge of my life.
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I still have more than 50 to lose myself. Anyone is welcome to add me!
  • i want to lose anywhere between 70 and 90 pounds
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose anyone feel free to add meeeee!
  • My name is gloria. I'm 42 & live in Pittsburgh. I started using MFP on September 5, 2013. My starting weight was 275. Today is day 184 & I'm at 192 ( 83 lost ). My goal is 139... 53 to go !!!

    I go to gym daily for 1 to 2 1 / 2 hours. I record everything !!! I gave up all soda on my start day. Last month I gave up all caffeine. The next thing I want to give up is equal. I still have bad days where I can & do eat 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies ...

    I have multiple sclerosis & I need to lose this weight before I have problems walking.

    I post my progress on Facebook weekly. This is a huge incentive to keep losing.

    Good luck to all of us !!!
  • Hello!
    Certainly feel free to add me as well! I have 50 lbs to go and hopefully not after tomorrow! LOL

    I've struggled my entire life with this!
  • We all need the support and motivation. I know I do anyways.. Please feel free to add me!! I have lost 20 so far and still have 100 to go.
  • AJDistel
    AJDistel Posts: 93
    I also have over 100lbs to loose. As a mom of 3 girls, I've had to figure out a plan that works for my schedule. I just started T25 this week. Pretty tough, but definitely feels like it's gonna work. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Hi there!! I'm 44 yrs old....and have just restarted.....again....I have well over 100lbs to lose. I have been playing around with this app so to speak.....and now I want to get serious....today was day 1 going to gym before work. I'm soooo tired of gain, lose, gain, lose...etc.....hate seeing people that I haven't seen in a while because I have no idea how much I weighed when I saw them last. Hahaha......so..I say all that to see if I could have some weight loss buddies too....I feel pretty alone in this journey...I want to help others, and have others help me!! WE can DO this!!!
  • So new at these boards....how do we add people?
  • candai79
    candai79 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose about 90 pounds. I am 34 married with two kids. I have been avoiding cameras and friends and family. I am 5'4 and 225 pounds. I would love to have buddies and encouragement. I will add you all lets work together.:sad:
  • Hi all, I'm 5'4'' and I've got about 55 lbs. I want to loose. could always use more motivation! Feel free to add me:)
  • Feel free to add me ladies I have 50lbs plus to lose