tinkybell16 Member


  • Thanks, I figured this may be the case but always worth asking - I've learnt so much from these boards already!
  • There's a smart phone app ( I got mine on the Google Play Store) called 'motivate me!' its really simple and was designed by someone in a simiar position. There are buttons for 'HELP! I dont want to excercise' and 'HELP! I want to eat junk food' you click on the one you need and it provides quotes or reasons you should…
  • Me too! Lost 3.5 stone with weight watchers and effectively 'got bored' of it. Now trying to think of it more as a lifestyle change and not a diet per say - can't keep attending meetings for the rest of my life. Been on MFP a while but only taking it seriously in the past few weeks and I've lost a few pounds :-) still yet…
  • Lean gammon steak cut into small pieces and boiled egg with a large salad, fat free dressing and a little blue cheese - it being Friday and all!!
  • Homemade pizza? We make the dough from scratch too, end up with some weird shaped pizza once the kids have rolled them out but who cares! Pasta is a great one either with a sauce or cook it, mix with sauce/veg etc then put in an over proof dish and top with cheese for a pasta bake. Stuffed chicken works well in our house…