Exercise for 'back fat'

Hi all

I've lost nearly two stone already through just dieting alone and I'm relatively new to exercise but generally really enjoying it. I've found a weights programme on line i'm doing at home and getting out about 3/4 times a week to run/walk a 4 mile route I've worked out. I'm seeing big imporvements in my shape and fitness already but the 'fat' lump at the top of my back (round my bra strap area and just under my arm) doesn't seem to change!! I've lost so much and I love wearing more fitted clothes but that bit really bothers me. I've getting married next year and my wedding dress is strapless - I really don't want to wear a shrug thing over my beautiful dress :-(

I've got exercises for my upper arms that are working (bench dips etc) but i dont know what exercise/weight lift will work my 'problem area' - any advice would be really appreicated



  • grneyez81
    grneyez81 Posts: 4 Member
    unfortunately you cannot spot reduce fat...you have to just keep doing what you are doing and the fat will eventually come off...doing the strength training will build those muscles and when the fat burns off you'll have some nice shape back there :) Keep up the good work!!!
  • tinkybell16
    tinkybell16 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks, I figured this may be the case but always worth asking - I've learnt so much from these boards already!