

  • lowercase b here! :( sarah5893 I have the same issue, my high waist is 28-29 and my low waist/belly is 35-36 :(
  • Away from the reactions to the post- saw someone mention toast and honey- if you can manage to find it manuka honey is really good... when I had a bug I had it mixed with hot water, it settles your stomach and gives you a bit of a boost xx
  • eurgh, I can't see how that could possibly taste nice! I don't even like cream in my coffee!
  • sip water, get rehydration salts. When feeling up to it start eating bland food and avoid dairy as it can create bacteria. anything lost while sick will come back once eating properly and most will be dehydration. It's not supposed to be for rehydration but I find it helps give me energy when I'm sick- Lucozade. Also ice…
  • I get bloated if I have a lot of salad or fruit in a day, not sure why, my body just prefers vegetables I guess? Cut back on your fruit intake and try to get more of your 5 a day from fibrous veggies and see if it makes a difference? x
  • I have to stop myself from weighing myself! I used to literally do it 5-6 times a day. Then I stopped for about a year and went from underweight to almost overweight (this is now going back like 6 years). Now I try not to if I think I may have a gain for some reason as I know from experience that it demotivates me hugely…
  • re- more control I mean that one WW point is not always the same amount of calories as it's rounded up/down, but a calorie is always a calorie.
  • I see Weightwatchers as basically simplified calorie counting- 1 point is about 40 calories, ish, then they anticipate you'll get about 300 calories from free fruit and veg, bringing you to around 1500 cals/day plus anything you earn, so yes calorie counting can work, if you're prepared to log what you eat and keep track…
  • I would put it as circuit training, it looks like it's the same as 30 day shred. Just be careful to put it down for the amount of time you are doing the exercises (not including warm up and cool down) otherwise you may end up over-estimating on it, on 30 day shred its 3 blocks of 6 mins so I just put 18 mins circuit…
    in Help. Comment by Maddie_Price June 2013