MistynVT Member


  • You look fantastic! Keep up the wonderful job. You are an inspiration!
  • I Love Coconut oil! I do use the refined, organic etc. I use it for cooking, but most people don't realize the health benefits of oil pulling, or using it as your moisturizer--great skin lotion, which also tightens the skin and refines lines, or that you can use it to whiten your teeth. You can also use it in your hair as…
  • Look up oil pulling. i do this and it is amazing! You take about 1 tbs and swish it for about 15-20 min. It pulls bacteria out of your mouth, so it doesn't end up in your gut. it has brightened my smile, and my dentist says it helps prevent cavities, and mouth sores etc as well as the added benefit of naturally whitening…
  • As with Brianaboutin, I am in MIlton, VT as well. You can add me as a friend, as well. :)
  • I have to agree with above statements...it really depends on frame, and how you look and feel. I am 4'10, mom of four and 33 years old. through high school I was very active: worked out in a gym, played soccer, and ice hockey. I weighed 115 lbs and wore a size 0/2. I had solid looking legs, but a figure 8 body. I was…
  • Don't worry about it. I have had to go for the last few years on business, and it is not quite as luxurious as it is proclaimed to be. There are all shapes and sizes. Just be yourself. I speak from experience...same size, and really short on top of that. Wear what makes you feel beautiful. You will see that it is really…
  • I would love to as well, please! perhaps that'll help me get moving, again!
  • i would do what is best for you and your family, and the safety of your children. As to what anybody might think or feel about it, it's not any of their business. :)
  • I am looking for some Vermont friends as well! I live in the Burlington area. If you are interested, please, friend me! Looking for running partners. Would like to run my second 5k--first one doesn't count. ;) I am also doing Turbofire, trying to lose these extra lbs that I have gained in the last 12 years in between…
  • May I join as well? I just did my first WO, today. :) Would love to have some encouraging friends who are in this to win this! Thank you!
  • I love Jillian Michaels, and The Dr"s. I am truly excited about the partnership! If you read up on her outside of the show, she is a normal woman who herself went through the same weight issues as an older teen. She has been there and knows that tough love is what's needed to get beyond just losing a number on the scale.…