
  • I think the Beyonce comment was insensitive to your feelings but have no marital advice since I am on my second marriage. I will say that my first husband was like that and my new husband is nothing at all like that. He is kind, mature, and understands my feelings. He high fives me after a run and always says good job.…
  • So happy for you loosing your moobs!
  • I love the salt idea. put it in there so you won't eat it. She won't eat it anyway. She won't even know how you are resisting it. Another idea: I once read a story about a woman who used visualising to resist tempting foods. She would visualize the food with mold on it. Once that is in your head about the peanut butter,…
  • She is sabotaging you! No doubt about it. I agree with UsedToBeHusky. Label it as hers. Don't worry, she won't eat it in front of you, she doesn't really like it. Use this as a motivation to show her she can't trip you up.
  • Eggs in a muffin tin ahead of time is am great idea! I am trying that one out for sure.
  • Eggs fill me up. Plain Oatmeal works great too. However, if you are not a morning eater, I have recently read that it is actually ok to shift your meals to latter in the day. The Paleo Diet says you can fit your calories into the day between 1 pm and 8 pm. The rest of the time your body benefits from fasting. It will not…
  • I raised my son who is 18 now and I feel your pain. I know the feeling of not wanting to put your child in the gym daycare when your child has already been in daycare all day long. I still feel a twinge of guilt for working before my son was in school but he survived and turned out great. Last year a married a man with 3…