toez79 Member


  • I would just like someone to invent a fitbit type device that also told me how much I ate and exactly how much I burned and start beeping an alarm at me when I start passing the "lose weight" phase of that formula. How hard is that, scientists? ;)
  • Yeah I felt like both numbers were really high! I am heavy right now, so I'm sure that's part of the calculation from MFP. What's your favorite monitor or tracker to get a good estimate of calories burned?
  • It'd be nice if MFP didn't automatically update the #s when you add exercise too. Do you all just not even log exercise in MFP? Like when I put in my workout today, it changed all my fat/protein/carb goal #s too.
  • LOL Yep I do have them switched. THAT MAKES IT A LOT EASIER! I was like how am I realistically supposed to eat all this protein! :) Thank you so much!
  • I would like to try some more straight strength training, but I can only work out at lunch right now and the trainers are doing the body pump classes. I'd like to do some personal training so I might try to change to the afternoon and then be able to do that. I also do like the cardio aspect of body pump that I get!
  • I set my macros to 40/30/30, so it's 2429 calories, 81 fat, 243 protein, and 182 carbs. The protein is really hard to get to!
  • Thanks everyone!! I'm 5'7, 240 lbs and 35 years old. I used the scooby's calculator to get my 15% TDEE of 2429. My first day yesterday had macros that were off - about 100 grams short on protein, so I need to work on that! Of course I had kind of decided halfway through the day to switch to this program, so we'll see how…
  • I did ok this past week. I am hoping to get back on track and lose a good chunk before the holidays. SW: 237.6 CW: 231.6 Total Loss: 6 lbs (2.5%)
  • I eked out a little loss this week but I've definitely had my worst month. But it's summer and vacations, so I'm not too stressed about it. SW: 237.6 CW: 233.6 Total Loss 4 lbs
  • I have a 0 loss for this week again. :( I know the summer is rough because of all the activities and parties, but I need to step it up and be more responsible for no cheating!
  • I had another planned "off" weekend. It sounds bad but we were out of town, up north on the lake, and I didn't have a ton of good choices. And I couldn't get on MFP. But whatever, those are excuses and I will own the issue! :) Now I'll be back on track! I really do want to be at my mini-goal at the end of this challenge!!…
  • Oh and I meant to say that is for US only - I think other countries like the UK use net carbs on their food labels in some capacity.
    in Week one Comment by toez79 August 2014
  • Great job on the loss! For net carbs, you just subtract fiber from the carbohydrate amount. So if there's 10 grams of carbs and 5 grams of fiber, it's 5 net carbs. There's some fancy internet stuff you can do on MFP to make it show up that way, but I just do the math myself and have my diary set up to show carbs and fiber…
    in Week one Comment by toez79 August 2014
  • Sounds like a trend, because I had a really tough week too - we had a family emergency plus I had a planned "carb-y" event Saturday but then continued to eat carbs and even ice cream and cookies on Sunday. It did make me feel crappy, so at least I'm not continuing to be tempted. SW: 237.6 CW: 234 1.5%
  • I really like the fat bombs so you can have just a small treat that seems like candy. I have a silicon mold that makes them really easy into small portions and you can just eat 1 or 2 at a time. Check google or pinterest for a ton of different variations. Sometimes in the afternoon I have a sweets craving (just out of…
  • Most days I eat under 20 grams of net carbs. Once or twice every two weeks I've gone up to 50 net grams on a splurge or a travel incident and still been ok. I try not to do that too often or for two days in a row. I want to stay in ketosis, so i don't think I could get up to 100 net grams because I just don't have the time…
  • I've been looking forward to checking in because I actually had a good loss this weekend! I ate mostly chicken wings lol maybe that had something to do with it. ;) SW: 237.6 CW: 234.4 Loss: 3.2 (1.34%) Thanks again for running this!
  • The Flaming Lips last week at First Avenue in Minneapolis!
  • I'd like to join, thanks for starting it! SW: 237.6 CW: 237.6 GW: 222 (~7%)
  • Yes I agree with more fat! It seems weird, but it's how keto works. And you should eat more fat than protein. You can check out the calculator here: and you might find that you need to get 75% of your calories from fat, 20% from protein and 5% from carbs, or whatever your personal numbers…
    in Struggling Comment by toez79 June 2014
  • Thanks, I will try that! I used Cortizone for a few days and took 3x my normal Omega 3 supplement, and that seems to have helped it a lot. It's still kind of there, but way calmer. So maybe it is heat-related too, or aggravated by heat. I know the long term solution - get to a point where my damn legs don't rub…
    in Keto rash? Comment by toez79 June 2014
  • Feel free to add me. I feel like I am losing slowly too, but just trying to be patient. I haven't gotten on with exercising very well yet. I am doing a ketogenic/Atkins diet though, so my diary might look weird. :)
  • Hmm I haven't noticed more sweat, but I have been more active. Not exercising per se, but I've got 2 small boys so we're always running around and we're outside more. In general, I just want it to go away! I would think a heat rash would have gone away by now.
    in Keto rash? Comment by toez79 June 2014
  • Would love to have more keto friends too! I'm just learning all of it and like to see your progress and menus.
  • I'm definitely going to make some fat bombs tonight. I'm only 2 weeks into "Atkins/Induction" so I hadn't had any nut butters yet. If I get a no-sugar-added almond or peanut butter, it should be ok now? I couldn't find chocolate fat bomb recipes without peanut butter and I really wanted to try a chocolatey one. :)
  • Ok now I'm at 1600 calories, 20 g net carbs, 80 grams protein and 133 grams fat. All right, I'm gonna give it a shot! Thanks again!
  • Oops, posted my last reply before I saw this. That sounds reasonable, I am going to go back and try 80 to start with. Thanks again for your advice, you have a lot of good contributions to this forum and really know your stuff!!!
  • So I think I'm going to adjust my macros to 80/15/5 and set my goals to be 1600 calories, 20 net carbs, 60 g protein and 142 grams of fat. I used the keto calculator website to help with that. Anyone see anything glaringly wrong?
  • Yeah it seems like there's some trial and error with this program! I'm definitely enjoying the program more than any other "diet" I've done before, but I want to get to that sweet spot for me where I'm shedding the pounds. So I really appreciate the forums and everyone's advice!! Using online calculators, I think my LBM is…
  • Thanks, I think that's really good advice! I definitely get off track on the weekends as far as my diary goes. This weekend I had some wine, but otherwise I'm eating 99% of the same stuff as the week (thanks to bulk Costco trips ;)). I usually eat a better breakfast on weekends of bacon and eggs because I have more time. I…