

  • Thanks, a good snack to make:smile:
  • Please send me a copy of your slow cooker pamphlet Thank you aplozano2@aol.com
  • You look great, by reading your story on your weight loss gives me inspiration to go on, I am at a stand still right now, have not lost any weight for the last few weeks, but I have not gained either so that's good, keep up the good work :smile:
  • I am at a plateau also, I lost 8.5 pounds and have not lost any more weight for about a month now. EEEEK! but I will not give up. I have changed my exercises to incorporate more weights and change what I am eating also, but still sticking to the same calorie intake, so hopefully this will kick start the weight loss again.…
  • Hi everyone, I too have been going through menopause since I turned 42, I am now 55 and the weight is very hard to take off. Since the beginning of this year I have take off eight pounds, I joined mfp the beginning of February and it helps alot, but now I seem to stuck, for the last three weeks I have not lost a pound.…
  • What is the thought on isometric exercises. Through out the day. I work in an office and pretty much am sitting at my desk, so i will suck in the stomach for a count of 60 count or more and so on with arms, legs. I still do my thirty minute work out every morning, 15 minute light weight training and 15 minute cardio,…
  • Count me in. The first of this year I started my exercises and been watching what I eat. I joined mfp two weeks ago now and am very glad I did, my friend and co-worker told me about it. Now it makes it even easier to watch exactly what I eat. I have lost six pounds so far, need to loose another 30. I have always had such a…
  • You look great, I have 30 pounds to go. Have always had a hard time loosing weight, but since I started with myfitness pal I actually have lost six pounds so far and really believe I can loose the rest. This site really helps look at what I eat through out the
  • It really depends of what you are eating, I too was walking on my lunch hour about 2 miles and at a brisk walk even up a couple of hills and I did a 30 minute work out in the morning and still did not loose weight and even did gain a couple of pounds, after looking back I see now that I was not eating properly. If you want…
  • Hi I have been married for 38 years and have two great sons and three beautiful grandchildren, two boys and a girl. Over these years I have put on an extra 50 pounds, I was at 115 when I first got married, a little to thin but now I would like to get down to 125. My friend and co-worker let me know about this site, I had…
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