TheLaser Member


  • Hi Ladies! How are you? Robynn seems to have disappeared -hope all is well and she's just busy with her new little one! I've got nothing new here... same old, same old: nausea, acid reflux, a little insomnia, Braxton Hicks... Baby is definitely low down and pressing on my bladder (yay). I'm watching all my mom friends due…
  • Whoo-hooo! That is so exciting! Good luck! I've got the occasional Braxton Hicks, and that's about it.
  • Happy Easter, for those of you who celebrate! How is everyone feeling? Some of you are really close to your due date! I'm eager to hear your updates! No news over here, feeling about the same.
  • Mormonmomma: YAY!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! What a huge relief! I woke up feeling icky, and an hour later I had what I thought was my bloody show this morning. After freaking out and talking to the midwife, I don't think it was actually the bloody show, but it's definitely a sign that things are progressing. I've also had…
  • APRIL AT LAST!!! It's OUR MONTH, Ladies!!!! Mormonmomma.... what's the news? Any luck? My husband bought me some chocolate ice cream, thinking he was doing me a favor. OMG, I was freakin' up ALL NIGHT with acid reflux & constant coughing/peeing. NO MORE CHOCOLATE (or even sweets) for me until after delivery. I cannot take…
  • I had my 36 week appointment yesterday, and I left feeling guilty. They want to do all these extra tests because I am 40 years old: a "nonstress test" and an ultrasound each every other week until I deliver because apparently the placenta in women 40 and over can start to decay earlier than usual. The nonstress tests just…
  • Hi All! I am almost 36 weeks and still feeling better than I have been all pregnancy. Nearly all of the old discomforts are still there, and a new one (hello hip pain) has emerged, but I think the water exercise has made me a changed woman! Or a hormone shift, who knows? Cough is more or less gone (Robynn, I sooo know what…
  • Hi Ladies! Sounds like we are all at the classic final stages: increasingly uncomfortable but also increasingly excited! Robynn, I second the rec for a chiropractor. A friend of mine was having back pain and after a few visits she was feeling perfectly fine again! In envy you two in (possibly) getting away for a…
  • Hey hey all! I was just going to post! I had a tough week last week with some nonstop coughing, but after a breakdown things seemed to have turned a corner on Friday & I've been feeling better than I have the entire pregnancy! Hope it lasts! I've decided to get in regular exercise. This will come at the expense of other…
  • Hey Ladies, I just wanted to share with you that today is the first day I can remember in this pregnancy on which I woke up not feeling utterly miserable. Maybe it's because it's the first day of my Spring break, maybe it's because of the 45 degree weather (a huge change from the frigid temps we've had forever)... whatever…
  • Good for you, Robynn, for sticking to the GD diet! I am sure that is not easy to do! And what a time sink to deal with all of those appts. I hope those offices aren't too far from your house/work. That's funny that you thought the same thing when you saw the ultrasound: I always thought babies kind of all looked the same…
  • Hi Ladies! I just got back from the ultrasound and THE PLACENTA HAS MOVED!!!! I can have a natural birth now! The baby was looking healthy and was head down, too. I also saw the baby's face and my first thought was that it looks just like my present son's! It's weird that, through all that grittiness and movement of the…
  • Hi Ladies! We haven't seen any action here for awhile! My latest update: I'm at 32 weeks, still have a really low mood and no energy. I know that won't change, and I'm just trying to get through each day and remind myself to be positive. Eight weeks seems like so little compared to what I've been through, but still so long…
  • It's been cold and constantly snowing here in the Northeast for a few weeks, but I don't think we've hit -8! We are contending with the breakdown of our public transportation system, ice dams and roof leaks, herculean snow removal tasks, etc. Re: easing labor. I have heard a lot about raspberry leaf tea as a way of easing…
  • Welcome imadorkable! Congrats on your first pregnancy! Re: the ultrasounds -if you're concerned, talk to your practitioner about the value of the ultrasound. How "necessary" is the 4th one? Would it enable your birth team to be prepared for some kind of possible intervention at the birth? A lot of women do get very…
  • Welcome H_Jack! I wish I could say I've only gained 15! You are doing great! Robynn, soo exciting you've got a date! Sorry about the gestational diabetes, though. I have a friend with that and it's been great for her weight, so there is a silver lining. You've def been through a lot lately! Hope things are going better. I…
  • Ha ha ha, but that does sound terrible! I know some remedies work for some women some of the time, but not everything will work for everyone.
  • Mormonmomma -I know what you mean about maternity leave! The bf struggle is daunting, and I struggled with it, too. But we made it to 19.5 months when I had to stop due to pain from the pregnancy. I found it was crucial to have the help of professionals. Are you able to reach out in advance to some resources that could be…
  • Welcome new members! You two are due on the same day! (And I'm due the day after!) I've also got a toddler and I work full-time, plus I feel terrible, so even though I LOVE exercising, right now I am not able to do much. I'm certainly no expert on food prep, but we do somehow end up with all home-cooked meals here. People…
  • 28.5 weeks along. Honestly, no one could pay me enough to go through this again. I am so glad that I do not live in a previous era, because I seriously would have run away to a convent rather than endure pregnancies for my entire child-bearing age range.
  • You do have every right to be unhappy! it must be incredibly difficult knowing that you're starting over just when you feel like you've entered the next stage of life with children. The insomnia is incredibly challenging: I find that it intensifies all the other miserable things I'm feeling. I also feel like the walking…
  • Ruqayyahsmum --that sounds nightmarish. I hope this stage passes quickly for you and you can move on to a more pleasant next stage.
  • Somehow I missed all of these helpful responses! I am now 27 weeks and still not feeling much better. With the first pregnancy, I thought the depression was due to dealing with the huge lifestyle shift (I went from being super athletic and thin to sick, tired, unable to exercise comfortably, gaining over 40 lbs, etc) but…
  • Three!!! Wow! I cannot even imagine it... twins is as far as my imagination can take it, and even that seems crazy. But you are clearly an experienced mother with two other children and you will be able to fall back on that! Congratulations!
  • Me! I totally had different experiences with the nausea across two pregnancies. With my last one, I had the most horrendous taste in my mouth until around 16/17 weeks. I ate carbs and sweets constantly (the two things I had cut out when I started MFP) and gained 14 lbs in 10 weeks, but it was seriously all I could do to…
  • Hi All! I am feeling a lot better these days: getting more sleep has made a HUGE difference. Also, I discovered that fermented foods can really help with my digestive issues (slight nausea and increasing heartburn), so those issues are taken care of. I remember that with the last pregnancy, my energy levels started to pick…
  • A bit of a good news update: we switched some things around with our son's sleep situation, and he started sleeping really well! I got three nights straight of better (still wouldn't call it "good" -pregnancy-insomnia & bathroom wake-ups are ongoing) sleep, and I feel like my mood & my health have improved. I actually have…
  • Hey all! Thanks for the support -I do think I have some form of perinatal depression. I definitely had it with the last pregnancy, and this one is not different. I went to a La Leche League meeting last night and they were very understanding, and even shared their own perinatal depression experiences. It does make me feel…
  • Thanks for the support, ladies. I did actually see a therapist once while I was deep in the throes of nausea and insomnia, but I really felt like that experience just added to my stress levels and wasn't really going to help in the long term. I felt like exercise and some alone time would help more, but the pace of my life…
  • Hey All! 25 weeks today! Feeling crappy as usual! I went to a prenatal yoga class and out of the 20 some women in there, it seems like I was the only one really feeling icky and down about it. I'm trying to stay in blue sky mode but it is really hard. I am so looking forward to having my old, positive personality back in…